What to pick

Alright guys lets say with my massive brain power (stop laughing) I developed a time machine:thumbsup: This machine will take you and your dog:thumbsup: too hunt any animal that has ever walked the earth. So what animal are you guys going to pick and why?
I would have to pick the T REX because I want to see my dog point that:D
ice fishing a little slow today or did you freeze your brain to come up with this one. i would pick sabre tooth tiger. like to see jake tree one of those.
how about lions caled one in today at 10 feet. Scared the crap out ,of me. It came in behind me and Wow. I bought a lions Tag today. Man this lion scared the crap out of me. Way to close. I was just looking for yote or bobcats, maybe a fox. I had to clean my pant's. Go ahead and jump on me but If you'd been there, you'd know.
I'd be lucky if all I had to clean was my pants, it would have scared the hell and sh*t outta me to say the least. He might have had an easy meal as it might have given me that big one, heart attack.:):):mad:
I'd be lucky if all I had to clean was my pants, it would have scared the hell and sh*t outta me to say the least. He might have had an easy meal as it might have given me that big one, heart attack.:):):mad:

how could a little ole mountain lion scare you so bad? they seem a lot tamer than the description you gave of you ex wife:D
Easy choice . . . Pheasants again with my Dad back in the '50s.
you know with a mt. lion it would probably make me sh*t my pants, my ex only makes me want to sh*t my pants, she don't sneak up on ya don't ya know, hell she can't keep her flapping pie hole closed so ya knows fer awhile she is aimen ta come your way and you high tale it outter there. You might say, dude ya afraid of her, hell no I aint a bit fraid ofher, just don't wanna talk ta her or see or smell her. Better fer the heart, my heart :)
I might go back in the 1800s in California when quail coveys ran in the thousands of birds and the flights of passenger pigeons black out the sky. Argentina eat your heart out. I might kill my dog with all the retrieves though.
you know with a mt. lion it would probably make me sh*t my pants, my ex only makes me want to sh*t my pants, she don't sneak up on ya don't ya know, hell she can't keep her flapping pie hole closed so ya knows fer awhile she is aimen ta come your way and you high tale it outter there. You might say, dude ya afraid of her, hell no I aint a bit fraid ofher, just don't wanna talk ta her or see or smell her. Better fer the heart, my heart :)

What kind of accent is that CoP? Is that south dokatan?

Oh and I would like to shoot a Whooping Crane. I've had my chances but I guess its frowned upon nowadays
I would like to go back to about 1960. I could then have a Pheasant Hunt in Minnesota. With 2 of my best partners, My Uncle Walt and My GSP Brandy. Fantastic Dog, I didn't know how great he was until some years after he had passed on. I would be about 26 years old and young enough to justice to the opportunity..........Bob