What to do

I rode down to the pasture to enjoy all the wildlife geese ducks rabbits squirels deer pheasant the ussual stuff. But today was different there was something hairy with teeth:eek: No its not bigfoot or a wolf so I didn't have to shoot it. It was a BEAVER:eek: I like beavers but this ones trying to flood my pasture:mad: One side says let him go see if he can get the dam built. Other side says scare it away now before the dam becomes a probelm. Should I leave it or scare it away?
What do you mean when you say scare him away???????? Are you a Beaver Whisperer???????LOL

let him flood the field and hunt ducks :D unless you have phz. then blast that place and then blow up the dam. or buy cfs propane critter gitter and start a fire. just kidding :D:D:D lol:10sign:
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If congress was smart they'd banned me from owning a propane critter gitter:D I figure with enough human activity it would scare away.
Leave him flood it. Then sell it to me and I can have a nice private duck honey hole.(in Jesus name Amen) LOL:thumbsup::cheers:
95 % of the worlds problems could be solved with the correct amount of high explosives. in this case dont go with the correct amount triple the dose. its alot more fun that way.
What kind of trees or brush will the beaver feed on? If you want to save the trees the beaver is a problem. It will cut far more then it will eat. Besides, beaver multiply like other rodents. They will be there until the food source is gone. How much pasture will you lose?
Sure would make a nice duck pond.:thumbsup:
I'd let him go. a little pond never hurt anything. they can create some good cover around the edges and Fish! plus pheasant and quail need a place to drink.
i'm with kansashunting if you leave him and get a nice pond out of it think of all the dove you could have to yourself
Remember, he is a rodent and there is never just one. Within a year there will be 4. Second year, 12. If you like your trees and stream, you may be better off letting the neighbors host the beaver. I currently have 1 pond dam with 15 holes in and 2 marsh dikes with significant damage as well. I'm looking at $3000-$4000 to fix them. The excavator comes Tuesday.
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Remember that their teeth grow fast and the only way to keep their teeth manageable they have to continue chopping trees, whether they are making a dam or not. Can cause a heck of a lot of unwanted damage. I got a 72 lb and a 68 lb and had them made into teddy bears for the girls.:eek:

i had no idea that beavers got that big. 72lbs is a big rodent. blue did you shoot them or trap them? c.c. the more i think about this, the more i think you better, get rid of the beaver.:eek:
The State does not let us trap on public land, unless it is with a cage trap. I took those during elk season with a 17hmr. Could of taken more than dozen, but I was tired of skinning already.
this post reminds me of a mistake i made in canada. me and a friend were hunting in manitoba and getting ready to leave outfitters house and asked him what he was going to do the rest of the day. he said he was going to get rid of some beaver dams. i asked how, he said tnt. i said the real thing ,he said yea, do you want to help? to this day i cant believe we turned him down we had to get home on time for a birthday party and it was a 850 mile drive.:mad:
95 % of the worlds problems could be solved with the correct amount of high explosives. in this case dont go with the correct amount triple the dose. its alot more fun that way.

I agree. Good Luck

Blue: the largest beaver I trapped was 60lbs (72lbs thats huge)
Yeah, I had to stop 3 times to rest carrying that damn thing back to the truck!!!LOL:cheers:
hey coot after reading everyones posts i have evaluated the facts. we dont have quail in n iowa,we dont have a dove season, it will provide an area for fish but we can shot carp any where. they multiply like rats. also Denny might not like it down there. funnelclouds graduation is this weekend and wife is stressed so i am also. this all points to one conclusion. more gunpowder:eek: denny will never hear it and i'm long overdue for a creative problem solving explosion, this should make me feel better also. have torch and 50 foot of cannon fuse. WILL TRAVEL:D

lol lolm, great point. im really stressed out too. i have c4 and can travel also, who has blasting caps. lol lol :eek::D:D:cheers:
COOT & CLOUD , please have video cameras ready, you may win 100,000 dollars!!!!!!!!