Brittany Pup for Bob


Well-known member
I don't know is any of you saw the post under the Washington in the Regional Pheasant Hunting forum, but Bob (bobeyerite) is looking for a male Brittany pup. Bob doesn't have a lot of money to spend on a pup so I'm starting this thread to see if we can come up with a good pup for Bob.

I know he has talked to southernblues about the pups he had on a thread but the problem is getting the pup from Kansas to Washington. Maybe some of us could set up a relay and get a pup out to Washington. Guess I'm just looking for some ideas. Hopefully Bob can find a pup in his area that will work.

Bob's a great member and contributor to this site and I'd like to help him out.
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What would it cost to fly the pup up there? I believe my dog cost me 200 to fly in from N. Dakota to DIA. would probably be cheaper and we could chip in for the cost? Just a thought! I will chip in 50 bucks. Thanks, Chad
Let me know.
Bleu, What airline did you use? I called Southwest and Delta and they both said they don't fly animals period. So I gave up on airlines Thank you for your help.............Bob
United flys from Kansas City to Spokane. I looked on their web site and it looks like they will take a pet as long as it's at least 8 weeks old and fully weaned. No idea on the cost.

southernblues, would the breeder be willing to help us out on this deal? I'll sure chip in a few bucks for the flight.

Let's get er done!
George, I talked to United, They actually have to take it Wichita or Kansas City, to fly Cargo. Then they have to have it there at least 2 hours before the plane flies and so on, so on. One more thing they require a 24 hour advance reservation. Cost will be $250 or there about, $208 for the flight alone, plus airline approved crate etc. that pup is getting very expensive quick. Plus the poor pup has to change planes in either Denver or Minneapolis A Half a day just to get it on the plane. I think in all reality, I should just wait and try to find something closer to home. I do want Thank You to all of you, I do appreciate the idea and sentiment. But it is turning out to be not an easy thing to do...............Bob
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While I was attending school in Florida I flew my lab back from Kansas with me while I was on break. I flew Midwest. I had to have a vet give a certificate of health which was $35 and then with the accompaning pet cost was $100. He flew cargo and was just find. This was in July of '08. Might be worth looking into Bob. I'd also be willing to pitch in.
I am willing to pitch to help out! Just PM me with details
dont give up on us yet bob with all of us on here willing to help out i think you could have a dog delivered i have a buddy that lives close to there i may b able to get him to help on that end if needed i am willing to help out
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I am pretty sure the kennel flew her on united. I picked her up at the cargo depot, away from the main terminal. They put a block of ice in there for water. Not a huge block of course. Somebody flies animals.!!!!!!
Sorry to hear about Tony Bob. I know that arthritis can be a sad deal with dogs and how they can seem fine for a day or so and then just not move the next couple. I would be more than willing to help get the pup out there.
Bleu, What airline did you use? I called Southwest and Delta and they both said they don't fly animals period. So I gave up on airlines Thank you for your help.............Bob

WHAT???? Delta doesnt???

when i dropped my sister off to go to St Thomas, there was a lady with a dog and she shipped that dog and this was Delta airline.

i guess maybe it depends on where its going????
i wish my litter was already on the ground and weaned i would give him a pup and we could all share in the cost of getting it there or maybe someone on here has a litter or knows someone that does
Any update here? I've left a message with the breeder and haven't heard back.

I would contribute $10-15 to get that pup out there.
Guys, I want to thank you for all the consideration, I talked with the breeder in Topeka and we agree it is not fair to the pup to try to ship it here. There were no direct flights. The breeder or somebody would have to take it 65 miles to the airport in Kansas City and from there it only got worse. The killer was he would fly to Denver, Be unloaded and then be put on plane that had room for him coming to Spokane. That is where we drew the line and forget this, we could end up with an injured or dead pup. All in all it was just a bad deal for the dog. I found one close to home, (see Look at Me) I had my choice of 3 pups and it was only 90 miles and a 2 hour drive to get him. That is the story..............Bob
Congrats Bob, please send us some pic's. I know we could of got that dog to you. My brother was coming in from Wichita and could of picked him up, and then i would of took him back down to Denver to ship him out. But, all in all it would of still been a little rough on the guy. Let us all know what his name is and how he is enjoying his new home and pappa.:thumbsup:

At the request of Blue Bijou, I am making a double post of "Look At Me."

Hi fellow hunters My name is GUNNE. According to Websters Dictionary That means "A hunter who uses a gun." I am the hunter and finder of the birds. Bob is my gun. If Bob can hit the birds, that is a big IF with Bob. We should make a good team. I am a 10 week old Registered Brittany. Strange thing I was born on Bob's Birthday, now Shirl has to get 2 cakes on that day. Anyway that my introduction, I hope to see you guys and gals around here.......GUNNE. __________________
Watching a Brittany Work Is like Watching Beauty Unfold.
I Always Trust My Brittany Tony, He Knows More Than I Do.
"Find The Bird Tony."
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