1) While at a stop sign waiting to cross the highway in a small WA state farming community, I saw a rooster start to rise across the road, and then fold - a guy had shot it from his truck window. The country sheriff was right behind me & the guy got rightfully cited.
2) My dog rolled in coyote crap, complete with dung beetles - got it all over himself and his e-collar & the inside of my Jeep before I noticed. As I was dunking him in a creek trying to clean him up, another hunter (with his heart in the right place) stopped & demanded to know what I was doing to the dog. When I told him, he came down & helped.
3) Had a Golden Eagle claim a rooster I dropped; dog had prudently "honored."
4) Had a Great Gray Owl silently glide over my head to claim a Cottontail I had just shot.
5) When I was in high school, I returned from duck hunting, opened the trunk of my old '51 Chev, & had a drake Mallard fly out.
6) When I guided many years ago ('60s), as I was eviscerating a bull Elk for a client and prepared to skin the "plumbing" back prior to splitting the pelvis, the client's wife gasped and exclaimed: "You're not going to cut his tallywhacker off are you?" I was at a loss for words.
7) Followed a trap drag that a huge Beaver had pulled loose & hauled around for the better part of a quarter mile. The trap wasn't tagged & had been illegally set on my Uncle's land, the Beaver was healthy & pissed, and I ruined a perfectly good hunting jacket during the release.
8) Folded a Mallard in a swampy area; after the first retrieve my Lab returned with a rooster. The second retrieve resulted in the duck.