what should I use this year for my over and under


New member
Should I use 4 shot with IC choke and mod choke.
6 shot mod choke and full choke.

the choke I have listed first will be my first shot. Please let me know what everyone thinks.

Thanks Remtech
depends on the guage

in my 28 ga. I usually go with 7.5's in imp. cly. and 6''s in my mod. same thing should I take my lc smith to the field, got em' all covered

I agree with goldenboy....for pheasants I Shoot IC/Mod the whole season.

12g-I use Lead 2 3/4 inch-6's 1 1/4 oz for early season. IC/Mod.
20g-I use Lead 3 inch-6's 1 1/4 oz for early season. IC/Mod.

12g-I use Lead 2 3/4 inch-- 4's and 6's 1 3/8 Oz for late season. IC/Mod.
20g-I usually don't shot late season.

I would never shoot a full choke at pheasants, just my opinion.

But very good question, you will probably get more different answers on this topic then you will know what to do with.
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in my 28 ga. I usually go with 7.5's in imp. cly. and 6''s in my mod. same thing should I take my lc smith to the field, got em' all covered


+1 :thumbsup: Same in my 20 ga.
I shoot only 2 3/4 inch, mostly 5s through IC & Mod in a double barrel 12 ga. On opening day, if I happen to have some 6s I will use them for my first shot unless it's windy. If we encounter quail, I'll put in 8s and maybe a 6 for the second shot. Good luck this coming season.
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As stated Ic/Mod works just fine. 6 and 5 Early season .5 and 4's late. This has worked well for me. Heck 7.5's in early season over a point works. Late season when the birds are well educated 4's help. Just dont shot them in close let them get out a ways. :)
My gun is a 12 gauge

That said. No need to go any tighter than IC/Mod with the 12 ga. If you want one size of shot to use I'd pick #5. If you buy the Federal Premium Pheasant Forever copper-plated loads with 1 1/4 oz of shot at 1,500 fps that's all you will need. If you want a little denser pattern you could go to #6's, but for a "one size fits all" approach you can't go wrong with #5's.
Pointintg dogs or flushers? Preserve birds or wild? Windy or still conditions? Early season or late?

I probably over-complicate it but once I started paying attention to the conditions and changing chokes I was putting more birds in the bag. I only shoot 12ga. Early season I shoot 6s through IC and Mod.

When it gets to be late season, the wind is blowing non-stop, the birds are heavily feathered, and my dogs are flushing birds at 30 or 40 yards I use M/F and 6 in the bottom barrel, 4s in the top.

I used to go with M/F in the early season and I think I was over-choked. Experiment and see what works for you. And pattern the gun and shells you plan to be using. Then you know for sure what's happening at each distance with the different chokes.

Chokes and shot size debates will keep manufacturers and internet forums in business as long as there are pheasant to be hunted. :D
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I have a 12ga. Browning Citori White Lightning that I use for wild pheasants.
Have great success with Skeet/IC and #5 shot.
I'll step down to #6 shot if there is a possibility of finding quail while pheasant hunting.
Pointintg dogs or flushers? Preserve birds or wild? Windy or still conditions? Early season or late?

I probably over-complicate it but once I started paying attention to the conditions and changing chokes I was putting more birds in the bag. I only shoot 12ga. Early season I shoot 6s through IC and Mod.

When it gets to be late season, the wind is blowing non-stop, the birds are heavily feathered, and my dogs are flushing birds at 30 or 40 yards I use M/F and 6 in the bottom barrel, 4s in the top.

I used to go with M/F in the early season and I think I was over-choked. Experiment and see what works for you. And pattern the gun and shells you plan to be using. Then you know for sure what's happening at each distance with the different chokes.

Chokes and shot size debates will keep manufacturers and internet forums in business as long as there are pheasant to be hunted. :D

With pointers I shoot IC/Mod and flushers Mod/Full. Lots of variables and hunting situations can determine which chokes one uses as stated.
i would say the single biggest factor would be knowing the situation you are going to be shooting at pheasant in. If you are hunting over points with birds that arent spooked, IC/M would be my go-to setup. If im hunting over a flusher, and the dog is trained to be 25-35yds ahead of me, im going with M/F. However, with both of these circumstances, you could use the choke tubes i suggested for the other: with a pointer, using M/F, simply let the bird get farther out. With a flusher, keep your gun at a ready position, and make smart shots, with good loads. We can throw around this topic for years: simply put, know the best circumstances to shoot with what you have in your gun, both chokes and shot size, and plan to use it within those parameters.
I have a Winchester 101 that was a salesman's gun. It has no marking of any kind with the exception of Winchester 101 2 3/4. The salesman could design his own. Mine comes with a IC/IM which has turned out perfect. The IC for close flushes and the IM (between modified and full) is great for second shots.
I have Win 101--20 ga, IC/mod, manufactured about 1970. This gun with 1oz, 5/6 shot works great on pheasants with pointing dogs. If non-toxic shot is required I use tungsten matrix.