What to do

hey coot. how does a 55 gallon heavy plastic drum, 6 cans of ether, and a 50 foot fuse sound:D i'll mount my spotting scope to a video camera and let you lit fuse.
cc and blackcloud

cc, and blackcloud, you guys are dangerous, but i like the way you think. bigger boom the better. :D
Blackcloud You forgot the special torch gas ingredent makes for a bigger bomb.

I am starting to think that between you guys, Niceshot and Pheasantaddict that the Iowa contingent on this site might be the most loony of all the states. I suppose I do not help the cause much either.
Thank you for the compliment. thats the nicest thing i have been called for a long time. i have managed to work alone with no foreman for the last 25 years. the peace and quite gives me plenty of time to dream up stuff.:p

u can tune a piano but u cant tune a fish.:p good for you , for getting by with out a forman, for 25 years. what you dont get is for the last 25 years, you where the forman. hope you got paid for it. lol
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i'm not a foreman either, so i dont have to go to foreman meetings or evaulate apprentices. actually my new boss doesnt really know what i do. she says since i dont have any negitive customer feedback and the company is not being fined for maintance violations keep up whatever you are doing. took myself off the overtime standby list for 2 years also. they finally made me take standby again. kind of screws up my hunting and sleep schedual but i'll survive.
actually my new boss doesnt really know what i do. she says since i dont have any negitive customer feedback and the company is not being fined for maintance violations keep up whatever you are doing.

Thats because if you don't do anything no one can complain about your work.

When are going to shoot some Prairie Poodles?
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what to do

right if you dont do anything , ............? unless your the king. i own my company, I can spend 5 minutes on my job sight and find out the problem childern that fast. dead weight get canned on the spot. so skate on brother.:D
actually i am very busy in summer and fall . no one else likes to do pipeline patrol. i leak check about 6000 gas services every year. i walk over service and main with a leak detector. also a first responder to gas leak calls and dig ins on mains. i dont mind walking all day. enjoy the fresh air and the walking keeps me in shape. had to straighten out 10 years worth of paper work when company's merged and set up maintanence schedual for 26 towns on a 5 year rotation. company was in deep s--t with utility board and i got it straightened out. schedual looked kind of strange to some managers and auditors. they wanted to know why i always worked a certain area in the spring only and another area only in fall. told them thats the way it worked out. they pushed issue and wanted to change rotation. finally told them i hunt turkeys in this area in spring and i can drive by my areas and see birds on way to work. they said you got to be kidding. said no thats the truth. then they asked why i worked the other area in fall only. told them thats where i deer hunt. my boss looked at the auditors and asked if stuff was getting done on time. they said yes no problem. he told them if your happy, i'm happy so DONT change his schedual so he stay's happy. just remember guy's that the ability to b.s. is the fertilizer that promotes further growth and development.
bc 27

did some work like your talking about when i was younger, get your point now. i was just haven fun.:D:D