What job for Bigfoot?

With all the habitat disappearing around the world. I got to thinking:eek: Pretty soon Bigfoots going to say the hell with living in the wild, and he's going to want to move to town:eek: We as human should feel responsible for this tragedy and do something about it. So we should start thinking what jobs bigfoot would be good at? I think he should start out as a greeter at walmart so he could work on his people skills. After he learns that I'm sure the skies the limit for him. So whats his job going to be:)?
I think he should star in beef jerky commercial's...:laugh:
No Chuck, I think he would be better at doing Oscar Meyers Weiners. Can't you just picture him singing the4 OM jingle.......Bob
I'm thinking he could make a killin in deodorant commercials. You know the one thing all the witnesses comment on is the stink....:p

"Right Guard... if it's good enough for Sasquatch it's good enough for anyone".
I think I finally got it. How about putting him in as the Web-Master on UPH......