Beretta OU - nicest one you can afford that is not so nice that you'll be afraid to take it out hunting. For me, it's a 687 silver pigeon II steam-bent to fit my southpaw shootin' ways... I find them a good balance of modest weight, but heavy enough to get a good swing and follow-through going... Citori, I personally find too blocky and heavy. Cynergy is nice for me, but a bit radical for some folks. I would stay away from very light guns, unless you want that for really long days or an aging body (no offence). I personally find them to be great grouse or woodcock guns, but not so good for pheasants or ducks when you really want to get a good swing going. I have an ultralight beretta OU that tips the scale at 5.7 lbs - great to snap a quick shot at a woodcock, but no as good to swing broadside in a pheasant.