Advice on dog box

why dont you like a diamond deluxe thats what i have its a 3 whole box i thought they were the best?

cost for 1 thing,bittercreek r made from the same as the horse trailers,
it just mosty what is close by the cost of shipping is to high,but anydrive of 200 mikes r less is worth it

(but what do i know my little niki (gsp)rides in the cab of the truck with me
she is the boss around here)
wood boxes are great if you put them inside a vehicle but they tend to rot eventually thats why i build my own ouot of aluminum and they look classy instead of plain ol wood

i wouldnt take one of those junk ass wood rotten bs boxes.thousands on guns,,,,dogs trucks but a 3 dollar wood box now thats pretty sad
I just bought a diamond deluxe t-style box, three hole with an added bottom drawer. Let me tell you they are a very nice box but they are also pricey. My girlfriend was driving the truck and lost the box going 70, its got a few dings and what not but still very usable so they are built right.
What about a camper shell for the truck? Then no need for expensive boxes and no worries about wind, rain, cold, etc. Works well for us. Just my 2 cents.:cheers:
Just buy the one I have for sale on this forum...:). I'll even drive a little to meet you.
i wouldnt take one of those junk ass wood rotten bs boxes.thousands on guns,,,,dogs trucks but a 3 dollar wood box now thats pretty sad


I have a 48" Diamond Deluxe box that I'm getting ready to sell. I'm Currently running a 6-dog trailer so I really don't need the box anymore. If you're interested, you can e-mail me at I'm a reasonable distance from Wichita, we could meet somewhere in between should you want it.

To all: if this is posted in the wrong spot or isn't allowed, please accept my apologies.


I apprecitate all the advice. I really do like the looks of a nice wood box, but I've been down that road before and I'm looking for something different. I figured as much I like to hunt and for as long as one of those boxes will last, might as well spend a little money and get something nice. I've had my eye on one with top storage for quite some time. GCB, I will check your boxes out and OnPoint I will send you an e-mail this evening.
Gove build one with top storage. I have a hunch. If you build it they will come. (or better if it is as good as your others,They will come (trying to be PC on should be spelled with a u.)
turtle if I had someone that wanted one with top storage and they wouldn't back out I woould build it
I "upgrade" from the o' plywood a little over a year ago. Got me one of them fancy diamond plated, insulated, top storage, "Diamond Deluxe" two door "Houndsmen" models.46"x46".
I can haul two 70 pound labs in each side. The only thing that "I" would change, woud be add 2"-4" height. I built a custom compartment for the storage space. Individual compartments for boxes of shells, one compartment to fit my collar box, and one custom fit for food/water pans, ect. I like it, my dogs love it.
I don't show up driving a 1965 chevy with one tailight hanging out of the socket, an exhaust leak, and one cylinder missing. Why should I expect my companions to crawl out of a plywood crate...;)

wooden boxes are just so damn plain i like my stuff to say I have pride in my stuff anyone can build a wood box but it takes a craftsman to build something from aluminum or steel
no top storage, if it rides outside in a truck weather will rot, dogs chew on it ,to each his own though i wouldnt be caught with one though plus there heavy as hell no thanks if your going to do something right do it with one of the best! anyway back to the original post get your box with top storage bittercreeki diamond deluxe whatever cnt go wrong i put so much stuff in my top storage dog food,shells, boots,ecollars,you name it its there not somewhere in your truck always looking around for it bang you just open the top and there it is end of story.

made this for my ranger pickup- did nice in the SW, did nice for raising quail from eggs, now it sits in the kennel- made a slightly different one for my 2009 Escape-

i was just wondering how do you like the smell of the dogs on a wet day inside your car? i personally hate that but whatever though
there's a few who feel folks who like to work and make something out of wood are low grade- my father built 9 cabins on our resort- he also was kind to a few indian familes- he was rewarded by them making him ax handles and a canoe out of birch- complete with birch canoe padles- you ever seen someone work with green birch- or make a boat by carefull cutting and sweating wood to fit

I've seen some who could make things out of wood- a welder and a bit of knowledge it isn't very hard to make something out of metal- wood and the fine love of wood- now that is something

btw- having my Britt's in a wood box I hand made, in the back of my station wagon or 2009 Escape- secure in that I know they are ok in an accident- pretty hard to be stolen from, warm in the cold, cool in the heat, enjoy jumping right in, know I'm right there with them- and if they should smell a bit from a hard day hunting- I might smell a bit also- they don't mind, I don't mind

you like metal so much, and downgrade wood, you have a nice handmade coffee table and end tables, in your living room, made out of metal- because woodworkers have no skill, and you really love metal over wood
actually my father was a fine craftsman he made alot of wood cabinents end tables and the such and yea picken up a welder is pretty esy but making it look like something takes skill just the same as wood and I have never worried about someone stealing my britts out of the boxes i make nor has anyone else who has putthere dogs in therethey have never once said they were to hot or cold and they seem excited when the boxes come back out for the new season maybe you should calm down and stop thinking everyone is bashing just you all the time from any of these posts i have read non of them have specifically said SHADOW YOUR AN IDIOT FOR BUILDING WOODEN BOXES but hell who am i maybe i cant read either
ah sorry GCB- didn't mean anything offensive

I can weld and fabricate- I just like working with wood

do you have a grudge with me
no not at all it just seems to me that anytime any disagrees with your way of thinking then you automatically get on the defensive