32,000 football fields of tree's missing in Iowa

SDJIM, There it is! I like that a LOT!!
Your not blaming, Your doing!
I hope Your an example for the "gloom and Doomers"

All that "Doom" and "Gloom" came from Pheasants forever. Just another "Liberal" rag. :rolleyes::D
Yep I see more shelter belts going bye bye around my neck of the woods all the time--seems the farmstead is vacant and falls down or is torn down followed by the bulldozer and the trees are gone. A few more acres of corn and wind blown dust filling the ditch over winter--SAD :(

So I put up a small fight and plant more trees every year--I know it's a small local try at something better for the wildlife but try I must. This spring it will be another 1000 ft of red cedar and rocky Mt juniper (3 rows) and 1500 ft of Russian Olive in 3 rows, Also about 10 acres of food plots and 10 acres of native grass. :D

Join in the fight--there are many ways to help--and here is a good one, got a land owner that does a little habitat work--you know the milo strip you always get birds in or the tall grass plot--- stop in the local seed dealer and put a money credit in for him to use to do some of that habitat work with and have them let him know about the credit. :thumbsup:

Quit crying about the problem and become part of the solution. ;)

:10sign: I'm so tired of only hearing about what used to be out here from folks, its sickening. People want to talk about the good old days (which I never saw) but do nothing about the problem, I cant even find 10 individuals to help start a Pf/ Qf chapter in the 3 county area around my home. They LOVE to blame coyotes for the lack of birds and totally ignore the elephant in the room that is habitat.:confused:
:10sign: I'm so tired of only hearing about what used to be out here from folks, its sickening. People want to talk about the good old days (which I never saw) but do nothing about the problem, I cant even find 10 individuals to help start a Pf/ Qf chapter in the 3 county area around my home. They LOVE to blame coyotes for the lack of birds and totally ignore the elephant in the room that is habitat.:confused:

Yes Robert most people just want to piss and moan about things, they are to lazy to get out and help out. They never dig deep enough to find the truth about anything. They read this and read that in the main stream media, but can't think for them selves. Critical thinking in this country is a dieing art.

It did come from Pheasants forever.

The best conservation Org. for our sport and they keep telling people the writing is on the wall. Yet for the profit driven. You all bash ANYTHING that says you need to change your ways or kiss the pheasant hunting good bye.

SDJIM, you talk about planting all these tree's. Then threaten to plow your whole place under if they implement the Sod Savers program, which Pheasants Forever was endorsing. Was it not you that said that?
It did come from Pheasants forever.

The best conservation Org. for our sport and they keep telling people the writing is on the wall. Yet for the profit driven. You all bash ANYTHING that says you need to change your ways or kiss the pheasant hunting good bye.

SDJIM, you talk about planting all these tree's. Then threaten to plow your whole place under if they implement the Sod Savers program, which Pheasants Forever was endorsing. Was it not you that said that?

No that was me, Jim is doing what he can and what you want him to do. I am doing what you want me to do too. I just don't want the government which is totally wrecking our country to put any more grief in my life. They are doing enough damage to this country every time they do something. When they threaten to shrink my net worth it bothers me. The last time they tried the sodsaver bill it caused thousands of acres of sod to be broke up. One operation near Faulkton broke 30 quarters of grass. Unintended cosequences of well intentioned do gooders like PF. The guy who broke it up
is now on Gov. Daugaards Pheasant Task Force. Does that make sense? Government is the problem not the solution. If we would have never had a farm bill we would have more pheasants and less soil erosion and more people living on the land the way you remember it. We all see what is happening and we don't like it but do we need to have it thrown at us all the time. What do you expect us to do besides ending fracking, convince the farmers that have pulled out the fences and bulldozed the trees and broke up the grass that they should let the land go back to nature? I am good but I am not that good. Should I get rid of my family and turn the land over to PF and DU? I had a quarter of CRP expire last year, I could plant it to corn and beans. Instead I am going to try a combination of winter wheat and cover crops and see if I can produce some pheasants that way and still pay the bills. You love to use the word greed, well I prefer profit. If I make some profit I might be able to buy another quarter of land that then won't be farmed ditch to ditch. Wouldn't that be a good thing? About 100 hunters came here voluntarily to hunt pheasants this year, I even had a couple of deer hunters and some tried calling coyotes. I think they had a good time. Be a little positive, the sun came up again today. The pheasants are doing well so far this winter, I have not started to feed them yet. If we can have a good hatch, next year will probably be better. Smile it does the whole world a favor.
It did come from Pheasants forever.

The best conservation Org. for our sport and they keep telling people the writing is on the wall. Yet for the profit driven. You all bash ANYTHING that says you need to change your ways or kiss the pheasant hunting good bye.

SDJIM, you talk about planting all these tree's. Then threaten to plow your whole place under if they implement the Sod Savers program, which Pheasants Forever was endorsing. Was it not you that said that?

Nope not me--would never do that.
I'm just a non farmer city boy background guy that married the love of my life ---gee she owns over 900 acres in south central South Dakota--lucky me and better yet she allows me to do pretty much what I want on the habitat side of things. If it was all profit driven then we would not spend thousands--yes thousands of dollars every year to improve the wildlife habitat or keep a couple hundred acres in native sod (yes we have all kind of offers to develop it as farm ground). Do we take advantage of the farm programs--sure we do as it allows us to have more habitat

Recently there was a land rent auction on a farm about 6 miles away and they got a bid of $220 per acre--my CRP pays about $90 per acre on average--so tell me how profit driven I am---NOT. Then there is the up keep--spraying of weed and such

I do all of this habitat work because I WANT to and can afford to do so. I enjoy watching the wildlife my habitat supports and the fall hunting with friends and family. We reach out to those who are in the armed forces and law enforcement and to others we meet all the time.

I know that not everyone can do as I do but I encourage you to do what you can where ever you can.

Oh yea--- I'm the guy that never charges to hunt and it's always all wild birds.
Sorry for the mix up SDJIM..I send my apology
Sorry for the mix up SDJIM..I send my apology

I think your mixing him up with our friend Haymaker;). A few years back he has some concern about the sod saver bill and how it could do more harm than good due to what he witnessed with the first one. No one really knew exactly what the bill was about at the time.:)
Here in central Ohio about the only fence rows left are the property lines and alot of them are gone. I used to shoot at alot of birds as a kid off the fence rows around my parents house. Now it would be tough to find a rabbit.
Well this isn't a big surprise as this is going on all over the mid-west where ever I travel you see big piles of trees. Lost a mile long grove where I grew up and shot my first deer out of those trees, makes me sad to look at that barren area that is left when I go back there now. This is all to get a few more rows of corn or beans, but if you don't own the land you can't do much about it.

SDJim I am going with your advice, I have been planting trees every year for the last 10 years so I guess it is up to me to keep planting trees and putting in those food plots.