Dove Hunting


New member
Who's ready to start the season off with doves? The thing is I try to go to Conway Springs, Ks to my uncle's and we see them all over right now but when it comes to start the season they seem to disappear. Why? Anyway can't wait hope they stay around for me to get a couple. There planting Milo around my uncle's so hopefully they leave the stocks up and the doves and what pheasants there are stay around.
My best dove hunting spot got overgrown with trees so I really don't dove hunt much anymore. Being off on weekends puts a real damper on hunting.

When I do hunt them I just go out back and sit by the pond and hope to see one. The lab likes it though, so it's more for her than me.
where did they go

if you want to believe the wildlife guy's, the dove start to migrate is colo. and kans about the first of sept. regardless of the weather, the reason they don't go sooner is cause the last hatch can't fly yet. mild weather will often hold lots of dove till sometime in mid. oct. but most will be gone mid to late sept.. while Kansas has a split late season for dove, don't think I have ever seen them other then one or two pheasant hunting, not counting the one urban type that live in town. so, anyway, that's where they went.
Yes they migrate. Here in Arizona The monsoons dictate when the white wing migrate to mexico. If we have heavy monsoon storms they are gone by sept 1.
The morning dove down here never migrate out of state or at least not all of them, they are here year around.
I found out my BEST dove hunting spot was actually within the city limits. Heck, the landowner never mentioned that when he gave me permission. The police were not laughing either.
We were once standing on the shoulder of a four-lane road, just down from a stoplighted intersection with another four-lane road while my firend was on the phone. He was calling a friend on the police force to find out if the land (where we had permission) was in or out of the city limits. Word came back that all four corners we county, so the coast was clear. We had the best dove I remember in the last 7-8 years. We were 3-400 yards from both roads, so all was safe. A county sheriff deputy pulled over on the shoulder for a few minutes and then left without getting out of his car. I think he made the same call we did.

It was kind of surreal watching rush hour traffic on four lane roads while legally hunting doves.
We were once standing on the shoulder of a four-lane road, just down from a stoplighted intersection with another four-lane road while my firend was on the phone. He was calling a friend on the police force to find out if the land (where we had permission) was in or out of the city limits. Word came back that all four corners we county, so the coast was clear. We had the best dove I remember in the last 7-8 years. We were 3-400 yards from both roads, so all was safe. A county sheriff deputy pulled over on the shoulder for a few minutes and then left without getting out of his car. I think he made the same call we did.

It was kind of surreal watching rush hour traffic on four lane roads while legally hunting doves.

If it was my neighborhood there would be a new branch bank on each corner! Might make ingress a little dicey!
If it was my neighborhood there would be a new branch bank on each corner! Might make ingress a little dicey!

hahaha! Yeah, I can just imagine 4 guys walking through the bank parking lot with shotguns, and the panic that would cause...

I usually go once or twice, and probably will again this year. It's been a long time since I went on a really GOOD dove hunt though.

kinda surprised that there are not more excited dove hunter's on here. I find that the older I get, the more fun it gets. where else can you go for an 1/2 day, shoot a couple boxes of shells, shoot 15 birds, end up with a great meal, exercise the dogs and just get outta town. speaking of that, yesterday landed 8 graylings up in the mtn. they are a hoot on a light fly rod and they hit anything, great way to used up some old moth bitten flies. they run about 10-14"'.

Didn't know they had graylings in Colorado. Must be way up high.

I love dove hunting, but the only way a dove hunt produces a great meal is to go to a restaraunt on the way home...

If you like to eat them, I'll send all of them that I shoot your way.
kinda surprised that there are not more excited dove hunter's on here. I find that the older I get, the more fun it gets. where else can you go for an 1/2 day, shoot a couple boxes of shells, shoot 15 birds, end up with a great meal, exercise the dogs and just get outta town. speaking of that, yesterday landed 8 graylings up in the mtn. they are a hoot on a light fly rod and they hit anything, great way to used up some old moth bitten flies. they run about 10-14"'.


Agreed, dove opener is one of my most anticipated days. Have a group of friends and family that go every year, make a 2 or 3 day trip out of town, kind of a kickoff to the hunting season. Grilled dove in the motel parking lot is one of my favorite meals, plus the dog gets tons of retrieves, it's a win/win.
Didn't know they had graylings in Colorado. Must be way up high.

I love dove hunting, but the only way a dove hunt produces a great meal is to go to a restaraunt on the way home...

If you like to eat them, I'll send all of them that I shoot your way.

too things, ya got no taste, and the grayling are right beside the road and almost nobody fishes for them. just took the one's I caught and am making pickled fish and onions out of them. too bad you you. my best two days catching them total just over 140 fish. a real hoot
I enjoy dove hunting, but its just not to the extent that I like quail and pheasant hunting.

no argument there but surely more fun than staying home and housework, retrieves can be pretty classy but still not on the same level as a nice point, honor an flush with or without the hit

Agreed, dove opener is one of my most anticipated days. Have a group of friends and family that go every year, make a 2 or 3 day trip out of town, kind of a kickoff to the hunting season. Grilled dove in the motel parking lot is one of my favorite meals, plus the dog gets tons of retrieves, it's a win/win.

I'm right there with you, love the dove opener as it's the start of the hunting season. Love taking the kids out in the evenings after school and then fixing them on the grill Saturday afternoons while college football is on TV, pretty hard to beat in my book. I've got some real good dove spots not too far from the house and it's a chance to get outside and shoot again, man I can't wait!
Dove hunting is a great way to kick off the season! Its perfect for the kids. They've bird hunted some of our state's worst years, so they know how to appreciate a "target rich environment". Everyone in our family enjoys eating them too...they gotta be grilled and bacon wrapped never hurt the flavor of anything.
I love that smell of burned gunpowder as the shell ejects on the dove opener. It kicks off the hunting season for me.
I love that smell of burned gunpowder as the shell ejects on the dove opener. It kicks off the hunting season for me.

ya, for the most part we up here grow them in great numbers so that all you yahoo's down there can have really great hunts, we do get a few of them once in awhile though but usually a short hunt most seasons

ya, for the most part we up here grow them in great numbers so that all you yahoo's down there can have really great hunts, we do get a few of them once in awhile though but usually a short hunt most seasons


I forgot to thank you :10sign: