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I hope we all know that in farming the farm doesn't set the price the grain is sold at. Just because you buy an expensive piece of land doesn't mean you can raise the price you get for the commodity you are producing. You are at the mercy of the market and will get what the market bears. Farmer are making very good money right now, but it isn't enough to make 10K - 20K work for land cost. I think OldandNew can back me up on this, NO BANK is borrowing money to people to buy 10K-20K an acre farmland. The people that are buying that are people who have the money. Trust me 20K land does not cash flow by itself. 20K an acre will not make any money farming it. That is a long term investment, banking on the price of land will not colapse.
With more and more Corp farm operations. You know it and I know it. They can and do manipulate the market, by storing grain and holding it from shipment until they drive up the prices with artificial shortages . I have seen side tracks here in northern Minnesota in the middle of no where...sitting with Doz and Doz of train cars loaded with grain sitting, waiting for the market to change. Most family owned farms do not have the ability or the luxury to store their grain on the farm and sell when the market is to their advantage but large operations do.