Can you carry on without me.


;) Early tomorrow we're off to California.
Visit with the Ca kids at Marina del Rey for a couple weeks. Works at google as a software engineer.
I'm not bringing a puter, but probably will have access.:cheers:
I'm totally a country guy though:confused: I will be looking forward to getting back to the ranch.
See Y'all later. :cheers:
be careful. cootie went south for a month and has become totally sissified. he complains about he cold and even thinks the vikings are great:D
California has a lot of beautiful country, enjoy your trip and drive safe
The coastal range has some beautiful forest but if you can squeeze it in I highly suggest at least driving through Yosemite. Warning, Yosemite will be packed with SoCal yuppies and foreigners on weekends.
Thanx for the good wishes Folks. All packed and ready. Flying out of TC airport at :eek: WHAT THE HECK:eek: 5:30 am. :confused:

This is the Wife's and Kids thing:rolleyes: Their so fired up it has rubbed off.

Black cloud; If old mnmt comes back with the "healthy predator population" thing. Send the Coot and whoever up to, YOU know? explain things to me. OK!!

Onpoint, We fly BUT!!! :eek: We rent a car and, Little Prayer wouldn't hurt.

Quail Hound, We do have plans to go into the dessert for a few days. Joshua NP and the area.

So anyway. Check in later. Californiaized or not. :cheers:
Have fun MNMT:) With you gone I'll be able to raise all sorts of he## and not get kicked off here. Whats the old saying when the cats away the mice will play:D
Enjoy. One trip to CA when we took the wee kids to Disneyland years ago cured me of any future desire to return. There is some beautiful country there though once you get away from the cities. I did really like northern CA.
Have a great Trip MnMt. All you guys lucky enough to be able to attend pheasant fest, report back on how it was.:thumbsup:
You're going to love Joshua Tree, such a unique and beautiful landscape. You should see a some coveys of those running little devil gambles quail. You'll drive through Boron, the biggest borax mine in the world and also a god awful town where they mine young kids hopes and dreams.:D
We did it! 10 days in S CA was a bit different the what we have in N MN.:confused: Driving around LA was a shock. :eek: But I did it:) [only got honked at twice]:eek:
We Stayed in a suite near the Marina del Ray beach.

We took in.
Marina del Ray
Santa Monica Pier, [end of old Route 66]
Malibu Lagoon State Beach
Venice CA canals
Venice Board Walk and Beach
La Brea Tar Pits and Page Museum. [5 star indeed!]
29 Palms
Joshua Tree NP
Phillippe's French Dip. [invented here]
Disney Land, duh:cool:
Took in local color and food
Toured Google and had lunch at Google [another 5 star!] simply amazing!
LAX twice:eek:

Good Times with the Kids, We don't all get together very often.
Daytime temps ranged from 69 to 76.
only got honked at twice

Probably a disgruntled Pheasant hunter . . .

Sounds like time well-spent, as is any time a parent can spend with their kids.
Welcome back, we saved up for a nice snow storm for you. Just wanted you to feel at home:thumbsup:

Glad you had a good trip
Thanks! Easy to see why S CA is OVERPOPULATED pretty much perfect weather.
Snowed here, some 5 inches while we were gone, got 6 more yesterday. NOW :eek:
Blizzard on the way 12 plus:rolleyes: usually this will mean 2-3 feet.:(
Our weather always seems to average out. :cheers:
Coot, We did go downtown LA, saw where the Dodgers play. The kids pointed out the site for the new NFL stadium.
The traffic at normal times is unreal, don't know how they could handle NFL crowds. :eek:
Vikings [apparently] are staying in MN. Talk out there is a expansion team.

Why would LA want the Vikings when they could start fresh.:eek: