a disappointing yet most memorable hunt for me


Today i took my wife on her first ever wild pheasant and quail hunt. After 17 years of marriage she decided to take up hunting this fall which i can't even begin to tell you how happy that made me. I decided to stay close to home as i did not want to wear her out and make it an unpleasant experience for her. So i decided to stay closer to home and hunt northeast kansas. The jefferson, jackson and nemaha county areas just hoping to get into quail. It was a hunt i will never forget.

The disappointing:
1. Valley falls still holds 0 birds lol
2. This was my first hunt in years without my best friend as i had to retire my 13 year old setter to a life of couch sitting and football watching after seeing how bad his arthritis is affecting him after opening weekend and i just can't make him walk the fields anymore and watch him suffer.
3. Some dummy(speaking about myself of course) forgot the camera and to charge the cell phone before leaving. After reading the good you will understand this one.
4. The walk in hunting quality. I understand that walk in hunting filed are not specifically set aside for pheasant and quail hunters, but also meant for deer turkey and waterfowl. I know the selfish upland hunter in me wishes all were quality upland bird habitat. Out of the 22 wiha fields that we visited today only 3 were of huntable upland quality. all of the others were ankle high corn stubble or totally to the ground cut bean fields.
5. 70 degrees out makes for some rather unpleasant walking lol

Now for the good!
1. With just my wife and i hunting with no dog we saw 12 pheasant in northeast kansas. That is more than i have seen in this area in the last 7 or 8 years combined. While half were flushing out of range do to weather conditions i have never felt this much promise for this area in my life.

2. Now for the best part. We pulled up to the most perfect field for upland bird habitat i think i have ever seen. Only a 35 - 40 acre field but just perfect for 2 people. This field was bordered by the road on one side. On 2 sides by a massive hedge rows and the third side by an evergreen row. With cut corn fields and a winter wheat bordering this location. Everything in between the hedge rows and evergreen row was nothing but waist high crp with a deep valley running right down the middle of the property. 9 of the 12 birds we saw were on this property. We walked the tree lines and managed to scare up 4 hens which was promising and also gave my wife her first pheasant flushing from right under her feet. It was one of those moments that we have all been through but i just could not stop laughing as i heard my usually calm wife develop a sailors mouth as she spewed every expletive known to man. As we were about 200 yards from the vehicle my wife walked through the a small depression in the field. At that moment 5 pheasant jumped 10 to 15 feet in front of her, 3 roosters and 2 hens. I got to watch her shoot her first rooster in her life as i picked off the second rooster for myself. Even though those were the only 2 birds we shot all day it was a moment that i will forever remember in my mind as my wife and i each managed to get a rooster from the same flush. Which is also why i am kicking myself for not having a camera or my phone charged to capture that moment. But all i need for myself is the memory because that is something i will never forget and a picture could never truly capture. And the even better part - she is already asking me when we can go again.
Thank you duckn66..i consider it my most successful hunt lol..now i can spend the winter and spring training the new puppy to get her ready for next season.
That's a great story. We have been married a similar amount of time. The best I got was getting her into watching baseball and football:). You are very lucky.
That's a great story. We have been married a similar amount of time. The best I got was getting her into watching baseball and football:). You are very lucky.

Lol i did manage the baseball watching from her last year. I feel extremely lucky. Now she is ready for us to start training our new puppy i got to replace my setter so that she could hunt this year..i had to explain to her that the puppy was only 7 weeks old and would not be ready til next season haha...she has her out right now in the living room teaching her to retrieve the wing from the pheasant she shot today.
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What makes it even better carptom is that the puppy i picked out and was finally able to bring home this week is that she decided she wanted it for her hunting dog and told me to pick out another for myself which i did and will be able to bring her home in 2 weeks when she will be old enough to come home
What makes it even better carptom is that the puppy i picked out and was finally able to bring home this week is that she decided she wanted it for her hunting dog and told me to pick out another for myself which i did and will be able to bring her home in 2 weeks when she will be old enough to come home

You sure she doesn't know you are dying or something:) Tell her she is sure ruining it for the rest of us. My wife is pretty cool. I get two 5 day trips to SD and a couple duck hunting excursions. She has no interest in going at all. I am starting to work on my 14 year old daughter some. I think I am going to take her to SD next october with my boy's. Maybe by doing that some future husband will thank me:)
You sure she doesn't know you are dying or something:) Tell her she is sure ruining it for the rest of us. My wife is pretty cool. I get two 5 day trips to SD and a couple duck hunting excursions. She has no interest in going at all. I am starting to work on my 14 year old daughter some. I think I am going to take her to SD next october with my boy's. Maybe by doing that some future husband will thank me:)

Haha funny you should say that because that was the very first thing that i asked her. I am still working on her for my very first trip to south dakota..hopefully after she gets a full season under her belt i wont have to convince her and she will ask me to take her.

