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  1. B

    10 months of waiting

    Well after 10 months of waiting since our last SD trip it looks like this lovely storm will severely hamper it. My buddy's flight is scheduled to land at 10:40 tomorrow which seems to be near the brunt of the storm. Eureka SD also has warnings issued. Monday is supposed to be our travel...
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    Two weeks!!

    Two weeks from tomorrow we're heading to South Dakota for a "whole" week. Pretty damn excited. Among our group is my buddy since 4th grade. (I'm 47 now) He's been flying in from TN the last 5 years. Kicker is we come back Sunday and I leave the following weekend for Wisconsin deer opener. I...
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    protecting a dogs nose

    I'm wondering if anyone has a trick for protecting my yellow labs nose from rubbing raw and eventually bleeding while running through heavy cover? Thanks
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    Funny opener story

    I have a buddy that hunts with us often but just doesn't really seem to have a knack for hunting. He's always out of position, misses a lot (even though he's a great sporting clays shooter) etc. So I'm happy when he gets a few. My little GSP set him up beautifully Sunday with a solid point...
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    Anyone know if any crops are being harvested in Western MN? Corn is as green as green can be around me. I did see some pretty dry corn and picked beans on my way home from Brainerd last weekend. 2012 four of us harvested 13 birds opening weekend. 2013 three--thinking 2014 will be about the same.
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    Starting to get excited

    For the 2014 season! I called two months in advance to book a room in our usual hole in the wall motel for MN opener. They were full! Damn duck hunters. Quick check across the border in SD and their rooms were full too. Damn duck hunters. Turns out we'll be hunting Marshall. Our SD hunt is...
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    Well I brought my daughter to college up in Bemidji this weekend. Happy and sad day because she was such a joy to be around. I thought to myself I might have to get into grouse hunting so I have an excuse to go see her. Anyone ever hunt the area? I have no clue what how to hunt them.
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    The "how much to whoa" thread has me wondering. Rather than intrude on that thread I thought I'd start my own. I have a GSP that has hunted two seasons. I've had 5 labs and two currently. Just to give you my dog background. She gets further out then I like. Say 40-50 yards. I'm able to...
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    What age?

    Probably an age old question on this board but I'm to lazy to search it. Looking for recommendations on what age to release my birds. Two years ago was my first attempt, raising 30. I believe I released them to late because bugs etc were dead and gone by then. This year I'm raising 60 for a...
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    Return to Eureka area

    Revisted the Eureka SD area last weekend. Our first trip was really tough with almost zero crops down. This trip was the complete opposite. Of course all the crops were down and we saw well over a thousand birds. We did have a frustratingly hard time catching up with them but managed 27...
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    Return to SD

    Revisited Eureka SD this past weekend. It was incredible to see well over a 1,000 birds in three days. Of course it was frustratingly hard to catch up with them. They were routinely in the fields and light cover when in groups. The only success we had was busting them up and picking them...
  12. B

    Pretty quiet here

    MN board had been quiet. It's frigid this morning and I'm bored so I thought I would try and get some more photos off photobucket this morning. My group is heading back to Eureka SD Wed. Looks like the weather is changing. A quick google of the forecast show 36 degree on Thursday. Here is my...
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    Drinks for dogs in frigid weather

    We're going to SD in 10 days and the weather is turning really nasty. Lows near -20 towards the end of next week. I'm sure we'll be road hunting if it's anywhere near that cold. Anyway I remember reading a while back that a guy gave his dogs warm chicken noodle soup while in the field on...
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    Strategy is back firing on me

    I typically get out most weekends to hunt MN and every weekend starting with this one. Well not this year. The pure expense of opening weekend, two five day SD hunts and last weekends Wisconsin deer hunt ($160 license) has cut into my funds too much. Because my friends and bro-in-laws wives...
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    SD trip was horrible

    What a difference a year makes. We had daily limits in under three hours every day last year. This year we hunted public land between Selby and Eureka. We literally found one corn field that had been picked. The rest were up. Most were still picking beans. I didn't see many combines even...
  16. B

    Trip issues

    Up early today pondering next weekends trip to SD. Bringing six dogs and three guys it seemed we had every detail worked out. Including two custom made wood kennels to accomodate all the dogs. Well the drivers vehicle (Ford one ton crew cab with an 8' box) developed a very costly repair issue...
  17. B

    Plot map type book

    Why doesn't MN have one? I have this years SD, ND and Kansas's book. Yeah I have all the MN PRIM maps. The new WIA map book. I even have a huge book that shows all the public spots but it also shows campgrounds, walking paths etc. Thing would take most of my dash board.
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    MN-SD-ND road counts

    Looking at my plan trips to SD (1 1/2 west of Aberdeen) and ND (SW) I see the road counts are way down to 2.2 per mile and 1.26 per mile respectively. Is this not worse then MN counts in West Central MN where I hunt? If so I'd never have imagined that!
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    Yeah Buddy

    Sand Pines next weekend--Great group of buddies and a pile of birds on hold. Hope the weather holds out!!
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    Firearm safety certificate

    I just found out a member of a party for a planned Dec. ND hunt doesn't have his firearm safety cert. Is this a formality or is it checked etc. when buying your license?