16 gauge

No budget really. Just what speaks to me at the time. A classic would be wasted on me. I don’t need to spend $20,000 but I don’t want to cheap out with something I have to fight. I mean I run Goldens so I already have class.
Ha, so I know you're not a fair weather only type guy, if you want a sxs, you're not going to want double triggers. They are a pain with gloves on. So the Fair Isid or that round body Rizzini comes to mind.
Ha, so I know you're not a fair weather only type guy, if you want a sxs, you're not going to want double triggers. They are a pain with gloves on. So the Fair Isid or that round body Rizzini comes to mind.
Yes that is the info I’m looking for. I’m almost always wearing gloves.
Check these out

As you know I only shoot SxS's and personally I think if I wanted a bespoke gun, I'd sure consider their offerings. Reasonable cost for a gun built to your specs

Good luck, half the fun is looking!

I just can’t do the o/u. Looks like it belongs to a woman skeet shooting at the Olympics. Or the walking Orvis catalog. I’m more raggedy chaps patched boots pouch of Red Man carrying a model 12 that looks like hell. Seems to get me more permissions.
You carry your gun when you knock on the door? 😂

I never wanted to be one of those guys either. Then I had a buddy going through a divorce offer me a 16 gauge Citori for 800 bucks cash. I thought what the heck I can always get my money out of it. Haven’t used anything else in about 15 years. Next thing you know I’ll be eating fondue.Still were carhartt pants and an old cabelas vest. I did break down and get some Crispi boots a couple years ago.
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You carry your gun when you knock on the door? 😂

I never wanted to be one of those guys either. Then I had a buddy going through a divorce offer me a 16 gauge Citori for 800 bucks cash. I thought what the heck I can always get my money out of it. Haven’t used anything else in about 15 years. Next thing you know I’ll be eating fondue.Still were carhartt pants and an old cabelas vest. I did break down and get some Crispi boots a couple years ago.
Gucci bound!
Browning BSS, Parker have single triggers. My experience is if it has ejectors it has a single trigger. Which I like. However, last year I had trouble with 2cd barrel going off. It’s inertia driven and got fouled by dirt/powder etc. Big positive of two triggers…they work
I shoot a 1944 LC Smith or a newer Browning Citori White Lightening with really nice wood. I struggle with the White Lightening because of how it naturally points vs. what I am used to with my SxS collection. I really like the gun and need to spend more time at the range with it.


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This is probably my 2nd favorite 16. It's mod. 600 Fair Rizzini. My 1st will always be the 37 Ithaca. Gave 80 bucks for it my sophomore year of high school. By then I had already been through 6 or 8 shotguns. Had to sell my 1100 12 gauge to buy it. It served me well. 3rd would the Citori Lightning. I probably shot it the best, but a bit bulky and heavy. Shells keep going down and I'm going to shoot the Rizzini next season.


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TriStar makes 3 difference models of SxS's in 16 ga. all with single selective triggers if you are looking for a 16 ga. SxS that won't break the bank. A number of years ago I had a BSA 16 ga. SxS that was a pretty nice gun. Again, single trigger. Here's one that's listed on GunBroker.com.

My Marlin Model 90 came in today. It needs some work on the finish, but otherwise seems mechanically sound. My send it to Art’s shop to get it looked over and a possible refinish of the receiver. Gotta love an O/U with double triggers in 16 ga. I like it so much, I may have to buy one in 20 gauge too.
My Marlin Model 90 came in today. It needs some work on the finish, but otherwise seems mechanically sound. My send it to Art’s shop to get it looked over and a possible refinish of the receiver. Gotta love an O/U with double triggers in 16 ga. I like it so much, I may have to buy one in 20 gauge too.
If you ever see the insides of the mod 90, you'll be amazed at the simplicity and robustness. No wonder they are still around. I don't think you can re-blue them though. I've seen a couple pictures of purple ones.
My Marlin Model 90 came in today. It needs some work on the finish, but otherwise seems mechanically sound. My send it to Art’s shop to get it looked over and a possible refinish of the receiver. Gotta love an O/U with double triggers in 16 ga. I like it so much, I may have to buy one in 20 gauge too.
One of my buddy's begged me for my 20 gauge to give to his granddaughter. Sold it to him for 350.00. Then he took it squirrel hunting. Called me and said he loved it and thought he'd just keep it. Conniving old bastard. Not really. He brings it up sometimes and laughs. One time told me he sold it for 1000.00.:devilish:
I’m not sure about re bluing it either. It may have to be some other finish or it may not get refinished at all. It points real nice. Can’t wait to get it out and shoot it.
If you ever see the insides of the mod 90, you'll be amazed at the simplicity and robustness. No wonder they are still around. I don't think you can re-blue them though. I've seen a couple pictures of purple ones.
Looks like I’m going to be seeing the insides of mine. The gunsmith I wanted to look it over won’t do it. I can’t fix much, but I can at least get in there and look for rust and lube it up I guess. Refinishing won’t happen now unless I find someone that actually knows something about it.