Cattle in the corn

Sorry one last thing. I believe I read where the landowner enrolled in the WIA can in cases of drought or climate conditions, mow, hay or feed his cattle on the WIA. This allows the landowner options in cases of extreme conditions that may arise well after the land was put in the WIA. The CDOW reviews these yearly. We have all visited WIA's and said why the hell are we paying for that land, you couldn't graze a mouse on it?

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I apologize for jumping your fence! I can see your point and if I was new to phez hunting then I would look at your post and see and decide for myself what is ethical and the best choice for me.

Thanks, 1971 - I really do appreciate your putting this out there. :cheers: Honestly, I am with you as far as logging in to this forum primarily for pics, stories, laughs, intel, etc. A little education is a good thing, usually, but all "work" and no "play", as they say…

So, in that spirit, here's my girl a couple weekends ago, near Holyoke. It was just the two of us and the roosters mostly ran circles, but these few held tight enough for her to point them and amazingly, I dropped all three with just four shells. :D

Contrast with today - she found 6 roosters for me. I have 12 empty shells in my pocket and no birds. :confused:
Good looking dog. Pointing lab huh? I have one myself and he is my ace in the hole as for getting birds. My GSP is still learning. I think this thread has ran its course.
:cheers: Backatcha Jflewis88!! Great picture! I went out near Holyoke this past Friday after the first front came through, them phez were running circles all around me and my ES pup, only two birds held long enough for us and it was a lone hen and a very young rooster, he was very small with hardly any tail at all so I let him go with a little education! :thumbsup: I think my pup was a little bewildered by all the scent, he really struggled???? Lots of tracks in the snow until it melted. I can't wait until my pup gets things figured out but for now it's been great watching him develop.
Good Point JFLewis88, I'm new to this forum but recognize your point...we passed on a great looking corner yesterday in Yuma because cattle where in the corn. Never hurts to remind people of good manners, seems we all forget from time to time.

To recall, Pg. 4 of the CDOW Late Crop Atlas has an inset of Tips For Being A Responsible Hunter which includes "Don't Hunt If Cattle Are In, or Adjacent to, Enrolled Parcels."