A Simple Win/Win Suggestion For Landowners, CDOW, and Hunters!!!


New member
Before I spill the beans, please notice the specific order in my title - it is prioritized that way for a reason - if more of us hunters as a whole would start GENUINELY coming across a little more as being concerned for someone else over ourselves for a change, it would do wonders for our image & in the long run help provide better access to more properties to hunt...

I would like to suggest that preferably the CDOW or perhaps if not then Pheasants Forever consider designing & providing some sort of standardized official LANDOWNER/HUNTER "written permission" agreement form, with a copy to be signed & kept by both parties...When I lived & hunted in New Mexico for nearly a decade quite a few years back, their Game & Fish Dept. provided hunters with as many copies as we wanted of an official "written permission" double-postcard, perforated in the middle - one "written permission" half to be kept by the hunter & the other half containing the hunters personal info (name, address, phone number, vehicle license number, signature, ect.) to be kept by the landowner...The information on these forms was very detailed & specific, such as length/dates of permission granted (one time access or all season long), species allowed, acknowledgement of waiver by hunter, ect...

It was a great tool that had many advantages...First off it carried the official logo and game violation phone number of the NM Game Dept & was much more precise and convenient than random off-the-cuff scribbling on a handwritten piece of paper...Second it was a two-sided agreement that also required identifying information & a commitment signature from the hunter in addition to the landowner's "written permission" signature (i.e.--not a one-way street)...When officially produced & distributed to hunters by the state game or wildlife department with a ready contact number for violations or emergencies it also helps to give more of an air of credibility & true understanding/sympathy toward landowners, which bodes well both for the future of hunting and their own agency...

I cannot begin to tell you how far something like this would actually go toward helping ease the minds of cautious/suspicious landowners, who rightly come first in line because without them there would be no places or pheasants for us to hunt...It would also give them the added security of knowing exactly who to come looking for if anything stupid is done while on their property...And in my experience it greatly reduces their hassle in keeping up with who all is on their property at any given time & actually helps them to remember/get to know you & I...It also gives the landowner an instant, no-hassle tracking record to hand-off to the CDOW if necessary...Need I say that any landowner would be much more likely to give permission & sign something that includes his own favor like this, as opposed to the current basically one-sided agreement/signature that we hunters often ask for!!! :thumbsup:

I am going to call the NM Game Dept. this week and ask if they still have any copies of those nifty little "written permission" agreements that they came up with & then call/write the CDOW to see if they might consider coming up with something similar (even for a modest wildlife or department fundraiser fee--which I for one would gladly pay)...If they are not interested, then I am going to draft up something quality at least for my own personal use...This very handy tool/concept was by far the best I have ever seen in adequately covering all of the issues surrounding required "written permission" to hunt...Heck, if I was a farmer I wouldn't sign anything that didn't include & protect me in the deal!!! :cool:
:10sign:I like your idea, I am a lurker on forum's in general unless something spikes my interest, well this topic has.

I would like to be a part of this type of campaign together with spending time during the summer months talking with landowners about what to expect from "us" the group of ethical hunters.

We need to make an effort to change the opinion of these landowners as well as put public pressure on those that just do it the wrong way.

Let me know what I can do to help.:thumbsup:
this is a great idea, what I have done in the past is I give the landowner a typed out sheet of paper with my name as well as the hunters with me on it, my truck plates number, my home address and phone number as well as cell number in case he needs to get in touch with me ,how many dogs I have with us with a guarantee to the owner that we
will close all gates behind us,
will not shoot around any buuildings
or cattle.
and will report back with him when we leave if he wants us to.

It seems to help some, but I really hate to bother landowners as I know how busy they are so I have not used it much.
Great Idea

I love your idea, it is a shame that a few people that have guns and shoot them have made a bad name for hunters. If there is anything I can do to help try and get something like this started here in Co please PM me and I will be willing to help out in whatever way necessary. :10sign:
Step One Accomplished!

Step One Accomplished on my part! I spoke with the New Mexico Game Dept. chief today & they do still have that form around, though they don't really push or promote it nearly as much as they used to prior to a recent "walk-in" access program of their own similar to ours in CO (I made sure to applaud the "genius" :D of whoever initially created/developed the two-party "written permission" form & begged that they consider resurrecting it themselves, and possibly help encourage/make-it-easy-for other states to follow suit)...They do not even have a modern internet/printable version of the form (???--unbelievable), but he is sending me several hard copies in the mail.

Since I happen to live in the Denver area anyway, my next step will be to pay a visit to the CDOW main office & see if I can pitch some kind of spin-off version to them...I sure hope they bite & that organizations like Pheasants Forever, Mule Deer Foundation, Rocky Mountain Elk, Trout Unlimited (such a standardized/official "written permission" agreement would be just as good for private-access fishing too ya know), ect. - will also push-&-promote it and make it easily/readily available to of all their members and/or outside enquirers... :cool:

If the right people get behind this, it could do absolute wonders as a true, united show of thoughtfulness & goodwill toward landowners who have been on the short end of the stick for far too long...Also, if hunters already have their portion of the form pre-filled out before the approach, it would keep the landowner's valuable work-time from getting too bogged down by a lengthy spiel from a total stranger (I have found many landowners to still be very courteous & amenable if approached properly, but they don't like it much at all if dragged down off the tractor or out of the dairy by a total stranger for too long)... :eek:

Thanks for all the interest guys! I sure hope it works out with the people who could really put an air of authority & legitimacy to all this if they want...If not, I may need some help to see if we can draft up something high-quality, attractive, & user-friendly to be made readily available to all who ask (at least thru this forum and/or Pheasants Forever)...

