Walk-In Good News

Not just Minnesota but all of United states. Well these dill weeds crash such programs that benefit so many American's. They themselves collect millions in farm subsides themselves. They make damn sure the programs benefiting them will get funding and protection. You hear me Michell Bachmann...who has collected over $250.000 in farm subsides but doesn't set foot on a single piece of farm equipment EVER! and collected using her dead father inlaws name.



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What happened to the Lessard-Sams money? I do not want to get into the ``Ogilvie Ballet Company vs. Ducks Unlimited habitat improvement'' debate, but surely this must be what the dang money was intended for.

Still haven't had the chance to get onto the new WIHA... grumble... grumble...:mad:
I hope they don't move any dedicated funding money into the WIA program. I'd rather see the money go into purchasing land that will stay public forever. I haven't got a chance to see any of the walk in land yet. Is it any good?
My wife actually brought the WIA to my attention yesterday after reading article in star trib.

Does anyone know what they are paying landowners to open their land?

I know one of the ideas for new funding in the article was to charge a license fee or add an option that only those that paid $5 fee could access WIA lands.

Interesting they targeted the SW 17 counties which is good for bird hunters. Would be highest land to rent though too.

I know the CREP open CRP land in South Dakota costs the public about $40/year/acre for the open access part alone.

My wife owns 160 acres in Lake of the Woods County and would love to put it into a WIA at $5/acre but I suppose there is enough state and federal land up there that it is not a WIA targeted area anytime soon.

If we want this countyr to get out of debt we will probably look for the new Farm Bill to go under the knife pretty severely where it makes sense.
My wife actually brought the WIA to my attention yesterday after reading article in star trib.

Does anyone know what they are paying landowners to open their land?

I know one of the ideas for new funding in the article was to charge a license fee or add an option that only those that paid $5 fee could access WIA lands.

Interesting they targeted the SW 17 counties which is good for bird hunters. Would be highest land to rent though too.

I know the CREP open CRP land in South Dakota costs the public about $40/year/acre for the open access part alone.

My wife owns 160 acres in Lake of the Woods County and would love to put it into a WIA at $5/acre but I suppose there is enough state and federal land up there that it is not a WIA targeted area anytime soon.

If we want this countyr to get out of debt we will probably look for the new Farm Bill to go under the knife pretty severely where it makes sense.

I agree that there will probably be some cuts in the farm bill to conservation. Although I am not happy about it, I understand that everything needs to be cut a little to help pay off our debt.

I am not sure what the landowner is paid for WIHA but I did read that the DNR picked the SW area of the state because that is where the least public land is located. The northern part of the state has drastically more public land open to hunting.