Dust Cutting After Hunt


Well-known member
After the guns are put away at the end of a day afield, I like a few swigs of good bourbon to cut the dust before heading into town for dinner. Two good ones I've tried recently are Jim Beam black label aged 8 years and Old Grandad 114, a high octane single barrel potation.

What do you cut the dust with? :cheers:
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Diet coke! Or a few years ago after lunch we were all tired and wanting to take a nap. My buddy pulls out one of these energy drinks and says drink this and you will be ready to go. Drank it and hunted all afternoon. Not sure if they are good for you, but in moderation I don't think it is a problem.

Sorry Brit I leave the hard stuff for guys like you that are tougher than me!
Usually all the walking through cover wipes me out by day's-end, but if I still have something left in me I'll take back a couple (bottled) Miller Highlife's. Then it's light's out until morning.
A quality craft IPA is my preference, but if none is available, I'll fall back on some barley water (Bud, Coors, etc.):)

I'll have to bring you a sixer of some Ca IPA. Firestone makes some good brews.:cheers:
Templeton Rye or Birddog- regular or blackberry are my favorite along with a beer or two. But I will consume any quality liquor on the rocks with equal vigor after a hard days hunt- in moderation of course:)
Diet coke! Or a few years ago after lunch we were all tired and wanting to take a nap. My buddy pulls out one of these energy drinks and says drink this and you will be ready to go. Drank it and hunted all afternoon. Not sure if they are good for you, but in moderation I don't think it is a problem.

Sorry Brit I leave the hard stuff for guys like you that are tougher than me!

You don't look like a fella lacking toughness. But I'll let it go. :D
Little nip of Blackberry 'Bird Dog' on-the-rocks, a good malbec or merlot, or some type of craft brew (porter, amber, lager, black, brown or Scottish ale, tripel, thick Belgian wheat, pretty much whatever - except not much of a pilsner or bitter-hops IPA fan) & preferably with a good cigar or pipe, either on the tailgate toasting to a golden prairie sunset & a good day's hunt or after dinner around a firepit or FP at day's end. After being introduced to CO micro-brew heaven, I would much rather just drink water than the standard Coors, Bud, Miller, or PBR... :cheers:
If I'm buying, it'll be scotch. If it's somebody else's bottle, I am exceptionally flexible. :laugh:

But I usually wait until we get to the hotel. After walking all day, one drink is about all it takes to induce a sleep-coma.
Leinenkugal Oct Fest Amber seemed to work fine for Cal and I out on the MT prairie. :cheers: