Who would you bring back?

Alright I was sitting in church and my mind started wondering:eek: And I got to thinking if the Almighty let you bring one person back from the dead who would it be and why? Since we have such a large musilum following on here no one can say that Jesus guy because we don't want to upset anyone (Wonder if Labmans musilum? He's angry alot:D):)
I could say some family member or a friend that pasted away but I'm not:( I'm going to say mother Teresa:thumbsup: I think I spelled it wrong hope I don't go to he!!:) Why she spent her whole life helping the needy.
I wouldnt mind bringing back some of the founding fathers to explain to our politicians why they drafted the constitution, but they would probably hang themselves
I would bring back the Vikings.so we could carve them Packers up and take their women..:laugh:

Seriously, Theadora Roosevelt. He did a pretty good job digging this country out of a hole at one time. Maybe he could lend a hand once more.
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In all seriousness . . . my Dad. If I were to be purely unselfish . . . Reagan from my time, Teddy Roosevelt from before my time.
I would bring back the Vikings.so we could carve them Packers up and take their women..:laugh:

Seriously, Theadora Roosevelt. He did a pretty good job digging this country out of a hole at one time. Maybe he could lend a hand once more.

I have been to upper Wisconsin, why would you want their women?

For humans I would say my dad. He died when I was seventeen, and there have been times the last 30 years I have missed him alot.

For animals, My english pointer saddle. That was the best dog I ever owned.
Wonga Phillip Harris....for the grin and, maybe, someone could clone his liver.
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Hard to pick one ! Id have to say my friend "Dan" he took his life 7yrs ago:mad: and if he was here today I know he would be hunting in the same feild as me every fall !
IF you believe in the same Heaven I do, then I think it would be somewhat selfish to want to bring back anyone to this mess!

Hard to pick one ! Id have to say my friend "Dan" he took his life 7yrs ago:mad: and if he was here today I know he would be hunting in the same feild as me every fall !

I lost a friend that way also...Tough deal. I miss him
Mr. President, himself, Gordon McQuarrie, the original outdoor writer, early conservatonist, embodiement of the great outdoors, died way to young, and we are all the poorer. Stories of the Old Duck Hunters, ducks! you betcha!
Lets stay focused Uguide. The Vikings just suck really bad they're not dead:D And they've never had a player you would want to bring back:) Unlike the Packers who are probably kicking football butt in heaven HA HA HA:) I bet that got the Viking fans temp. gauge on red. And who has fond memorys of the 70"s really DISCO and the purple people eaters:D Can't believe there wasn't a nuculaer war to end that.