What are you and the pups doing to pass time


Just curious what others are doing to pass the time until opening day. How many are trialing or something of the like? I am optimistic about the weather and nesting conditions this year. I have been swimming the dogs a few times a week and making sure they get their run out in the evenings.
I had them in a trial, for some fun and experience.
It has been so warm that I have not been getting them out nearly as much as I should for hard runs.

I am going to start Indy's formal training now that I have a few pigeons that will home.
Well I'm just pulling Ticks off me and the dogs
Playing in the yard with the kids between baseball practices and games! All 3 of my bird dogs are very interested in the baby girl and she's equally interested in them. They haven't been getting any hard runs in really, but they seem to be enjoying the role of family pet(s) during the off-season.

Swimming...thanks for the reminder. I now know what we're doing tomorrow afternoon:thumbsup:
Playing in the yard with the kids between baseball practices and games! All 3 of my bird dogs are very interested in the baby girl and she's equally interested in them. They haven't been getting any hard runs in really, but they seem to be enjoying the role of family pet(s) during the off-season.

Swimming...thanks for the reminder. I now know what we're doing tomorrow afternoon:thumbsup:

Good to hear that you and the pups are enjoying the new addition equally. I have one on the way! 12 weeks today. So some quick math means I shot my late November hunting trips all to heck:) I will gladly take it though! Swimming the dogs is great especially with this heat. I try to squeeze some runs in in the evening.
Taking a two mile leash walk each morning before I head off to work. And taking it easy.
Good to hear that you and the pups are enjoying the new addition equally. I have one on the way! 12 weeks today. So some quick math means I shot my late November hunting trips all to heck:) I will gladly take it though! Swimming the dogs is great especially with this heat. I try to squeeze some runs in in the evening.

My oh my, congrats on another good sperm-shot!!:D:thumbsup: Be sure to let us know if it's a girl or boy (assuming you do the sonogram). Yeah, momma ain't gonna wanna letcha outta the house come November.....good thing your boy is almost old enough to use as an excuse; "But honey, he's only young once. He's old enough to go now and we're only allotted so much time on Earth. We gotta go. He's been begging. This is just part of being a good dad.";)

As far as the baby and the bird dogs go, I get some strange looks from the neighbors when they're playing:rolleyes:
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last trial is the first of june. then a month of couch time before my youngest pointer heads of to nd for summer camp for a couple of months.
Well after starting this thread I thought that I should post that if you are going to swim/run your dogs, you should not do it in that order down some flint rock roads. I just ran a pad off of one my dogs and I feel like an idiot for doing it. I am not too sure if the water and then running did it but none the less it has gotten the pooch some off time for the next couple weeks anyhow. Just thought I would share one of my latest failures, seems like they are happening more and more frequently.
If you're swimming, make sure to check KDHE or KDWP for blue-green algae warnings/advisories. I saw they just listed 4 warnings and an advisory. Wow, that's early in the year.


We could use some rain and cool weather. I had to go water my little trees this weekend it is getting so hot, dry, and dusty... About an inch of rain would be spectacular!

:mad: I have not been able to do anything consistenly with the dogs. Just running and swimming them when I can. I wish I could get on a regular routine, but that doesn't seem to be happening...
Well after starting this thread I thought that I should post that if you are going to swim/run your dogs, you should not do it in that order down some flint rock roads. I just ran a pad off of one my dogs and I feel like an idiot for doing it. I am not too sure if the water and then running did it but none the less it has gotten the pooch some off time for the next couple weeks anyhow. Just thought I would share one of my latest failures, seems like they are happening more and more frequently.

Don't feel too bad. I could probably start a thread about " stupid mistakes I have made with my dogs over the years". My latest was back in early March. It was so warm that my dog wanted to swim. The air temps were around sixty but the water was probably fifty or so. He kept begging for just one more throw of the bumper. Well long story short he inhaled some of the water and got pneumonia. He was real sick with a fever. Needless to say after close to a grand in lab tests,medicine, and a couple days in the hospital I was feeling pretty stupid. Lucky he is young and has seemed to fully recover. We continue to water train at least once a week, and field train at least twice for an hour or so till it gets too hot.
If you're swimming, make sure to check KDHE or KDWP for blue-green algae warnings/advisories. I saw they just listed 4 warnings and an advisory. Wow, that's early in the year.


We could use some rain and cool weather. I had to go water my little trees this weekend it is getting so hot, dry, and dusty... About an inch of rain would be spectacular!

:mad: I have not been able to do anything consistenly with the dogs. Just running and swimming them when I can. I wish I could get on a regular routine, but that doesn't seem to be happening...

I saw this as well Toad. I would sure appreciate some cool rain and weather myself. I sure hope that we don't have the outbreaks that we had last summer. I guess mother nature doesn't seem to care much about a few bird hunters wants and or desires.
Maybe with any luck the tropical storm brewing south of Mexico will disrupt things and send some moisture clear up this way.
After not getting the dogs out much the last few weeks, I got my pup Indy out to work on some pigeons 3 days in a row. Indy is progress each time out, so that is good.

Ace really doesn't gain anything by working pigeons, he is broke on them. Once some quail are available, I will have to see if I can keep him standing on quail as well. But I can let him point some pigeons so that I can work Indy on backing. I can trust Ace to stand there as long as needed.

Been playing more golf lately, my progress there has not been as good as the dogs on birds ;)
No rest for the wicked:D. Just finished up the spring trials. Had a good spring, 6 attempts, 4 placements and 3 mutts qualified for the 2012 National already. So the veterans are couched up and getting fat and happy for now. Steadying my youngster starts this week. So with the birds, new kennel building going up and her work, we will keep busy. Before we know it fall will be here again.:thumbsup: