adventures of public hunting

yes, I have found a few dogs that way also. Some guys just don't have any smarts, the dogs I found were young, and poorly trained. We played hell catching them, they scared out of their minds. It looked like they had been beaten and then thrown away. We finally got them with dog treats and water........Bob

My Dad and his cousin found a pup next to the road wrapped in a blanket while they were out bird was about 6 weeks old...they didnt know what is was when they found it...turned out to be a dropper...and ended up a great bird dog for 10 years. Strange but true...he named it Nellie...and she would not lose a dead or crippled bird.
Ok one more story about how I got the name quail hound. We were hunting mountain quail in the high country when I decided it would be funny to put my dog on top of his box like the bear hunters do their hounds. We came around a corner and were met by a dfg officer. He asked if we had struck a hot trail yet and we said we had, a couple in fact. He then asked if we had treed a bear, we said no. Now he was puzzled and asked what kind of hound dog that was, that he had never seen one like him. I answered he is a English red tick quail hound, and that our hot trails had in fact produced game. We all enjoyed a laugh together and got back to hunting.
sam thing happened to us a couple years ago we were hunting an area for qual and we had a small female english setter come out to say hello she had obviously been dropped off by her master we get alot of those dogs around i think all these highfaluting out off staters whant a dog so they go buy one ta day or two before season starts and expect instant results from the dog as if it were a seasoned veteran and then they either shoot the dog after they are done hunting or they just leave it either way not a good thing and pisses me off to no end the dogs deserve more than that

I have never even heard of that before. That is wrong on so many levels I don't even no were to begin. I just hope I never witness something like that. I'm liable to go over there and beat them with there own gun till they stop twitching. Then when the police come I will just explain that we were done hunting and he was not needed anymore...
Unfortunately jasper this happens all the time i rank these peaple with child molesters and they should be shot