Your Experiences


Well-known member
What interesting, surprising, or crazy things have happened to you or that you have seen while on a hunting outing or trip that did not actually involve hunting proper? Here are a few for me:

1. A bobcat in a snare trap.
2. A hawk jump a pheasant and get it airborne only to have the pheasant break away and fly off to safety.
3. A pheasant fly along side my vehicle, at the same speed, while I was doing 63, then accelerate and angle in front of my car to land on the other side of the road. Must have hit 70+ to pass me.
4. A senior hunter fighting cancer and post-surgery take a long, steady line through a tough stand of CRP.
5. A friend's dog I met as a pup 13 years ago and hunted with every season die from old age.
6. A South Dakotan make fun of the northern accent of a North Dakotan.
7. A North Dakota waitress say she knew my buddy, a fellow Kansan, and I were not local due to our accents which were from "down south; Kansas and below."
8. Tried flavored Bird Dog whiskey.
9. Pheasants flying within the city limits of a South Dakota town.
10. A buddy get two scotch doubles on quail in one day.
11. My dog point a porcupine.
12. A hunter with a small Jack Russell terrier afield.
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1. Saw several pheasants clinging and weaving back and forth on a telephone wire. Have seen them in trees - never on a phone wire!

2. A heavy-set gentleman wearing a shooting vest that appeared to be shot full of holes...and he's wearing no hat or gloves and it's cold!

3. Two fellows shooting a limit from the ditch - all in the same 5' spot.

4. Another hunter shooting on the ground within 15" of me and the dog. I
no longer hunt with him...

5. A coyote running 20' in front of me - trying to get away.

6. A hunter attempting an out-the-window shot at a pheasant, with a sawed
off 410, having the gun jump back and hit him in the nose.
1. Saw several pheasants clinging and weaving back and forth on a telephone wire. Have seen them in trees - never on a phone wire!

2. A heavy-set gentleman wearing a shooting vest that appeared to be shot full of holes...and he's wearing no hat or gloves and it's cold!

3. Two fellows shooting a limit from the ditch - all in the same 5' spot.

4. Another hunter shooting on the ground within 15" of me and the dog. I
no longer hunt with him...

5. A coyote running 20' in front of me - trying to get away.

6. A hunter attempting an out-the-window shot at a pheasant, with a sawed
off 410, having the gun jump back and hit him in the nose.

I like number 6 which I call Instant Karma.
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A farmer friend showed me how to kil a crippled duck by grasping it behind the wings an pulling sharply on its head. I couldnt wait to show my buddies this new trick in Saturday morning. Turns out that there's a bit of a knack to it...

A feral cat busted out of the cover and an owl that I had not seen glided down to take a swipe at him and missed.
1. Saw a buddy kill two roosters with one shot. (He still brings it up from time to time..)
2. Saw four guys jump out of a pickup all with loaded guns and shoot at 2 roosters in the ditch not 10' from them only to have the roosters fly away seemingly untouched.
3. A rooster bust out wild about 70 yards ahead way out of range for any of us to shoot and then did a coma-cozy maneuver into a high power line that broke his neck.
1. A coopers hawk nab a downed quail right in front of my dog going for the retrieve.
2. My dog head shaking a skunk 10yds in front of me.
3. Three big raccoons running straight at us through a barren field only to turn and bolt within 20yds.
4. A female coyote staying within 30 yds for quite some time trying to lure off my dog.
5. An Irish wolf hound joining our hunting party.
6. A Chihuahua joining our hunting party.
7. My dog catching wild hogs.
8. My brothers dog catching a hen turkey.

These are just a few of a very funny, very long list.
1. Winged quail ran under an ice self in field and started running around while our Brit was chasing it on top of the ice. My dad and I were stomping the ice to break it to allow a retrieve.

2. Putting a cocklebur in my dads bed following a long day in the field.

3. Dog on point walk in to flush and a cat tries to make an escape, after looking closer the cat had a freshly killed hen.

4. My hunting buddy being so surprised that my dog would point a pheasant from 30 ft. His lab/shorthair mix doesn't do that....he brings that up often.

5. Pup pointing a skunk and getting partially spray, not a fun experience, made for a fun dinner though.....:D
Like most of you, I'm sure I could fill a book with stories of "other" wildlife encounters while out bird hunting. Some of the more entertaining ones I've posted about here, like the squirrel that split open Junie's nose two years ago, or the raccoon both dogs rolled with this season.

When you go out looking for an adventure or an experience instead of a limit of birds, you end up with a lot of stories. :laugh:
When you go out looking for an adventure or an experience instead of a limit of birds, you end up with a lot of stories. :laugh:

Well said. ;)
A farmer friend showed me how to kil a crippled duck by grasping it behind the wings an pulling sharply on its head. I couldnt wait to show my buddies this new trick in Saturday morning. Turns out that there's a bit of a knack to it...

A feral cat busted out of the cover and an owl that I had not seen glided down to take a swipe at him and missed.

Hey, you got the job done. :p
My britt grabbed a squirrel. The squirrel twisted out of Sue's mouth and bit down on her front paw. It would not let go. Dog is rolling in pain trying to get the squirrel off. Finally get Sue still and place the gun stock on the squirrel's neck. Put all my weight on the squirrel and it finally opens its mouth.

