Which one?

If you had to get rid of one of these things Which would it be. Cell phone, Cable tv, internet (you know that thing AL Gore invited:)) or hunting:eek:
I would have to say cable TV only good thing on it's bigfoot shows:)
Yep...cable. Moved this summer and went without for a couple of months and did not miss it.
cell phone would be gone. Nothing but trouble when it rings anyways.
Cable in particular, TV in general.
Cable - I've still never purchased it.

Giving up the TV wouldn't be too bad either - didn't purchase one until just less than a year ago. I find myself much less productive now that I own one, but find it hard to not watch some shows that air weekly despite the time drain.

And heck, a cell phone - I don't walk around everywhere with mine and get annoyed when people I'm with are constantly fiddling with their phone. All three of these things can go!
Definitely cable, if you want to watch tv you can always stream it on the internet anyways through hulu(free), or any of cbs, nbc, abc, fox for free too.
Cable - I've still never purchased it.

Giving up the TV wouldn't be too bad either - didn't purchase one until just less than a year ago. I find myself much less productive now that I own one, but find it hard to not watch some shows that air weekly despite the time drain.

And heck, a cell phone - I don't walk around everywhere with mine and get annoyed when people I'm with are constantly fiddling with their phone. All three of these things can go!

:cheers:YEP! I don't own a cell phone...kids are the only reason my wife gets away w/ having cable (some days this does provide relief:rolleyes:
Haven't had a TV in years. Recently got rid of my home computer. Both a big waste of time. Any interneting I need to do I can do at work, it being understood that is not something everyone can do at work. I like having a phone and I have just one -- my cell -- so I want to hang on to it.