Home Now For CO/KS Opener, But NOT On My Terms!


New member
Had a GREAT humanitarian/missions trip to India during the NE opener & should be in Africa right now till well after the CO/KS opener doing the same thing at one of our brand new start-up orphanages...BUT during the one-week interim period home in between, like a cold slap in the face my 29 yr old son (and lifelong hunting/fishing & baseball buddy) was suddenly diagnosed with stage 3b colon cancer!!! He's been having intense digestive problems since spring but nobody would take him serious at his age, had a colonoscopy last Weds - found total blockage & took multiple biopsies, biopsies were confirmed positive late Fri, surgery on Sat a.m., follow-up pathology report on Tues showed traces of the damned "C"-word in 17 of 24 lymph nodes in the immediate surrounding area & calls for 6 months of chemo...We're keeping the faith, but not quite sure where the road ahead will lead...Needless to say, this has kinda put a damper on my immediate bird-hunting enthusiasm (especially since he was gonna be one of my main sidekicks this yr)!

Don't wanna go poo-pooing or throwing a wet blanket on anybody else's rooster-party - by all means y'all go-go & bust some feathers for me!!! :D But even though there are birds aplenty & looks like the weather's gonna be PERFECT, not sure whether or not I will get out at all this wknd & if so it will def be just a day-trip somewhere very close to home! :(

A LITTLE DAZED/CONFUSED/INDECISIVE: On the one hand, I really need to air things out a bit & a romp thru fields behind the pooch would be good therapy - but on the other hand, not sure I really wanna be all alone right now & I'm in no mood at all for any BS encounters during the opening circus/zoo out there!

I'll get it figured out between now & Sat...Will probably wind up going for a while on Sat at least, if nothing else just to get away from a week of non-stop bad news & hospital confinement...Maybe I'll see one or two of you CO local boys out there! ;)

Funny (well, not so funny really) how quickly things can turn on a dime...Make sure to love the ones you're with for all you're worth while you can! You never really know...

Would greatly appreciate an extra one or two thrown Heavenward if any of you are the prayin kind!!! :thumbsup:
Sorry to hear the news Roger, Sending prayers from the Bleu household!!!

I will be out there in Kansas for a couple days but I fear my dog is coming into season shortly and will have to take her to the Breeders. I will be up for some day trips for sure , except the 1st weekend of Dec. Last chance elk if you know what I mean!!!
Very sorry to hear that Sir! Best wishes to you and your family. I hope you do find it in you to make it out to the fields.....that's where I do my best thinking and my best rationalization of less than desirable situations.
My hopes and prayers are with you. I have a 42 year old cousin fighting the good,and brave fight with stage 4 ovarian cancer. Two years in and still fighting, 4 year old son keeps her going. Some amazing things can be done now. There are quite a few cancer blog support groups for specific kinds of cancers, they have been a lot of use to her both for information on treatment, and emotional support from people who are experiencing the same thing. I'll also tell you it is my belief, that she would not be here, if were not for getting to MD Anderson in Houston. If his insurance allows it, you might consider the effort. Way more advanced, and cutting edge, it's all they do! He hopefully has a long life ahead of him, being a hunter, he's game for the fight, and that is the kind of patient they look for. All the best, ironically my cousin was diagnosed out of the blue on Thanksgiving, must be something about the time of year. All the best, hope read a cancer survivor story someday.
You have our thoughts and prayers, my aunt just finished her battle with breast cancer, and now my uncle was diagnosed with some sort of cancer in his nasal passages.
Man, what a bummer.
My old man had part of a lung removed in February after getting diagnosed with lung cancer. A day after he was diagnosed, found out my uncle had bladder cancer.
I have known more people to get cancer this year than any other year.
Is it just me or has 2010 really sucked??

Im not a religious person, my choice, but ill keep up the hope for your son.
Great cancer hospitals in Chicago. Need anything, just ask.
Did i mention 2010 sucks!
Brian G.
It is NEVER easy to receive the news you received and I feel for you and your son and the immediate family. There is some great work and research being done and I hope and pray that he finds the right doctor and treatments SOON. My prayers and thoughts will be with you all. If he is a hunter as you say he is, well I am sure he is a strong person, physically, mentally and religiously. I am sure I spreak for all here, our thoughts are with you. God Bless.
You've been in my prayers since I read of your missions trip some time back. I'll keep the prayer going. And remember...... this storm too will pass.

P.S.--if you don't think you can get out hunting due to a short fuse, hit some walking trails a walk walk walk my friend. It will clear your mind draw you closer to Christ your God. --1pheas4

My buddy and I are heading to SD tomorrow (Friday) morning. We will be praying for your son! I have a 25 year old son...the youngest of our 3 kids. We have had some great times hunting, fishing, and playing baseball. I can only imagine what you are going through. Our thoughts and prayers are with you!
THX a million for all the prayers, happy thoughts & well wishes guys!!! They mean a whole lot & show a real class-act group of guys on this site! :thumbsup:

The hardest part for me as a dad, is I wish it could be me instead of my son - I could deal with that a whole lot better...I'm neither dejected nor in denial, & my faith is still strong!!!

And YES KB & 1pheas4 - walk, walk, walking is huge therapy to me!!! I do hike a lot yr-round here close to home, + God and I have a little inside-joke between us about His giving me such a BIG "secret-closet" to pray in the outdoors!!!

I think I'm ready to put a dog in front of me & a gun in my hand on one of those walks, but it's not quite the same as when my older son Brandon (the one with the cancer) was finally gonna come back over from big-game to a little bird-hunting with me this year! Oh well, my younger dead-eye/crackshot son David may go on opening day with me this wknd, & Brandon may still be able to tromp a little behind the dog with me & bust a few feathers by late-Jan IF things go well AND they put the chemo-port on his non-shooting shoulder! :) :(
My younger brother had colon cancer a few years ago. He is now cancer free, I hope and pray the same for your son.
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My sons are 26 and 30. I can only imagine what you're going through. Hope and prayers for you and yours. Bless you.
Prayers sent from my household. I find the outdoors to be the best place to have a discussion with The Big Guy. A lot of understanding and comfort have been found on days afield. Best of wishes to you and your family.
GOOD NEWS: My son got to go home from the hospital yesterday - doing well from the surgery recuperation end of things - you shoulda seen him, like a racehorse headed for the starting gate to get out of that place!!! :D

BAD NEWS: Didn't make it out rooster-chasin today for the opener!!! :( :mad:
My son Brandon is in good hands between his wife & mama...BUT had elderly-parent caretaking issues arise, unexpected relatives from out of state suddenly show up on the doorstep & a major crisis-intervention counseling situation come up. Reminds me of all the times growing up when my grandad (a pastor, my hunting/fishing mentor & HERO) either had the travel trailer loaded up for deer camp or had just arrived there & had to turn around and come back for a funeral or such. This "always on-call" stuff is some of what we ministers do, besides "just preaching on Sunday"... :)

MORE GOOD NEWS: Don't any of y'all go feelin too sorry for me! I have a once-a-yr NE hunt lined up next Thurs/Fri (Nov 18/19) that is a missions-fundraiser/ministers-fellowship. We have free access to 15-20 LARGE private farms with birds out the wazoo that NO ONE (not even their own pastor) sets foot on the rest of the year unless you happen to be family or a high-$$$ paying hunter. And the farmers wifes lay out big breakfast & lunch spreads for us to boot as we eat/pray/fellowship with their families in between hunting. God willing & the creek don't rise, I'm not missing that one for anything!!! :D
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Very sorry to hear about your Son. My prayers are with you and your family......Bob