where’s Bob


Well-known member
has he finally reached it. Off somewhere stuck in some sort of pheasant Nirvana.
And where’s goose
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Maybe composing his next fairytale post. Anyone missing now could likely be frozen somewhere. It is -8* here currently, but it will get above zero today. For tomorrow (Monday) here (NW IA) it will be -1* to starting at Midnight tonight and stay below zero, finishing -12*. This is in Iowa, take care and use you brain if you are going outside for much of anything. I haven't looked, but I assuming the Dakotas will be even colder.

Oh, those are air temps, with winds in the midteens, drop another 20* for a feels like temp.
Bob is active still if you check his profile.

Goose has been banned. Web guy (the site owner and top dog here) has received multiple complaints about him over the past year and has banned him as a result. There was too much BS content from Goose, and it just seemed to be getting worse. Fyi to all, I just joined as a moderator for the site and am going to try to keep the discussion more productive than some of what I’ve been seeing recently. Its gone a bit too awry.
A good day to stay inside on the forum.

-15 currently with -34 windchill here in WI! I’m glad I’m not a pheasant
Free the Goose:p. Its cold as crap here -33 WC and I am bored and could use some entertainment.
Seems to be quite the coincidence that there was a first confirmed sighting of Goose by a member and now he is banned.
Bob is active still if you check his profile.

Goose has been banned. Web guy (the site owner and top dog here) has received multiple complaints about him over the past year and has banned him as a result. There was too much BS content from Goose, and it just seemed to be getting worse. Fyi to all, I just joined as a moderator for the site and am going to try to keep the discussion more productive than some of what I’ve been seeing recently. Its gone a bit too awry.
Dang, I thought it was fun.
Bob is active still if you check his profile.

Goose has been banned. Web guy (the site owner and top dog here) has received multiple complaints about him over the past year and has banned him as a result. There was too much BS content from Goose, and it just seemed to be getting worse. Fyi to all, I just joined as a moderator for the site and am going to try to keep the discussion more productive than some of what I’ve been seeing recently. Its gone a bit too awry.
Have you read “the view from the Pier” by Cas Cecum in the Retriever Journal? Sounds like the Goose but with a Chesapeake - and he hasn’t been banned
Maybe Goose should become a moderator!

Maybe there should be more complaints on the guys that post book comments on the site to get them banned - just saying…… would rather read Goose posts than them thar books
Bob is active still if you check his profile.

Goose has been banned. Web guy (the site owner and top dog here) has received multiple complaints about him over the past year and has banned him as a result. There was too much BS content from Goose, and it just seemed to be getting worse. Fyi to all, I just joined as a moderator for the site and am going to try to keep the discussion more productive than some of what I’ve been seeing recently. Its gone a bit too awry.
Goose is total bs, that’s why he works and brings life to this place when it’s dead.
I understand some liked Goose on here - he certainly was a personality. I, along with others felt like he had low effort posts that contributed toward a downward slope on the site with others joining in and snowballing the posts.

I don’t know all the Goose lore but he talked about his cousin shooting hens, deficating while hunting, and other hunters pointing guns at you while hunting. That’s not exactly the activity that helps our cause with trying to get more people to join the sport/site in my point of view. I just don’t think that’s the type of message we want to show, that this site is about that.
First, thumbs down.

Second, I hope Bob's OK. I'm guessing he's been busy hunting pheasants, ice fishing, or both.

I think what doesn't help a website/forum/thing is banning people who are appreciated by many, may not offer a bunch of insight/help, obviously enjoy contributing, & are truly harmless. I get that somebody "owns" the forum & has the ultimate say, but I'm thinking many users won't be too keen on a case that outwardly appears to be "a few guys didn't like Goose & whined to high heaven, so we got rid of him".

But since you did, I'd be interested to know if there was any effort to discuss it with him privately before banning him.

Also, please provide & make readily accessible to all, VERY clear & specific definition of:
1. What topics can/can't be discussed.
2. Responses to every topic that are/aren't acceptable.
3. Any unacceptable words.
4. Amount of effort required for each post.
5. What constitutes a "downward slope in the site" against which users may pre-judge their posts prior to posting.
6. Similarly, what's an "upward slope"?
7. Anything else the owner & moderators feel users should know in order to promote an "upward slope".

Thank you.
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