Help the Vikings? Heck, what about the Twins!!!


Well-known member
Anybody have any ideas on what would help the Twins? Every aspect of their game sucks. Any what a bunch of wennies. Every time one of them gets a little pain they have to sit out. I think Gardie is getting too soft on them. Time to kick some major league a$$.
At least they get to play the royals about 20 or so games. Thats an easy 17-18 wins every year:mad: Our pitching is like home run derby every night lately.
I'm made they don't play indoors anymore:mad: So I won't go to watch them anymore. I'm not sitting in the hot sun in Aug. I like the AC in the dome:)
Anybody have any ideas on what would help the Twins? Every aspect of their game sucks. Any what a bunch of wennies. Every time one of them gets a little pain they have to sit out. I think Gardie is getting too soft on them. Time to kick some major league a$$.

Trade your catcher to the Rockies!!!!!! Can't believe Iannetta is still playing hitting 178!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cheers:
Ouch, dang! I feel some pain or something, my knee:confused:
I'm not gonna be able to hunt birds come Fall.:rolleyes:

Just joking, but still:confused: these 20 something year olds to lame to play baseball.:eek::eek:

But then I recon, Take the 100 or so azzillion bucks, retire, then DO some serious bird hunting.;)
hey even a blind squirrel............. never mind. Royals 4 Twins 3. At least your GM didn't tell the fan base that he would field a better team if they would draw 2m a year. Un freakin real. For 25 years we have supported these losers as they have lost near a hundred for the last 10 or 12 years. We have the worst pitching staff in baseball, not even close, our #1 would maybe be a #4 on most staffs. I love baseball, played in college, but i would just like us to be competitive with most teams. At least the twins have been in it in sept a few times. I am usually thinking about football by May or first week of June by the latest. But football don't get me started, no playoff wins for dozen or so years.
Just when you think things can't get worse for the Twins, they do. I guess you have to hit bottom before you can go back up.

I think when they get some players healthy again this group will somehow right the ship. I think mentally right now they are putting a lot of pressure on themselves and it is backfiring.
They're gonna come around soon. They just need to get in to a groove.
Edit|: and get everybody healthy. :)
i mean first sweep of the twins. I get sucked in every year. Team has a decent start then the wheels fall off. My wife thinks it is pretty funny, you know, yelling at people that can't hear me. We need to pick up the next 2 series against orioles and A's at home..............
i mean first sweep of the twins. I get sucked in every year. Team has a decent start then the wheels fall off. My wife thinks it is pretty funny, you know, yelling at people that can't hear me. We need to pick up the next 2 series against orioles and A's at home..............

It does seem to happen every year. The Royals are cursed or something.. :eek:
The twins have something going no one in baseball can figure out. But they went from worst to first, and won a world series before, so who knows. They just got a shot in the arm from a no hitter from Lariano (spelling?). First since 99. Might be momentum for them.:confused:
Twins--NO Hitter

The 1st no hitter of the season goes to the twins Liriano.

GO Twons
great no-hitter. I got to watch the last couple innings on tv. I would be happy if royals pitchers could go a game without 2-3 homers.
I don't know what Royals team you guys are watching, but with the exception of the starting pitching, which we all knew was a patchwork deal from the start, ( Bruce Chen as our stopper!!!), the Royals are showing a lot of fight. I'm not real sure I'd swap bullpens with anybody we seen so far, with the exception of Texas. Gordon and Franco playing like real first round draft choices in their 5th year.