Veterans Day


Well-known member
I am guessing there are several members in this forum that have served their country or are even currently serving. Your service to our country is appreciated. The sacrifices you have made for both you and your families are no doubt great! I served the ND National Guard for 8 years myself and have been an educator for 25 years. I am currently a Principal in Minot which is an Air Base Community. I see every single day the sacrifices that are made within families and the stress by both the service men and women and the family members. You are all truly heroes! Thanks for all you do. You are appreciated by way more people than you realize. Celebrate your day tomorrow.
I also join in thanking all our brothers and sisters that have served or are serving. I consider it an honor to be a veteran.

US Army 1968-1971
Navy JAG, '81 - '84. Thank you, and thanks to all vets, guards, and active duty personnel.
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I was a Divisional (Combat) MP with the 1st MP Co, 716th MP Bn, 1st Infantry Division, Ft Riley, Ks 1978-1981. I don't recall an expiration date on my Oath of Enlistment...

Back then in the Army there were Garrison ("White Hat") MP units that did the bulk of post law enforcement duties and spent minimal time in the field, and Combat ("Grunt") MP units that were attached to a Division in a combat support role performing duties such as TOC/DTOC Security, Rear Area Security, POW Processing, Convoy Escort, ect. We spent about 1/3 of our time in the field, 1/3 in other training (often in fun places with cool toys), and 1/3 performing post law enforcement duties. I still wear a Big Red One patch and a 1st MP Co unit crest on my riding cut with pride...

My son Jarad (AKA The Primate) is currently an E-6 in the SD National Guard. He has as 20+ years between the Guard and Regular Army, did three tours in Afghanistan. I'm quite proud of him...
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