Love it. You guys just stay home. One of my favorite things in the world is a dog that won't quit -- no matter what, he doesn't quit. Just keeps on busting his butt to find some birds because that's what he loves to do. It's not about the finding them, its about the adventure, the desire, the love for the experience of bird hunting and pure drive. I love it. Can't get enough of it and I have two dogs that will NEVER quit on me -- hell one tried to hunt with literally a face full of quills last year in MT. You want to know what is better -- seeing that dog lay it out -- on a 600 yard cast when he's run 30 miles that day and nail a covey of quail at the end of the day. And then opening the kennel door the next day to see him fired up and ready to go again. We can all learn life lessons from our dogs.
Sorry fellas, but pen-raised birds are lame. I don't care where you go or how much you pay, they require little skill from the dog and even less from the hunter. I've shot a fair number of pen-raised birds and you can certainly see that the same fire is not in the dog's eyes when they point those birds.