Cattle in the corn

When I was hunting groundhogs around my forme employer's cattle he not gave me permission to do so he asked me to do it to get rid of the groundhogs so he would not any cows get a broken leg and have to put it down. All of his cattle were registered holstiens and had a lot of money wrapped up in them. There is no hard feelings from me.It takes a lot to get my temper up and going.
So what is posting on here doing about it? Do you stop and say anything to the people you actually see doing it?

We need a bitch, groan, gripe, complain, whine, and cry section on this forum.

As a matter of fact I am not afraid to make suggestions to people who may not know any better. I try to do it in a pleasant positive way and not just shut them down if they don't like what they are saying or doing.

Sounds like we already have board police such as yourself. I am just a new guy on this board so pardon me if I am out of line, but whine about something posted alerting others to a possible problem could be moved to that section.
It really seems like people want to post negative stuff..... But anyways...most hunters are ethical but paying the price of idiots!! I'm tired of hearing about it!! I will not ever respond to another landowner, rancher, or a so called "observer" that classifies all of us non-land owners as the same! I respect the farmers and ranchers!! I respect their hard work and their dedication to their land and what they do with it! But to generalize all of US hunters is WRONG!!!

I for one know where I should hunt and when to do it! Most people here on this forum do! So stop with this negative crap between landowners, users of, and hunters! At least on this forum, please! I'm sick of it!!!

+1 on the bickering. Maybe suggestions and answers instead of gripping.

I would and have done it but only on private with the landowners OK. I would not do it around the WIA's, difference being I dont have the OK to hunt around them and that is disrespectful, and you could get your dog shot.

Like in an earlier post said, cattle and phez are friends.

And yes the cattle do follow you.
As a matter of fact I am not afraid to make suggestions to people who may not know any better. I try to do it in a pleasant positive way and not just shut them down if they don't like what they are saying or doing.

Sounds like we already have board police such as yourself. I am just a new guy on this board so pardon me if I am out of line, but whine about something posted alerting others to a possible problem could be moved to that section.

Board Police... :rolleyes: not saying you are out of line. This subjects is repeated over and over and over on the forum. It gets old. It comes down to policing your own, thats what will fix these issues. Beating it to death online everyother day isn't gonna solve anything.

Pretty sure thats all anyone was getting at here. Is the subject of this post wrong? no.

and don't worry I'll get right on opening up that Bitches moans and Complaints thread. :thumbsup:
Ok I promised myself to avoid these types of posts but I cannot. A couple of observations:

1) We all know how not to shoot a cow, even if it is not wearing orange.
2) But that isn't always the main issue. I was hunting with JHOOCH and Hen Hen a year or two back on land leased by his Club. It had no cows in but had cows adjacent to it. The land owner chewed us out because the last time people hunted that piece of land they spooked the cows which broke through the fence and it took him and his hands the rest of the day corraling them up. It is also my understanding that stressing cattle impacts their weight gain. HenHen's philosophy is that milk cows won't spook but beef cattle will.
3) Every landowner I have asked permission to hunt has made it a point to let me know were his cattle are so I can avoid them.
4) Lastly I have never seen pheasants in a field with cattle. It could just be me but I won't waste my hunting time on that piece of land.

Good post SDT-agree 100%. Have experienced the exact same things in my travels also. Landowners do not like the huge hassles of rounding up loose cattle because someone shot too close to them or in some cases cows go crazy around dogs. Have seen it happen many times. People are probably referring to hunting the field corners which usually are CRP when they are referring to this topic. Do not see people actually out in fields with cows ever. I think it is good to point this topic out as there are probably a lot of people unaware what cows can do when foreign things come into their environment.
Appears that some actually appreciate that this dialogue has been opened.

I didn't bring it up cuz I needed to bitch, moan, whine or cry. I brought it up because I wanted to educate.

Thanks to all that see the value in the discussion.:thumbsup:
Maybe you should call the CDOW and ask why there are cattle in the WIHA? If your not going to hunt it, then it should not be enrolled! Sometimes there are emergencies and he had to put those cattle there. If so, he should expect some people to use it unless he takes down the signs! Another ave. to take is to locate the landowner and ask him politely that you noticed his ground was mapped as WIHA, but you noticed he had Cattle in there and is it permissable to hunt? Or, drive to the next one! I am sure he had a good reason for putting them in there. Not just to screw with all of us Nimrods!
As a matter of fact I am not afraid to make suggestions to people who may not know any better. I try to do it in a pleasant positive way and not just shut them down if they don't like what they are saying or doing.

