

Like buying a cup of coffee, for an NFL franchise.:eek:

Ban all the coaches and players involved for life. Now that would have stung.:cheers:
I agree. At a minimum they should have banned all involved for the year without pay (just like the head coach) and taken the super bowl title away from the franchise. That would have been a better step in the right direction.
One report said that the one-year suspension includes no salary for the year. This amounts to a $7 million dollar fine.

Works for me.

Actually might get someone's attention, although I suspect while the language might change, the behavior will mostly stay the same. Only result I can think of is that the referees will be given strenuous instruction and then next year, folks will scream about the unfairness of all the calls.

Trying to disable doesn't exist in my sense of what a good sport is supposed to be...unless it is one of those mixed martial arts or ultimate fighting sillinesses.

The real problem is not in either the action itself or the punishment dealt...it is in the mind and personality of those who gave the orders or followed them thru.
Good luck with changing that aspect of a man or fining/legislating into existence a conscience and a sense of right versus wrong.
Not sure why those that are surprised at sports figures who receive a sense of entitlement from grade school on fail...seems a given.
Like buying a cup of coffee, for an NFL franchise.:eek:

Ban all the coaches and players involved for life. Now that would have stung.:cheers:

I'm going to really reach on this one and go one further. Forget all the fines and suspensions. Take away the superbowl title. Wipe it from the books and make them give the rings back. The fines and suspensions will pass, but not having the records show you that you were superbowl champs may sting more.
How does felony assault and contracting a assault grab you?

If I had hired a person and offered money for the person to assault someone. Me and that person would be facing felony criminal charges. I heard the words racketeering being used. No special treatment, charge them. Ban them from the NFL and strip them of their Superbowl title.

Pete Rose got worse just for betting on the game of baseball
How does felony assault and contracting a assault grab you?

If I had hired a person and offered money for the person to assault someone. Me and that person would be facing felony criminal charges. I heard the words racketeering being used. No special treatment, charge them. Ban them from the NFL and strip them of their Superbowl title.

Pete Rose got worse just for betting on the game of baseball

We don't always see eye to eye but I am with you on this one.
We don't always see eye to eye but I am with you on this one.

Good heaven I agree to. The fascinating thing is apparently this goes back a long way, and with multiple teams, heck almost all teams, these are the guys who got caught. No telling where this ends. I'm sure the NFL is anxious to sweep this under the carpet and have it go away before it bites back. I got coached from high school on to hammer QB's, and recievers uncovered over the middle to soften them up, recievers not anxious to go over the middle and get another rib pounding and QB's get so beat up the can't lift their arms or deliver passes on out patterns. It's a brutal game, Ronny Lott, Jack Tatum, Jack Lambert,Chuck Bednarik, probably didn't need motivation financially, not that it mattered to guys they played against, they just wanted to win
They'll be messed up pretty good without their head coach for a year and he lost $7 mil. Seems like enough punishment to me but I would care if they got more. They deserve whatever they get.
How about this---there is the looming problem of hundreds of retired players that have ongoing problems from all the hits they took and the talk of law suites---now comes this little revalation and the NFL goes oh shit we better come down hard line on this so we can say "we didn't know and as soon as we found out we put a stop to it." This is what Shannon Sharp said on a radio talk show today, he should know.:D
Retired football players shouldn't bitch about aches and pains caused from playing the game. Injuries occured from illegal hits or with the intention of hurting somebody are different of course.
Retired football players shouldn't bitch about aches and pains caused from playing the game. Injuries occured from illegal hits or with the intention of hurting somebody are different of course.
I agree--I'm just saying the current reaction to the pay to hit scandle is more about corprate America (never forget PRO SPORTS is typical corprate America) trying to cover their ass.
Retired football players shouldn't bitch about aches and pains caused from playing the game. Injuries occured from illegal hits or with the intention of hurting somebody are different of course.

Bitch? some are trying to sue the NFL for their on going head injuries. WTH? Maybe they should have saved some of their millions to take care of themselves later in life. Ridiculous!...a full contact sport they willingly participated in and now they want money for their foolish ways. That's almost worse then the lady that sued McDonalds for spilling "Hot" coffee on herself.
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Part of this "kinder gentler NFL" going on now is because it is costing the NFL more and more to compensate players injured. The huge contracts for these stars coming out of college. Some will be injured in training camp, most all will miss a few games. Fans go to the games to see the stars, millions watch TV to see the stars. What does it cost a franchise and NFL to lose a star?

TV ratings are going to set records the First Bronco game with Payton starting.:eek: So if Payton is injured can't play, ratings drop what 50% maybe 70%. World audiences won't give a crap to watch the Broncos without:eek: Payton.

The thing with the Saints. New rules were being enforced all while this "bounty" was going on. Disgruntled players squealed, Saints coaches and players lied during the investigation. Makes the whole situation much worse.

Saints did get off to easy. Taken the Super Bowl title away would have been appropriate.
Ask Sean Payton and the rest if it was worth it all to win the championship.
Bet the answer would be YES!
Seems to me the players invovled should be banded. Their the dummies that went along with it. Not really sending a message to stop it are you?
Bitch? some are trying to sue the NFL for their on going head injuries. WTH? Maybe they should have saved some of their millions to take care of themselves later in life. Ridiculous!...a full contact sport they willingly participated in and now they want money for their foolish ways. That's almost worse then the lady that sued McDonalds for spilling "Hot" coffee on herself.

I agree. These guys are adults getting paid more in a year than most of us will make in a lifetime. They knew that multiple hits to the head weren't good for them.
Banded? Like a duck? Wtf? I don't understand. Please clarify.

Yes I see my brain power in spelling/speach is showing brightly again:D Shouldn't the players have to miss a season to or be fined? Yes they should be banded also:thumbsup: Ball and chain style:) Did you hear the Vikings coached bad play in the 90's:eek: They thaught it would help them to much if they supended the coach for a year and took draft choices away:D