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Wheat has been or is now getting cut in the pheasant range. Is it so early that pheasant nests and clutches will be significantly harmed?
Wheat has been or is now getting cut in the pheasant range. Is it so early that pheasant nests and clutches will be significantly harmed?
what are clutches?
I thought a "clutch" was what you had to do covering your crotch going over a flimsly sprung barb wire fence! It's heck to be hungry, and have go to decent sit down restaurant with holes, (rips, tears,), or worse. Will need to do a Pheasant dictionary of terms, to explain the double intenders. In the pheasant forum, a " clutch" could be an innocent issue as described above.... but seen by a law enforcement official .... in a decent sitdown restaurant.... might get us cited as a deviant ! The defenition by the pheasant dictonary might secure our release. Your honor! " I had one hand on the wild dog's collar, and my other hand was on my favorite gun, I could not "clutch" under the circumstances" the unavoidable, and disturbing behavior at the restuarant was a result of my "clutchless" circumstances.
wow! That was awesome.
I thought a "clutch" was what you had to do covering your crotch going over a flimsly sprung barb wire fence! It's heck to be hungry, and have go to decent sit down restaurant with holes, (rips, tears,), or worse. Will need to do a Pheasant dictionary of terms, to explain the double intenders. In the pheasant forum, a " clutch" could be an innocent issue as described above.... but seen by a law enforcement official .... in a decent sitdown restaurant.... might get us cited as a deviant ! The defenition by the pheasant dictonary might secure our release. Your honor! " I had one hand on the wild dog's collar, and my other hand was on my favorite gun, I could not "clutch" under the circumstances" the unavoidable, and disturbing behavior at the restuarant was a result of my "clutchless" circumstances.
I just spent over a week in Scott, Lane, Ness, Hodgeman and Finney counties helping a friend cut wheat. I saw clutches anywhere from just hatched to a month old. I was surprised at the number of babies that were hatched the middle of May. The broods all seemed to be good size. Something else to remember, the combine only destroys the nest the tires run over which is only a small percent. The wheat is cut high enough that the header cuts over the top of the nest. I was running the auger wagon, and saw some day old babies that the combine cut right over the top of. The area I saw the most birds was around Healy. There is going to be some good hunting in that area if the heat doesn't get the chicks.