Brood reports/ Last couple days of rain

Out in Ness/Lane County where the family farms the birds have been so scarce they called off the opener last year. I know on my ground about 2 sections we did not hunt birds either. This year during Wheat Harvest only three birds were kicked up all roosters which is not good. I imagine the same situation this year if there are no hens left to raise broods. It is very disappointing to say the least.
Out in Ness/Lane County where the family farms the birds have been so scarce they called off the opener last year. I know on my ground about 2 sections we did not hunt birds either. This year during Wheat Harvest only three birds were kicked up all roosters which is not good. I imagine the same situation this year if there are no hens left to raise broods. It is very disappointing to say the least.

I am thinking you may be correct. See the email I got from my farmer out by Lacrosse

"During harvest we did not see many pheasants at all. The milo should be very good this year which might help the bird population.":(

Kick'em Up!
I would bet that there are more birds around out there than you think.

They are going to be in the best cover first and harder to spot there, and these are the smarter birds from the previous year or so.

May be glass half full, but thats my theory or wishful thinking.:thumbsup:
where they at

I'd go along with steve, for the few of you that will do the work, you will find something to shoot at and your mutt will find something to smell and or chase, kinda depends on whether you have a long haired dog or a short haired dog. that'll be the diff. last year for me, finding cover was harder than finding birds, cover did hold birds and those for the most part likely wintered quite well and now, their babies will have someplace to hide while they grow up big enough to hunt. I did ok last year and expect a significant improvement this year. as I know where there was cover last year, means that it was still there come spring, those are the places to start, the birds won't be far away.

Nice sized chick-


Oh, and here is gentleman Bob-


I figured you quail deprived guys needed to see that there are really quail in Kansas.:)
You still have more then we do!!!! The most I ever seen here was on a duck hunting trip and I was walking in the dark with my head lamp on and BAM, about 20 Quail came up right in my face. Had to swallow my heart back down my throat. They sure are pretty!!!:thumbsup:

I think if we can get another year of favorable conditions the huntable numbers could be in Kansas again in the not so distant future. I am hopeful it happens while I can still walk.