Hunting during deer season


Active member
Question for some of you locals and even out of state hunters that hunt ND regularly. What is the pressure like during deer season as far as deer hunters go? I've been hunting SD for almost 30 years and this year we are thinking of trying our luck in ND during our regular early SD trip due to heavy spring/summer rains in the area we hunt. So my question is what's the pressure like on public & plots lands during the first week of the deer season? We are looking to hunt that first week of the deer season and if it's anything like what I have experienced in SD during deer season I would rather keep my distance. I've had more than my fair share of rifle rounds flying over my head and would rather avoid that if at all possible. Just looking for some friendly advice. Thanks gents!
Not sure about S.D. but I found out the hard way to NOT go to Iowa during deer season. We couldn't get permission on places we hunted for years!!
but I found out the hard way to NOT go to Iowa during deer season

I wouldn't even consider pheasant hunting during Minnesota's primary firearms season with the amount of deer hunters in the area I hunt. Not only that, most of land I have persmission to hunt won't allow me out there to hunt pheasants until its over anyways. There's a lot of sketchy hunters out there and the majority of them hunt deer. I'd seriously be worried about my dog getting shot at.
Hello, the opening weekend (starts noon on a Friday) is not a good idea, IMO. This is when you'll see the most pressure on both private and public areas. During the week you'll have some guys out, but the weekends you'll see a lot more folks. You may have luck getting on private land after the opener. Most private landowners same their place for family on the opener BTW.

Public land will be gone thru morning noon and night. If your looking to hunt PLOTS, you'll be driving a lot to find a good one. I hate to say it, but our PLOTS program has a lot to be desired. You'll find them either hayed, grazed or cattle on them. Some are good, but you'll be putting on some miles to find them. WPA's are a good alternative, but non toxic shot only.

Also, if you're hunting birds, blaze orange is not required. But I'd wear it...there are plenty idiots out there.

Hope this helped some and the best of luck on your hunts!

Hello, the opening weekend (starts noon on a Friday) is not a good idea, IMO. This is when you'll see the most pressure on both private and public areas. During the week you'll have some guys out, but the weekends you'll see a lot more folks. You may have luck getting on private land after the opener. Most private landowners same their place for family on the opener BTW.

Public land will be gone thru morning noon and night. If your looking to hunt PLOTS, you'll be driving a lot to find a good one. I hate to say it, but our PLOTS program has a lot to be desired. You'll find them either hayed, grazed or cattle on them. Some are good, but you'll be putting on some miles to find them. WPA's are a good alternative, but non toxic shot only.

Also, if you're hunting birds, blaze orange is not required. But I'd wear it...there are plenty idiots out there.

Hope this helped some and the best of luck on your hunts!

So would you say that by the Wednesday after opener the pressure has died down? I know the weekends are going to be more hectic but if we can get in 3 days of hunting without dealing with the pressure that would make for a far more enjoyable trip. Just curious because MN and IA deer openers I don't hunt just because of the pressure and just chaos that comes with it all. Thanks for the info!
So would you say that by the Wednesday after opener the pressure has died down? I know the weekends are going to be more hectic but if we can get in 3 days of hunting without dealing with the pressure that would make for a far more enjoyable trip. Just curious because MN and IA deer openers I don't hunt just because of the pressure and just chaos that comes with it all. Thanks for the info!
The people where we hunt say flat out not to expect to get access during the deer season.
For years we would not book any hunters during deer season. Now we will book those days but only when they understand that deer season will be going on. No deer hunters will be hunting here, but I am not responsible for my neighbors.
Hell, I live in Iowa and I don't even hunt my own land for pheasants on opening weekend of deer season!
So would you say that by the Wednesday after opener the pressure has died down? I know the weekends are going to be more hectic but if we can get in 3 days of hunting without dealing with the pressure that would make for a far more enjoyable trip. Just curious because MN and IA deer openers I don't hunt just because of the pressure and just chaos that comes with it all. Thanks for the info!
Hi, you should be OK. A lot also depends on where you're going. Some units have fewer tags. In fact they dropped the number of tags this year.

We have a much lower population than MN or IA so fewer hunters

Where will you be going?

Stay well

Hi, you should be OK. A lot also depends on where you're going. Some units have fewer tags. In fact they dropped the number of tags this year.

We have a much lower population than MN or IA so fewer hunters

Where will you be going?

Stay well

We are still a little up in the air but it's looking like NC or NW part of the state. We are going to be staying in our trucks so we will be mobile and able to move daily if needed.
I don't recall a pheasant hunter being shot by a deer hunter but I suppose it's happened. Can't imagine hardly anyone would go without at least a hat and some on the vest. I put an orange vest on the dog too, which I'm more worried about than myself as some road hunter could think it's a coyote and take a pot shot. Common sense doesn't have to be a law.

As far as pressure, if you're hunting during the week I wouldn't worry about it too much. Tag numbers are down over 60% from 15 years ago and you definitely see less people out. If you see a truck parked near somewhere that looks 'deery' you might want to move on and not screw up a hunt. As I mentioned in another thread, most decent public pheasant cover isn't going to hold many deer since it's been hunted daily for a month by that time.
I'm a non resident that has hunted N Dakota for many years straight, many times two to three trips a year. I do not recommend going during their rifle season. Couple reasons- first, obviously the safety piece. Second, you will undoubtedly have less access opportunities, both in the form of occupied public land and restricted private. One thing that hasn't been mentioned is I've seen numerous times where unposted private becomes posted temporarily (like posted signs placed on buckets at entrances). It's clear they only really cared about posting it during rifle either to hunt it themselves or for safety concerns. Lastly, to me, it's just a crummier hunting experience. I go to get away from people in wide open spaces and not to worry what others are doing in each tree row or over each hill. You'll be doing exactly the opposite all week and focusing a lot of energy on staying safe or not screwing other people up.

These are my observations and thought it would be helpful to share.
It is my understanding that many (majority ?) of MN deer hunters shot by another deer hunter occurs within the same hunting party. Often these shooting occur in deer drives. Much of MN deer hunting occurs out of tree stands and while tree stand safety can be an issue, most rifle shots are downward and thus hit the ground before going too far.
Majority of ND deer hunters have shot their deer by the Sunday after the Friday noon opener. ND does not allow party hunting for deer. Each hunter must legally kill their own deer.

I have hunted waterfowl and pheasants in ND during deer rifle season. Rarely saw deer hunters. Now that I think of it we hunted birds all the time in my younger days while growing up in ND. A whole lot more deer permits back then.

That said, access to some rather prime land would certainly be restricted if the landowner has someone with a remaining open deer permit. Much of that land probably is off limits anyways ... they will just say I have family coming for Thanksgiving and am saving the land until then so they may have a successful pheasant hunt.

If you are really lucky some landowners let upland hunters walk property they do not deer hunt in hopes that will push the deer to where they do. A real fact.
Dang, I figured wisconsin would sell more deer tags than MN. Maybe it's because when you get a wisconsin license in a lot of the state you can shoot multiple deer on one license?
Wisconsin sells over 700K deer huntinglicenses, but the one report I saw was that included around 450K deer gun. I did not deep dive into the report or search other data sets so maybe my stats are off ?
Wisconsin has to be up there. There's a reason its called the deer hunting capital of the world, and more trophy caliber bucks have come from that state than any other.

Take a stroll through western Wisconsin and you'll see why.
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