I live in the city - Halifax, Nova Scotia. I grew up in the country, and figured I'd never survive city living when I bought my first house here. 10 years later, I don't often wish for country living. Sure, I get jealous on a Saturday morning when I have to "commute" to hunt, but 5 days a week when I ride my bicycle 20 minutes, or drive 7 minutes, to work while my country-living colleagues sit in traffic for two hours a day, I don't miss it much! Halifax is one of those cities that you can get OUT of fast, if you want. I can be grouse hunting in 15 minutes from my downtown house. I changed my work schedule to be 10-6, so I can go out and hunt for a few hours in the morning, then drive back into town after rush-hour and get to work - easy as pie. Hell, two years ago, I shot a spikehorn buck with my bow at 730 in the morning, had him hung, skinned and cooling in the woods by 9, and was sitting at my desk feeling pretty damned pleased with myself at 10 in the morning! My plan is still to move to the country when I retire, but I don't need to think about that too much at this point!