Dogs and Bones


New member
What kinds of bones, if any, do you give to your dog? I've heard so many conflicting things about Pork bones, over cooked bones, raw bones, its hard to seperate fact from fiction. What do you do and what do you avoid and why so?
I never give my dog cooked bones, or poultry bones of any fashion. I buy meat from a local butcher, and they usually have bones for sell which are in "raw" form. The dog seems to manage just fine with those.

I've also taught my dog how to eat a rib with me holding it, but I don't give her the bone because I'm afraid of it splintering.
No bones at all. Advice from good vets, and dental specialists. Paid 600$ for a broken tooth on Lady from one of those cow hoof things from fleet. No more, just ct raw hide chews.

I have been told that rawhides are bad for dogs, especially young dogs. Who knows?

I give my dogs the big beef bones with the flavoring on them but I throw them away as soon as the bones start breaking up.
Everyone can talk with there vets and find out what works for them. My dogs are dogs just like every dog I've ever had and they have all got the occasional chicken leg (without the little pin bone), and steak bone and I've never had a problem. They don't get them all the time, just as a special treat and they are supervised when they have them. Don't take my word on this subject, this is just what I do.
Why be scared of a bone sh#t happens:). Must be a fancy dog thing:D I'd be more scared of a collar then him chewing on a bone. I've heard of dogs hanging them selfs because of a collar. No collars for me unless hunting got have the beeper collar.
No bones at all. Advice from good vets, and dental specialists. Paid 600$ for a broken tooth on Lady from one of those cow hoof things from fleet. No more, just ct raw hide chews.

My female Dakota chipped a canine tooth doing something, but it wasn't eating bones. She seems to get along fine though. I keep thinking it's going to get infected, then I'd have to have it pulled. Hasn't happened yet though! :thumbsup:
I have been told that rawhides are bad for dogs, especially young dogs. Who knows?

I give my dogs the big beef bones with the flavoring on them but I throw them away as soon as the bones start breaking up.

Who told you that.?
CT chews are the ones for brushing, they have the tooth paste in them. This from the dental specialist at Alex Vet.
My dog is far more likely to chip his tooth on a rock, damn dog loves playing with rocks. He can keep himself occupied for hours. I need to break him of that.:mad:
My female Dakota chipped a canine tooth doing something, but it wasn't eating bones. She seems to get along fine though. I keep thinking it's going to get infected, then I'd have to have it pulled. Hasn't happened yet though! :thumbsup:

Mine broke in half, the front face loose floating down in the gum, a molar, she was doing some serious grinding on that dam thing. Had to be cut in 4, and surgery to remove. Pain. Never again.;)
Who told you that.?
CT chews are the ones for brushing, they have the tooth paste in them. This from the dental specialist at Alex Vet.

I can't remember. I think it might have been the breeder I got my red setter from.

It was something about the dog can't digest it or something.
Rawhides- I don't give them. My vet has told me not to, as he has opened up too many dogs filled with undigested rawhides that were causing blockage.

When they are adults, I give turkey necks and chicken wings. They love them. Keeps their teeth clean. The bones are small enough that they will grind them up and mash them. Never had a problem with them.

I will give beef femur bones and that sort of thing. I don't care to give them ribs, but femurs are good.
I've given all of my bird dogs large bones from the local locker plant. I buy a half beef and request the bones (no rib bones, but I'll take just about anything else) w/ meat scrap left on them. I throw em' in the freezer and give em' new bones weekly. I'm not a vet or any kind of professional dog guy so take it for what you will. I've never had a single problem resulting from this practice and the dogs just love to get em'. Helps pass time on rainy days:)

Rawhides......ABSOLUTELY NOT! Mine will choke on them every time and they continue to cause problems beyond the esophogus (sp?). I doubt I'll ever stop giving them the big beef bones though.

GCB, what happened w/ raw meat that makes you feel that way? I give every one of my animals raw meat....always have and probably always will. Hell, I give my kids raw meat sometimes;)
i like to have the athority to take their food back if need be and the laast dog i fed raw meet to wasn't very fond of that idea and so i decided to stop it all together
Yeah, raw meat makes my dogs wild. When we were butchering our last deer we were throwing the dogs a few scraps to them. By the time we were done my jack russell and springer were out right fighting and both had drawn blood on each other. It was fun watching a 16lb Jack Russell whip a 48lb springers a$$! :D
I fed my springers raw venison for awhile about two years ago. They did get kind of goofy about it and got in a fight. They never fight, so I stopped feeding them the raw.
dont get me wrong i do feed meat but i cook it most of the way first they usually get my grilling ideas that go bad