Congratulations to your wife on her first rooster.:10sign:

Great story.

Glad to hear that there are pheasants in NE Kansas. I am hoping to own some land up that way one day that will produce some pheasant and quail and this gives me hope.

Congratulations to your wife on her first rooster.:10sign:

Great story.

Glad to hear that there are pheasants in NE Kansas. I am hoping to own some land up that way one day that will produce some pheasant and quail and this gives me hope.

Thank you mr. Byrd...i could not believe what i was seeing and it does give me hope..i hope to one day be able to hunt down by dodge city as i really like that area but just havent got down there during hunting season to be able to hunt it

Bird numbers are getting better around Dodge, but the last four years really did a number on them.

I keep looking for a little land in Leavenworth or Jefferson counties, but nothing yet I can afford.
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BC, wake up! Wake up, you're dreaming:) If you're not dreaming, someone has replaced your wife with a dream droid:) Congratulations on this memorable experience!!! I do hope it is the first of a lifetime of similar memories. I hope you both enjoy training the pups as much as this first hunt together!

Carp, leave the boys home and take the daughter by herself. It will mean the world to her and she won't feel obligated to act any certain way so the boys aren't disappointed. It's a thought!

BC, most of us will want to know if she has any sisters:)

Bird numbers are getting better around Dodge, but the last four years really did a number on them.

I keep looking for a little land in Leavenworth or Jefferson counties, but nothing yet I can afford.

You would be better off going one county north and west..jackson and atchison counties are cheaper and they actually hold birds

Saw this the other day, but just now got a chance to reply.

CONGRATULATIONS! That's a stellar day:10sign:

Nothing pleases me more than knowing I've got a few birds near home to chase. When I drive out W for a day hunt, I typically only get a half day to hunt. 12 bird contacts is a good day out there...its a stellar day when you're that close to home.

If you all decide you want to hunt with some dogs, I'll meet you somewhere round the half-way mark between us. Stroke your old dog on the head an extra time for me tonight:)

Saw this the other day, but just now got a chance to reply.

CONGRATULATIONS! That's a stellar day:10sign:

Nothing pleases me more than knowing I've got a few birds near home to chase. When I drive out W for a day hunt, I typically only get a half day to hunt. 12 bird contacts is a good day out there...its a stellar day when you're that close to home.

If you all decide you want to hunt with some dogs, I'll meet you somewhere round the half-way mark between us. Stroke your old dog on the head an extra time for me tonight:)

Will do kb..he is setting here on the couch with me watching the wife's gsp puppy run around like crazy..i appreciate the invite as well..did not realize how much i relied on the old boy til we went on the hunt yesterday without him..next season we will have the wife's gsp and my vizsla that i pick up next sunday..where we saw the birds was defintely a short drive for you if i remember your area right.
Will do kb..he is setting here on the couch with me watching the wife's gsp puppy run around like crazy..i appreciate the invite as well..did not realize how much i relied on the old boy til we went on the hunt yesterday without him..next season we will have the wife's gsp and my vizsla that i pick up next sunday..where we saw the birds was defintely a short drive for you if i remember your area right.

Kinda reminds me of "the old bull/young bull on a hill" joke...;)

Male or female GSP? Light, dark, pics?

Sounds like you're gonna have your hands full for the next few years:)
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Male or female GSP? Light, dark, pics?

Sounds like you're gonna have your hands full for the next few years:)

Its a female..darker ticked coat..still trying out how to figure out how to post pics on here..tried photobucket but still cant figure it out..yes she is a little of a handful but the kind of handful that i enjoy. Will be even better when my vizsla gets here next week so we can train them together and they can learn to work together