Sue trained her daughter to be a squirrel terminator. Brandy would violently shake her head with the squirrel in her mouth so the squirrel could not bite. Do not know if the squirrels died form the bite or from a broken neck.
Funniest one I can think of happened the day after Thanksgiving. My buddy stops me in the middle of the field and says he needs the keys to the truck. I question him and he mumbles something about bad turkey or dressing. I hand him the keys and continue to hunt the whole section and am waiting for him to return with the truck. He steps out in an extra pair of long johns I have in my hunting stuff and an old raincoat I also have stuffed in my hunting bag. Seems he had a little poopy issue and destroyed his clothes and the local gas station bathroom! I think the term was explosive diarrhea!
A farmer friend showed me how to kil a crippled duck by grasping it behind the wings an pulling sharply on its head. I couldnt wait to show my buddies this new trick in Saturday morning. Turns out that there's a bit of a knack to it...

A feral cat busted out of the cover and an owl that I had not seen glided down to take a swipe at him and missed.

This picture reminds me of a goose hunt, my lab had retrieved the winged bird, not knowing I ringed the neck which looked like the duck but head still attached. The head was almost upside down. I walked out for the blind during a break in the action and I came back and saw goose tracks leading away from the blind and to my surprise the goose was walking away........when we got the bird back I detached the head......
And so one...........

1. A guy in our party had a lab / wire hair mix named Britches. Was a pretty good dog over all. One day she was out on the edge of a corn field and there was a shot pheasant that went straight up in the air probably 60 feet. Britches was under like an outfielder trying to judge where the bird was coming down. She actually caught it and it never hit the ground.
2. A guy in our party had an emergency need to relieve himself in a corn field during a drive. He cut off his briefs to finish the job. Three days later we were working the same field and another guys dogs found the remains of the job and rolled in it. The dog came back with the briefs hanging from it's e-collar.
3. Last year we were walking a shelter belt and my dog flushed a rooster right toward me. I shot it as it was flying at me and I nearly caught the bird. It hit in my hand but I couldn't get a grip on it.
4. Have had several times were someone in our group is nearly ran over by deer in corn fields.
5. Had a friend that was really hung over from a long night of drinking. Due to the hangover he decided to block the first push of the day. It was one of those times where he was in the spot where all the birds were busting out. When the first birds lifted by him we heard him fire one shot. There were dozens of birds that flew right by him and not another shot was fired. We thought he had a problem with his gun. At the end of the push we inquired about his gun. He stated that the gun was fine but when he fired the first time it hurt his head so bad that he wasn't going to shoot again........
2. A guy in our party had an emergency need to relieve himself in a corn field during a drive. He cut off his briefs to finish the job. Three days later we were working the same field and another guys dogs found the remains of the job and rolled in it. The dog came back with the briefs hanging from it's e-collar.

Winner. :laugh: There is no way I would have been able to continue walking if I had seen that in person. I would have laughed to the point of total insanity right there in the field. That is hilarious!

Thanks for sharing these stories, guys. Some of them have reminded me of of my own hunting stories that I had forgotten.

Like the time the hungover guy fell asleep behind our duck blind and the intact male lab sat on his face to warm up his undercarriage after a retrieve. :laugh:
1. Saw several pheasants clinging and weaving back and forth on a telephone wire. Have seen them in trees - never on a phone wire!

2. A heavy-set gentleman wearing a shooting vest that appeared to be shot full of holes...and he's wearing no hat or gloves and it's cold!

3. Two fellows shooting a limit from the ditch - all in the same 5' spot.

4. Another hunter shooting on the ground within 15" of me and the dog. I
no longer hunt with him...

5. A coyote running 20' in front of me - trying to get away.

6. A hunter attempting an out-the-window shot at a pheasant, with a sawed
off 410, having the gun jump back and hit him in the nose.

Yea I hate gloves

The poop story is tough to beat.

My dog got sprayed in the face 4 years ago by a skunk up in SD. My youngest boys first trip to SD. We were in my wife's blazer and it happened on the afternoon we were heading home. We gave him a couple baths at the farmers house and headed home. My poor son was in the back with the dog just miserable as hell. It was pretty cold so his choices were skunk oil or cold. That was a tough 9 hours.

Getting caught in a blizzard on the way to SD. Hey lets close the highways and make everyone get off on the less traveled roads with no hotels????

Saw a guy that could not hit the side of a barn shoot three roosters with one shot in 1980 in western kansas. Will never see that again

Watching my english pointer chase a rooster over a mile in a green wheat field in western kansas when I was a boy. Man did that dog have drive.
1 An old farmer who hadn't hunted in 30 years going along as a blocker and then catching a pellet in the chest.
2 Walking the tracks hunting through the middle of a western KS. town.
3 Skating down I-70 to the remnants of a Lincoln cty town and returning 20 yrs later to find the only remaining landmark a methodist church.
4 Filling the pockets of a front loading vest with mud while pushing like hell,, trying to free a stuck pickup out of crp field we shouldn't have driven into.
5 Hunting with a heavy drinking, chain smoking classmate who later became a damn fine priest.
6 A labrador locator who would pin downed pheasants with a front paw but who would retrieve quail just fine.
7 Listening to a brittany bawl for two days as she became accustumed to her brand new collar.
8 Insert shorthair, see above.
9 Hawk knocking a hen pheasant out of the air, repeatively picking her up 50 into the air , dropping her to the ground only to smack her again.