there's a few who feel folks who like to work and make something out of wood are low grade- my father built 9 cabins on our resort- he also was kind to a few indian familes- he was rewarded by them making him ax handles and a canoe out of birch- complete with birch canoe padles- you ever seen someone work with green birch- or make a boat by carefull cutting and sweating wood to fit
I've seen some who could make things out of wood- a welder and a bit of knowledge it isn't very hard to make something out of metal- wood and the fine love of wood- now that is something
btw- having my Britt's in a wood box I hand made, in the back of my station wagon or 2009 Escape- secure in that I know they are ok in an accident- pretty hard to be stolen from, warm in the cold, cool in the heat, enjoy jumping right in, know I'm right there with them- and if they should smell a bit from a hard day hunting- I might smell a bit also- they don't mind, I don't mind
you like metal so much, and downgrade wood, you have a nice handmade coffee table and end tables, in your living room, made out of metal- because woodworkers have no skill, and you really love metal over wood