Active member
And, and you're a dog! 

Amen to that, from a Lab guy.Unlike some other breeds who can be aloof or downright obstinate, Labs look at you like they are trying to peer into your soul. It looks a combination of wonder, admiration and concern all rolled up in one look. I've always figured that the bases of their creation were first a desire to please, then a strong retrieving instinct. I've never owned one but have seen several. The first thing that I noticed was the way they looked at their people.
I've been fortunate, have had working labs since the 1980s and no health problems, no joint problems, all have lived to 13-15 years.True. We skijored with ours in Alaska, but be careful. It is hard on their knees! Labs are stout, tough dogs, but many lab lines have notoriously weak knees. Both labs we had in Alaska required TPLO surgery. One had both back knees repaired. TPLO surgery is expensive and requires extensive rehab which takes months.