Sounds like we already have board police such as yourself. I am just a new guy on this board so pardon me if I am out of line, but whine about something posted alerting others to a possible problem could be moved to that section.

i dont know any better if i saw acovey of quail fly over on walk in or a rooster im pulling over and getting them cows or not if i saw cows in the walkin im probably moving on the cows tend to beat the cover up and ive never seen that many birds in there with them. you know how many times i have asked permission and the farmer said watch my cows lots !!!!!! point is making way to much of this than it is nah i probably just dont know any better ROLL TIDE
What am I missing? If it's WIA isnt it open to hunting, cattle or not? Much of the WIA in western SD has cattle on it and deer hunters all over the place. Of course we are careful and do not shoot cattle, but the rancher has allowed hunting by accepting a gratuity from the State GF&P.

It is a topic that should be discussed and I can see the concerns and thoughts from both sides of this subject. I guess what I was trying to say is that it seems like the threads that express negativity get the most attention! Call me selfish, but....... When it comes to to the future of hunting that drives me nuts because what I picture is somebody that may potentially one day be in the position to possibly decide to in list their land into Colorado's WIA, but when they happen onto this forum or know someone from this forum and they see or hear all this negative crap they decide the WIA program should not be an option for them and they roll all of us hunters into the same pickle jar as the few idiots that have the potential to ruin it for us more conscience and ethical hunters. We all make mistakes, but the effort to be better should be there, right?

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I apologize for jumping your fence! I can see your point and if I was new to phez hunting then I would look at your post and see and decide for myself what is ethical and the best choice for me.
For some that posted on here. Im educating. There was some reference to wia that had cows and them. Why would they be in a wia if they have cows in there???? The area we live in is irrigation and the ground is irrigated with pivots. On a quarter of ground there is 4 corners that many people have put into habitat. So some guys basically put the corners into habitat. The only part I do not know is if the state is paying for the whole quarter or just the corners. In my area the majority of stalks are used for winter pasture all fenced in with a single strand of hotwire for the cows. Common sense would be to stay away from the cattle obviously. But as evergreen posted some people dont feel it matters if its posted with a wia sign. Typically if the cows are on the other side of the sprinklers no harm no foul. If they are yearlings u best stay away. They are like a herd of elk that a rifle has been shot into the middle of them. They are also very curious so if something is new and strange here comes the whole bunch at full speed. They dont mean to do it but in all of the excitement they can take the hotwire out very easily. Yearlings are the very worst to get gathered back up and put into the pasture. I forgot to mention alot of the guys do a high stocking density so most of the time the cows are only on one circle for 30-40 days. So after the cows leave Ive never heard a problem about guys hunting the stalks. The other thing to point out is alot of the ground anymore is rented ground. The retired farmer is the one that enrolled the wia but more than likely not the tenant or the one who has the cows on that circle. Another reason why not understanding where ur hunting can cause tensions. If it was and I had circles that were in wia I would probly wait till season was over to turn my cattle in but what am I to know
ok all kidding aside hear when i see cows in the field and its walk in i get my rope stand in the back of the truck have my buddy drive his truck through the field chasing cows while im swinging a circle rope trying to rope one of theses cows yelling heeeee haawwww
I hope I am not the only one on here who would actually pay to see that!!!!!!:cheers:
Page 4 of CO 2011 Late Cropland Walk-In Atlas (left side)
Tips for being a responsible hunter

Last one--Don't hunt if cattle are in, or adjacent to, enrolled parcels.

That seems pretty black and white unless you talk to the landowner or tenant. Just go the next WIA on your map. There are lots of them.

Happy hunting!
cows and corn

Maybe i'm missing something here, but these ranchers and farmers are getting up to $2.50 an ac. to let us hunt their land ; if they didn't want us to hunt where their cows are they would not take the money or not put the cows in , it is only for 60 days or so.

The rules are set , don't try makeing up new ones, it's not your job ;myself, i don't find many birds close to cows but if some like to hunt with them it is ok , after all we hunters are paying.
this topic has been beat to death on several occasions the bottom line is if its WIA dont put the cattle on it or take it out of the program since its for hunting not grazing and another thing 99% of every farmer I know and have permision to hunt on alows hunting around or near cattle lets face it huntinghunting around cattle is a no brainer JUST DONT SHOOT A DAMN COW and you will be fine
heres the thing gove when i see cattle in a field grazing there not all togeather there 50 100 yards apart so if someone was to shoot what they are all just going to STAMPEDE start blowing threw fences NOT!!!!!Now if the guys on here are talking cows in a pen ,corral, and you started shooting close by then that would be kinda ignorant i could see aSTAMPEDE LOL AND NERVOUS LOSING WEIGHT LOL im done this thread is boring me
this topic has been beat to death on several occasions the bottom line is if its WIA dont put the cattle on it or take it out of the program since its for hunting not grazing and another thing 99% of every farmer I know and have permision to hunt on alows hunting around or near cattle lets face it huntinghunting around cattle is a no brainer JUST DONT SHOOT A DAMN COW and you will be fine

Those Black ones sure do eat good!!!!:cheers: