Death of a dream, farm houses in the heartland PBS

Our Roscoe-Hosmer camp has kind of a neat story.

The owners both grew up in Hosmer. They are in their late 60's now. They both went to school there and the wife eventually ended up teaching school in Hosmer.

After looking at several different lodging options for their camp they decided to buy the Hosmer elementary school that was for sale at the time and turned the school into a hunting lodge for UGUIDE Pheasant hunters. Needless to say the hunters LOVE it. The owners shared with me that the towns people really enjoy seeing the lights on in the school at night now.

Better yet and group of UGUIDE hunters that are construction workers did most of the work on the place.

The owners put a lot of money into it and still have a ways to go to getting it paid for but based on the feedback from season 1 they will do just fine.

I remember some body in Kansas did that. I don't know if it's still available. They should rent it out to tourists in the summer. I see the playground equipment is still there for the kids, and hunters with time on their hands! I sure like it, a step forward, with a foot in the past.
Old cars

Here is something else most of those old farmsteads have out behind the shelterbelt:



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Oh no! The Malibu rotting in the first pic makes me sad. Do they salt the roads out there? Are most of the old cars all rusted out?
If those were in my shelterbelt, they would have no doors! If my grandad drove it, the doors were optional and hung on after a collison with a fence, garage door, or whatever, held up with baling wire. I find stuff everywhere patched with baling wire. I can see him do it now, after 50 years!
Oh no! The Malibu rotting in the first pic makes me sad. Do they salt the roads out there? Are most of the old cars all rusted out?

The Malibu is the brother in laws and he has hopes of fixing it up, the motor is in the storage shed--still lots of work but I guess there is hope. Not to much salt and lots of old cars are still in pretty good shape.

Its really common to see lots of old cars just stiing around old farms.:D
Its been a little more than a year since I posted a picture of the old gal and last night she started to come down--another part of the history of this farm is going away

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I believe last falls "bird hunting" issue had a story titled the "Iron Pile" the one place on the farm you had to hunt, because it always had a bird or two. The old house in Nebraska or Iowa would have tax base to blanch a cat! I think you can sell the time worn lumber out of the house for more you can believe!