cashiers dumb answers


New member
bought gas near cabelas in owattona mn sat. pump said i put in 28.25 gal!!! its a 27 gal tank. i still had an 1/8 th tank left also. i had selected pay at pump and punched no reciept:mad: i have NEVER been able to put that much gas in the tank even on empty. told cashier about it. her answer was sir it takes more gallons when the price goes up:eek: i said would you please repeat that answer. she said yes it takes more gallons when price goes up. i asked her if pumps are ever tested she said every 3 months. tried to tell her total cost goes up NOT volume. didnt get anywhere and left shaking my head. must be norwegian math:confused:
Lmao. Lets face it, people are getting dumber all the time.
bought gas near cabelas in owattona mn sat. pump said i put in 28.25 gal!!! its a 27 gal tank. i still had an 1/8 th tank left also. i had selected pay at pump and punched no reciept:mad: i have NEVER been able to put that much gas in the tank even on empty. told cashier about it. her answer was sir it takes more gallons when the price goes up:eek: i said would you please repeat that answer. she said yes it takes more gallons when price goes up. i asked her if pumps are ever tested she said every 3 months. tried to tell her total cost goes up NOT volume. didnt get anywhere and left shaking my head. must be norwegian math:confused:

That's right! and that is the very reason I am not shopping at Cabelas anymore!!!:D :confused: Wait....where's my stapler?
Why do you think she is working where she works ?????? :10sign:
scary part was the the cashier was a lady in her 50's. the teenage boy working there gave her a how dumb are you look. gas station not owned by cabelas's. it was a kwik star.
scary part was the the cashier was a lady in her 50's. the teenage boy working there gave her a how dumb are you look. gas station not owned by cabelas's. it was a kwik star.

BC, you fell for it. I was just using same logic as cashier as to why I would not shop at Cabelas (by dumb associations with no connection at all).:D

(I own a cabelas Visa. I have to shop there).
I like it when I pump diesel in my truck and it's mostly foam. :eek::confused:
Wonder how that works?
Even when the computer tells them how much, they do not know how many cents in a quarter!

Or a nickel.:eek:

Went into a gas station the other day to fill up. Its a prepay place, I hand the guy a hundred dollar bill and tell him It won't take all of that amount to phil my tank. Guy says " you need to give me the exact amout of gas you are buying. I can't give you change, because, I have to drop this bill in the safe."

I knew at this point I'd picked the worng place to fill up at, Took my money else where.

Here is your sign.;)
Yep have the total amount come out to say 19.52 and give them 20.02 and see what happens and BTW let them punch it into the cash registar first so that it shows change of .48c then give them the 2c.:D:D:D
Yep have the total amount come out to say 19.52 and give them 20.02 and see what happens and BTW let them punch it into the cash registar first so that it shows change of .48c then give them the 2c.:D:D:D

I do that all the time and watch their face light up when they realize wow this is easy all I have to give them is 2 quarters! Are we getting dumber because of machines that do our work and think for us? Funny story and a funny post.