Yes, I figured something like that. No this doubt lends to the pompous ridiculing comments and tunneled vision. I expect if you owned and lived on a ranch that's been in your family for generations and you nor your animals could any longer drink the water resource due to nearby fracking operations you might change your tune...but then again maybe not, money has a way of intensely clouding a person's vision.
What I ridicule is the profound lack of thought evident in the skimming of issues for points to push by the environmental(or anti-environment, actually) soldiers....correctly pushed being obviously unimportant compared to the shove in Big Whatever's back.
I reckon that reading the same plucked and pimped info posted as reality on numerous boards in order to spread the artificially-created angst does lead me to occasionally expressing a counter thought based in actual experience and a concern for where the O&G related issues truly reside.....that not being with hydraulic fracturing of a producing zone.
Surface water quality has been an issue for a long time and, as I noted earlier, is a problem with any of these latest Plays.

Much the same problems as shallow water pollution in Iowa from Big Ag which renders "city water" more and more wise in more and more places.
I know...not what you wanted to appears easiest to assume a Them vs. Us mentality or that "Them" really don't care.
Only seeing one side to an issue or only black vs. white is a sign of immaturity....we need to be more mature and therefore wiser with any of these or future threats to air, ground, water and well beyond.
We do not need to separate into Shirts and Skins and play some silly game of ignore those who do not know the handshake.
You easily switch your comments from Pennsylvania to western ranches with the ease discovered by avoiding that which is uncomfortable to realize or inconvenient to accept.
An old story that and a sad one for the lack of solutions it renders available to the problems that evermore come OUR way.
Money can indeed cloud a can eyes made starry from imagining a large green "E" on the chest and a fluttering cape on the back.
The problem is not when enviro younkers post tripe, as blind hogs can always stumble upon an important akern....the problem is when the younkers believe their tripe or shut their eyes to learning.
Personally, I've better things to do these days then play the games of children....the woods are beginning to be littered with fallen leaves.