It sure would be nice to see such a thorough, intelligent, easy, & handy tool eventually be made available to hunters in every state...As stated before, I believe a very simple tool like this could go a long way toward smoothing ruffled feathers/making amends & putting landowners much more ease with who they grant access to on their property!...Any hunter who is not willing to "sign his life away" in equal manner to what is being asked of the landowner in exchange for the privilege of being allowed to hunt, should not be allowed to set foot on the property anyway - and perhaps the CDOW should consider drafting stiffer penalties for those who are unwilling to play by any of the rules (say at a minimum, loss of gun & license for a season or two)!!! ;)

I'll keep you all posted as to how it goes & try to somehow make a copy of the form available for all to look at as soon as I have one in hand...If any of you are in a position to have a lot more clout or pull with the proper authorities than little-old-me, please feel free to jump in & HELP!!! Also, if the CDOW doesn't bite - perhaps some of you who have access-to/expertise-in graphics or printing design, plus a hunter-attorney or two among us who is sympathetic to the cause could peruse-over and/or add to make sure that 100% release of the CDOW and/or landowner from any liability or responsibility whatsoever toward the hunter in the event of hunting-related accidental injury or death is included in the hunter's signature (that part alone could be HUGE)!!!...If this is to work out in a practical manner, the BURDEN should be ALL ON US to already have all the bases thoroughly covered for both sides & ready-made where all that the landowner has to do is quickly read & sign - if we continue to leave it up to them to have to figure out on-the-fly all the possible ramifications of allowing hunters access on their property & how to adequately cover their own butts, the overall granting of permission to hunt will continue to dwindle & though it makes me sad, I can't say I really blame them! :(

It sure would be AWESOME if some version of this could be readily available to all Colorado hunters by next season (even to download & print out online, in addition to hard copies made available at CDOW offices and/or license outlets, and local Pheasants Forever chapters as well)!!!...If hunters are gonna continue to try & access private-land one way or another, for the good-or-bad/right-or-wrong - then we might as well foster a proper way to do it! Such a groundswell/grassroots endeavor among our ranks would go an awful long way toward enhancing/re-shaping an already-shaky future for hunters/hunting!!! :cheers:
Very nice form Cowdog (may use it myself in the meantime), but I still believe the CDOW's official participation & logo would lend an air of authority, legitimacy & a cohesive/united front to the effort!!! :)

BTW, 5GenCO love your forum name & comments/ideas...Maybe some sort of meeting between landowner & hunter representatives might work under the right circumstances, but as a whole very-busy/hard-working farmers do not like their valuable time to be bothered/held-up any more than is absolutely necessary!!! The whole point of this is we need to make it as EASY on them as possible!!!
You're on the right track. In fact, I know I've seen something along those lines from the DOW in the past. I searched they're website, but couldn't locate it. I know someone has seen it. If so, do us a favor, and post the link.
Well I too live in Denver and have had family out east that farm, they are very busy people but given the right moment in time conversation can last for hours. Look at the rotory club in Burlington, They took the time and made it happen it just is out of range for some of us...priority's I suppose. I have heard of so many story's of my great grandparents and grandparents about just pulling up walking any field that they want retrieving birds from where they land and being invited to diner at the farmers house that I am so jealous.

Have we changed that much as an American culture? I think if we do good by people that we will be done good upon. (Redneck for the golden rule.) If our hunting generation takes it upon themselves to "make it right" with the landowners they will "make it right for us".

Let me know what I can do I am a corporate salesman with a team that knows a lot of people across Colorado who could influence a program like this, so lets get together after this hunting season put the program together and sponsor it to the proper people. This is a great idea, made by h,h,ROOSTER. Let it not be wasted lets take action as a group!

By the way I love this forum good information.
Thx for all the support & ideas everyone!!! Together, we can do this thing & begin to paint a much prettier overall picture between hunters and landowners!!! :D Who knows, with enough effort maybe it could even become a model for other states & other kinds of hunting as well!

5GenCO, I will be calling upon your good graces to put some of that PR flesh-pressing experience-&-inroads/connections to work after the season (and the Holidays) are over!!! :) I'm just a little ol peon 2nd yr CO resident with a hare-brained idea & a lot of determination!

I called the main CDOW office today to request a "technical"/legal answer on the subject & just for the record "Written Permission" currently is NOT AN ABSOLUTE REQUIREMENT for entry onto private land, just HIGHLY SUGGESTED - but you dang-sure had better know the landowner pretty well & have quick, easy access to him for back-up if called in on by the neighbors or questioned by the law!!! :eek:

However, this doesn't change one thing about what I am trying to accomplish with making a standardized/official CDOW-sanctioned two-way hunter/landowner "written permission" agreement available to all hunters as a very valuable tool in helping to build much more positive hunter/landowner relations overall for all of the reasons previously discussed below & more!!! Let's make some friends & believers out of the farm community again & set some good buzz and vibes traveling thru the neighborhood for a change!!! :thumbsup: