whistles...too many choices

I use a Roy Gonia. I have one for training, one for Upland and one on my lanyard for waterfowl. They are cheap and work well. They can be loud on windy days if you blow hard, and if you don't blow so hard, they don't make you lose your hearing.
I like the good old mouth whistle. It always works and I never forget it. The sounds I make resemble some of the sounds a quail makes so I don't believe it bothers many birds.
Fox 40, may be to much whistle for my labs in the field but in the marsh it cuts right through the wind and other noises in the marsh when duck hunting.
I don't use a whistle, other than my hillbilly hand whistle.


If we are in thick cover and I haven't seen Dakota in a few minutes, I will give him a call with the hillbilly hand whistle. We have a 10 month old pup that we will be hunting this year and bought a two dog e-collar system. The collars have the locator beepers, the last thing that I need is to come home without my wife's puppy. :) (I only use the locator when I can't find one of them) ... otherwise I stay quiet, don't whistle and only say "good boy".
Can you elaborate on the benefits of that?
Wild birds are spooky. They hear dog whistles all season right before their buddies get shot. If you use an e collar to page the dog it's silent and the birds won't hear you coming. It's a deadly way to control your dog on pheasants. In my opinion the best way.
There is definitely more than one way to hunt roosters. I prefer the silent approach. Haven't been skunked in a very long time.

I know I need a whistle to aid in training, but there are way too many choices, advice please

What type dog--what level do you plan on training too?
Only can speak for retrievers-- very large percentage of trailers are using some variation of the megaphone type whistles--better direction distance and easier on ears--some pea less-- some with I prefer the pea type can't seem to get the inflection I want out of the pealess--though I do have one with in very cold weather--one thing to keep in mind is that whistles of same make and type can very greatly--you can go through quit a few to find a really good one

I also use the dog-tra vibrate function for hunting--my dogs respond to it much as they do a whistle--use tri-tronics for training no problem switching back and forth--hope thats not to much info--dc:)
A 12 GA is sooo quiet.:D

Sorry you have a problem with a silent approach... Like i said, there is a lot of different ways to hunt phessants. my hunting buddies and i like to hunt in small groups (4 or less) and we like to hunt as silent as possible. We dont park where the birds can see or hear us unloading dogs when ever possible and once in the field we keep noise to a minimum until the first rooster flushes in gun range. If you can do that every walk you will get more shots on Wiley birds, especially in tougher seasons when many of the roosters are older birds. Oh yeah, is a 20 gauge quieter? Lol
I whistle with my lips -- as little as possible. With an ecollar you can substitute vibration or tone for whistling and then give your dog a hand signal.

My S.O.P. as well, especially for pheasants. I understand that a shotgun blast is louder than a whistle or spoken word, but my strategy is based on an experience I had when I took my cousin and his son hunting with me and even though I gave them strict instructions about not slamming doors and tailgates and absolutely no talking in the field, and that I would handle the dogs with the tone and hand signals, they constantly chattered about a multitude of topics. In the midst of their conversation, I happened to look up and at the far end of the field we were hunting several dozen pheasants were taking flight. I can't prove it but my best guess is all the chit chat got those birds to running and when the cover ran out they took flight.
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Fox40. They hard to bite the end closed when training goes awry! Also they are more freeze proof than the pea Gonia
My S.O.P. as well, especially for pheasants. I understand that a shotgun blast is louder than a whistle or spoken word, but my strategy is based on an experience I had when I took my cousin and his son hunting with me and even though I gave them strict instructions about not slamming doors and tailgates and absolutely no talking in the field, and that I would handle the dogs with the tone and hand signals, they constantly chattered about a multitude of topics. In the midst of their conversation, I happened to look up and at the far end of the field we were hunting several dozen pheasants were taking flight. I can't prove it but my best guess is all the chit chat got those birds to running and when the cover ran out they took flight.

That's what has been happening to us out in Colorado. My friend drove his diesel truck out to hunt with us and just turning the truck off was enough to get the birds to spook. On top of that every time he whistled when his dog was out of range dozens of birds would flush hundreds and I truly mean hundreds of yards away. If you and your dog can hunt in sync together without a whistle, why use one. I don't do the field trials, I hunt wild spooky birds.
Hey guys the op asked what is the best whistle for training
So do I, with field trial winners that hunt with me. LOL So your saying every time you hunt this happens??? Have you fired a shot? did you say hi to your friend? Now its a diesle truck, LOL. Guys U crack me up. Try standing on the other end when you hunt with your brother then,LOL:D

The best whistle I think is a British buffalo horn whistle. It draws in Willey roosters to its majestic hypnotizing tone. At least it must, cause i sure flush allot of birds held tight after shooting and hitting my hup whistle. They are nice because you can dictate the volume easy. My favorite, by far.

No, I'm saying this year in Colorado it's the norm. Still killing roosters... I'm only giving an example. You must be smarter than your dog huh?
Redlabel try a few different kinds and see for yourself what you like and go from there. They don't cost that much.