Powderhorn Jim
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  • Hey Jim. What better thing to do while looking out at this weeks snowstorm than to think about next season. Maybe starting out in SE Montana, crossing over into SW North Dakota then dropping down into SD to finish up. Thoughts?

    On a totally unrelated subject, does your Nash have the folding bed into a couch option?

    Powderhorn Jim
    Powderhorn Jim
    Hi Tom. Sorry, I'm horrible about checking my messages. We generally start in SW ND then head for the Missouri in SD.

    No, our Nash has storage under the bed.
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    Reactions: webguy
    Az hunter
    how are you doing in Goodland We are in Hugoton and not many birds will be here for another week.
    Powderhorn Jim
    Powderhorn Jim
    Hi. Just found my "messages". Birds were tough around Goodland, though we found enough to keep us hunting until I stepped in a badger hole and tore my ankle up.
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