Your Experiences

1. A guy in our party had a lab / wire hair mix named Britches. Was a pretty good dog over all. One day she was out on the edge of a corn field and there was a shot pheasant that went straight up in the air probably 60 feet. Britches was under like an outfielder trying to judge where the bird was coming down. She actually caught it and it never hit the ground.

Now that's a retrieve! Good dog! :10sign:
1. A coopers hawk nab a downed quail right in front of my dog going for the retrieve.
2. My dog head shaking a skunk 10yds in front of me.
3. Three big raccoons running straight at us through a barren field only to turn and bolt within 20yds.
4. A female coyote staying within 30 yds for quite some time trying to lure off my dog.
5. An Irish wolf hound joining our hunting party.
6. A Chihuahua joining our hunting party.
7. My dog catching wild hogs.
8. My brothers dog catching a hen turkey.

These are just a few of a very funny, very long list.

There's something about you and your dog - you attract odd critters. ;)
ZEagle will back me up on this one...we hunt a corner of high grass every year and the 'neighbors' have an old Billy Goat that joins us. He'll sneak up behind you and give you a little nudge. Once you acknowledge his presence, he walks the corner with us. He's horrible at pointing and hasn't fetched one damn bird!
1) While at a stop sign waiting to cross the highway in a small WA state farming community, I saw a rooster start to rise across the road, and then fold - a guy had shot it from his truck window. The country sheriff was right behind me & the guy got rightfully cited.
2) My dog rolled in coyote crap, complete with dung beetles - got it all over himself and his e-collar & the inside of my Jeep before I noticed. As I was dunking him in a creek trying to clean him up, another hunter (with his heart in the right place) stopped & demanded to know what I was doing to the dog. When I told him, he came down & helped.
3) Had a Golden Eagle claim a rooster I dropped; dog had prudently "honored."
4) Had a Great Gray Owl silently glide over my head to claim a Cottontail I had just shot.
5) When I was in high school, I returned from duck hunting, opened the trunk of my old '51 Chev, & had a drake Mallard fly out.
6) When I guided many years ago ('60s), as I was eviscerating a bull Elk for a client and prepared to skin the "plumbing" back prior to splitting the pelvis, the client's wife gasped and exclaimed: "You're not going to cut his tallywhacker off are you?" I was at a loss for words.
7) Followed a trap drag that a huge Beaver had pulled loose & hauled around for the better part of a quarter mile. The trap wasn't tagged & had been illegally set on my Uncle's land, the Beaver was healthy & pissed, and I ruined a perfectly good hunting jacket during the release.
8) Folded a Mallard in a swampy area; after the first retrieve my Lab returned with a rooster. The second retrieve resulted in the duck.
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Last September while blue grouse hunting I had a mountain lion jump out of a fir tree right above me and run right between my two dogs. A week later while driving in to hunt a different area from the first lion spotting my girlfriend spots another mountain lion eating a doe mule deer no more than 100 yds off of the forest service road. This one was a big tom cat as I got a good look at it as he stopped in a clearing before bounding up the mountain.
A few years ago while hunting blue grouse in sw Colorado my old GSP Emmy stopped with here tail between her legs as a huge 6x7 bull came running over the ridge and stopped no more than 30 yds right in front of me.
Too bad I didn't have my bow as he just stood there trying to pin where we were broadside for at least five seconds before running up the hill and through the rim rock of the canyon some how.
  • A few years back I was turkey hunting when a Mountain Lion started growling at me. He came from behind (I was standing in 6-7 ft tall row pines). Kitty could have had me for a meal if he wanted too:eek:, but thank God decided to pass on human flesh that day.

  • I was pheasant hunting a corn field with a buddy when a monster whitetail came running through the corn right at me. I had to back up a few feet to save myself some pain. He didn't know I was there but was full-on running away from my friend and right at me.

  • My brother-in-law and I were lost in the woods after hunting. Night came with thick fog and many strange sounding creatures talking in the night. I felt like we were in some kind of Hollywood horror movie. Next thing we know a wolf starts to howl in front of us, then another behind us, 3 more to our sides. It was like they were letting us know we were surrounded. We found a snowmobile trail and hightailed it out of there as fast as we could.

1) Both britts were pointing at a small brush pile. After kicking the brush a couple times, a bobcat runs out.

2) Champ was pointing in some small trees. I had to wiggle through. When I got to champ and looked up, there was a big buck facing me about 50 feet away. I thought he was going to charge me or my dog. I could not run through the trees. I backed away carefully. When I circled around i noticed he was bone thin; either sick or worn out by the rut. He laid down. Called nephew and he shot a 150 point buck.
Ha! JMc is right, that goat is funny, he will wake you up if you aren't paying attention.
ZEagle will back me up on this one...we hunt a corner of high grass every year and the 'neighbors' have an old Billy Goat that joins us. He'll sneak up behind you and give you a little nudge. Once you acknowledge his presence, he walks the corner with us. He's horrible at pointing and hasn't fetched one damn bird!

Get some video or photos. I gotta see this! :eek:
Last September while blue grouse hunting I had a mountain lion jump out of a fir tree right above me and run right between my two dogs.

Whew! Sets the heart apounding to think of it. :eek:
Was hunting teal with the boss. He was setting dekes while I built the blind. Heard him grunt, teal hit him in the back.

Hunted with 2 friends of my hunting buddy on a 1/4 section of CRP. They made it 3/4 the way around before we had to drive back and pick them up. Couldn't even walk on the road!

Pulled up to an intersection headed for another WIHA. I waited for a crossing pickup only to see it T-boned by another truck that pulled out of a driveway in front of me. I hauled their dogs to the vet while the ambulance took them in.

Had a game warden circling us hunting. Got back to truck and he drove up to check us. I opened my badge wallet and he kinda locked up. I'd worked with him for several years a bit back and he didn't recognize me.

Hunted the landlord's place only to have his Holstein bull tree me for 45 minutes. Seems he didn't like my dog and lodged his complaint with me.

Dogs have pointed coyotes, badgers, coons, skunks (another story), possums, and one very large tom bobcat.

My current boss used to be my seasonal employee. He got on as Manager on the next wildlife area east. Checking dove hunters soon after he was hired. Pulled up to a big group, opened his door to check them and the door fell off! He put it in the back of the truck, said you don't see that every day, and drove off!

Same guy and his dad were hunting birds with me. I tried to flush a covey for his dad to have optimal shots. I finally picked out a bird and just before I was to pull the trigger, the bird vaporized. The very end of one wing tip was spiraling down and my female, Star, who had pointed the litter caught it in mid stride and swallowed it!

My son shot a teal and we were waiting for any stragglers. I noticed his bird was not floating well and ran to get it. Snapping turtle was trying to claim it!

Had a group of mallards come in of our river dekes. Let the 10 year old son have 3 tries. I collected a late hen when he was done. He hit nothing and was indignant about missing. I told him to pick his shells up. He did. None were fired. He'd pumped all 3 on the ground without pulling the trigger. He swore he had felt the recoil!!!