adventures of public hunting

One time while pheasant hunting public land me and my dog walked to the back of the hunting area about a mile or so. Not knowning two deer hunters showed up after us we started hunting the honeysuckle area. My dog got on the other side of of the two rows of honeysuckle where i couldn't see him. next thing you know A bunch of shots went off:eek: I called my dog back< but at the end off the honeysuckle A guy was waiting. When I finally got to him I could see he was really mad:mad: He started out swearing that my dog costed him a deer. Not knowing that while he was yelling at me my dog took of again only this time he got it right. He chased a deer to his buddy, and he killed it. He come up to me proud as he!! of what my dog did for him. His buddy was really mad now. What a site one guy happy the other mad. What adventures have you'll been on.
i caused an adventure for someone years ago. got home from bars at 2:30 amslept for an hour the got up to go duck hunting with the guys. we had to be there real early to get best spot. after all the decoys were set out it was still an hour to first light so i laid down to take a nap. heard something coming up to me then felt something in my face. scared me so i didnt move laid perfectly still. then i heard a yell from someone. another group of hunters was coming to hunt same area. one of thier dogs found me. i was covered from head to toe with frost. they thought i was dead.:eek: they were scared they thought thier dog had found a body. when they yelled or screamed i jumped also and scared them more:p we all had a good laugh afterwards.
hey cootie looks like we are the only ones that hunt public land. why dont you spend some of your money and buy some hunting ground for us:D
Well one sad time I was parked at a public spot just across border in Iowa from MN and when I got back to truck after hunting the whole side of my truck was keyed.:mad:

But.......that is probably one of the facotrs that motivated me to buy up some of me own ground.:D
When I was up elk hunting, there was a group of gentlemen from Missouri camped up the drainage from us. Opening morning I drove by there camp and positioned myself to glass the ridges. All hell broke loose and 100 elk came flying over the ridge and split into smaller groups. A group was headed right by them boys from Missouri, so I took off and went back that way and watched 15 elk cross the ridge by their camp. These boys didn't even have their guns out or their orange on and it looked like they didn't see the elk. I couldn't believe my eyes. Tuesday found me skinning my raghorn bull hanging from the tree, when those Missouri boys pulled in ( they were leaving ) and asked if they could look at my elk because they have never seen one before. I asked if they were hunting and they said they were. I didn't have the heart to tell them that elk had run right by them earlier. Scary that people would carry a gun and hunt and not know what they are shooting at or hunting for!!!!!!:eek::eek:
I have never seen an Elk in person but do know what they look like. I would have checked it out if I was out west hunting and unsuccessful. I also would have made sure to do my home work and scout but thats a whole other topic. I hunt public land a lot and I don't really have any good stories. I feel deprived
We were quail hunting in Southern Nebraska years ago and I split off from the main group to go around an old abandon brick school. I was on the back side when I heard a truck pull up and went around the corner to see who pulled in. A guy jumped out of his pickup truck and started cussing me out for trespressing and not asking permission. My buddy who I was with worked for the FDA, was the soil conservation officer for that area and had permisison to hunt all of this ground. He saw the guy pull in and started slowly walking over to where we were. The farmer clearly was enjoying himself because he never even let me get a word in, but boy did he chew my ass!! When my buddy Dave finally got there he called the guy by his name and said hello. The farmer turned around and said "Oh, it's you"!.. He got back in his truck and sped off. Come to find out he didn't even own the ground!
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a couple of years ago i was hunting turkeys with a friend on some of thier land. we parked our truck by an abandoned building site of thiers while it was still dark. when we went back to truck later in morning we saw something with a tarp over it hidden in the grove. turned out to be a brand new stolen mercedes benz taken from a dealers lot 40 miles away. salesman forgot to lock car up after a test drive? dealer was very happy to get car back. never did get a reward
One time while pheasant hunting public land me and my dog walked to the back of the hunting area about a mile or so. Not knowning two deer hunters showed up after us we started hunting the honeysuckle area. My dog got on the other side of of the two rows of honeysuckle where i couldn't see him. next thing you know A bunch of shots went off:eek: I called my dog back< but at the end off the honeysuckle A guy was waiting. When I finally got to him I could see he was really mad:mad: He started out swearing that my dog costed him a deer. Not knowing that while he was yelling at me my dog took of again only this time he got it right. He chased a deer to his buddy, and he killed it. He come up to me proud as he!! of what my dog did for him. His buddy was really mad now. What a site one guy happy the other mad. What adventures have you'll been on.

