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Decided to get in the game in Colorado!!!! A native of Colorado and I have never shot a limit here!!! Mostly because I go to Kansas, SD!! I have hunted Here, but mostly after a duck or Goose hunt to pick up a Rooster or two or some stray Quail!!!! Got out to the field I picked at 8:45 a.m. 10-15 MPH Wind and about an inch of the white stuff!! Only took the 2, 10 month old pups, because Bleu has a bad wheel from horse play with the two pups! Decided to take the 28 Gauge today and what a day it was!!! Not a lot of birds , but tight flushes and mostly Roosters!! 4 shots , 4 Roosters, because we lost one cripple that fell that the pups did not see because of the cover!!! Thought we had him, but didn't!! My Buddy limited as well!!!!!