UPH member headed to the desert

I thought I should let you all know that one of our members is headed to the desert next week. Cory (HUNTIN4FUN), God Bless you and your family, I look forward to your safe return. When we spoke of our spring plans on the phone last night, I was planning some spring turkey hunts and you were planning an all expense paid journey to uncertainty, for an undetermined length of time. I realized that I owe you and all service folks a BIG THANKS!! It's nice to just go to work everyday and have the freedom to hunt or fish in the afternoon. I can't take much of the credit for this freedom so I must give thanks.

If your wife needs anything while you're "out", she can call my wife or I any time day or night and we'd be happy to do all we can.

Here's to you buddy:cheers:
HUNTIN4FUN- Be safe over there and I can't say thank you enough for this freedom.

Thanks and be safe.
Cory I'll second That "God Bless you and your family" May you have a safe trip...........Bob
hunting4fun thank you for your service the best thing we all can do is keep you and your family in our prayers.
hunting4fun, thanks my friend. We owe you.
You and your family are in my prayers God Speed my brother.
Thanks to all!! Thanks KB you have no idea what a tremendous relief it is to know that I am leaving my family with such wondeful people to surround them and support them. None of you guys will be far from my thoughts and I look forward to some great hunts with you guys in the future just make sure you all save me some birds:)
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Be safe

Coming from someone who has been there a couple times. Be safe, Have fun drinks on me when you get back:cheers:!