Another reason why bird hunting seasons and deer gun hunting season should be at the same mixing cattle and sheep...
One time while hunting quail on public land near our house we got a new hunting dog. We were about a half hour into our hunt when a young English setter found us. We could here his owner yelling and shooting his gun to get him to come back, he was also being shocked repeatedly by his ecollar. This was obviously a poorly trained dog. After about 10 minutes of trying to get rid of him we decided to hunt on. He ran right by a briar holding a covey my dog flushed right behind him. We got two quail from that flush and the setter seemed to get the idea and soon after half way pointed a single that again my dog flushed for him. A few minutes and quail later his owner came to get his dog back. I told him how his dog found and pointed a single for us. He was not very happy, but told us "at least he hunted for someone." That was a hunt I'll never forget, we didn't get a lot of birds but we got a new dog, at least for a little while.
sam thing happened to us a couple years ago we were hunting an area for qual and we had a small female english setter come out to say hello she had obviously been dropped off by her master we get alot of those dogs around i think all these highfaluting out off staters whant a dog so they go buy one ta day or two before season starts and expect instant results from the dog as if it were a seasoned veteran and then they either shoot the dog after they are done hunting or they just leave it either way not a good thing and pisses me off to no end the dogs deserve more than that

sam thing happened to us a couple years ago we were hunting an area for qual and we had a small female english setter come out to say hello she had obviously been dropped off by her master we get alot of those dogs around i think all these highfaluting out off staters whant a dog so they go buy one ta day or two before season starts and expect instant results from the dog as if it were a seasoned veteran and then they either shoot the dog after they are done hunting or they just leave it either way not a good thing and pisses me off to no end the dogs deserve more than that

are you kidding me? does this kind of crap, really go on. :eek: if so the owners of these dogs should be hung by their necks. wow, i know there are some real winners out there, but i had no idea, that this stuff goes on.
I don't believe this was the case in my situation. Just a miss informed kid with a poorly trained dog. Hunting valley quail isn't a gentlemens affair and a big running pointer is of little use hunting these birds. You need a dog that will dive into the nastiest berry and wild rose thickets you could imagine to flush these birds from cover and retrieve grassed birds, plus after opening weekend you would not find a bird that would hold to a point. This dog was out of place even if it were well trained.
unfortunately jmac it does happen every year we find at least 2 dogs and they all have shock collars on them we wait around and post it in the paper and every year no one ever calls for them
Very sad. These are the guys that give true, ethical hunters a bad name. Last year we took a guy dove hunting on my uncles property and he didn't bother to pick up his shells or birds that dropped more than 20yds from him. The ones he did pick up he had no intention on keeping, he gave them to us and didn't help clean any. He also wanted to try quail and pheasant hunting with us, he couldn't understand why he was never invited again.
unfortunately jmac it does happen every year we find at least 2 dogs and they all have shock collars on them we wait around and post it in the paper and every year no one ever calls for them

wow, some people should not be allowed to breed. they need a little clorine added to they gene pool. good for you for rescuing the dogs.:)
yes, I have found a few dogs that way also. Some guys just don't have any smarts, the dogs I found were young, and poorly trained. We played hell catching them, they scared out of their minds. It looked like they had been beaten and then thrown away. We finally got them with dog treats and water........Bob