UBL at the bottom of the sea!!

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Finally Seal Team 6 took Bin Laden out..
Finally Seal Team 6 took Bin Laden out..

I remember setting with my buds from the 82 when those planes hit we cried and and had a drink and then the calls came up for the boys to report.
This is a happy day.. Going to the bar. Drinks are on me
I'm glad they finally found and killed that bastard. It was probably a rude awakening when he died and was surrounded by fire and brimstone rather than the 40 virgins or whatever it is they were promised... :eek:
I'm glad they finally found and killed that bastard. It was probably a rude awakening when he died and was surrounded by fire and brimstone rather than the 40 virgins or whatever it is they were promised... :eek:

+1 :thumbsup::cheers:
Bye Bye

I really liked the bottom of the sea part, no huge crowds to tear the coffin from the pallberars in displays for the world to see. Hope he rots in you know where. There will be a new head for the snake so hope that seal team keeps their knives sharp.:cheers:
Let's see what Intell is found in that compound. Might be the end of the road for these scum-baggs. I'll bet the Seal teams and other SF teams get real busy for sometime to come.
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I say we just evacuate ouor troops and blow the hell out of that sandbox claim all the oil and make it a resort
Bravo Zulu!!

A big BRAVO ZULU shout out to the amazing SEALs who took out bin Laden. THANK YOU!!!! Can't wait to see the movie.
I say we just evacuate ouor troops and blow the hell out of that sandbox claim all the oil and make it a resort

If you blow it all up, do you lose the oil?

How do we know it really was OBL?
A Burial at sea?
This isnt fishy,????.... or do we believe everything the media and pentagon releases as news..
A 6'6 guy on dialysis machine, it takes us 10 years to find him at his Summer Resort, not in Afganistan, But Pakistan?

Very Interesting times we live in.
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FBI website says of Osama as Most Wanted..

'Murder of U.S. Nationals Outside the United States; Conspiracy to Murder U.S. Nationals Outside the United States; Attack on a Federal Facility Resulting in Death

REWARD: The Rewards For Justice Program, United States Department of State, is offering a reward of up to $25 million for information leading directly to the apprehension or conviction of Usama Bin Laden. An additional $2 million is being offered through a program developed and funded by the Airline Pilots Association and the Air Transport Association.

Usama Bin Laden is wanted in connection with the August 7, 1998, bombings of the United States Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya. These attacks killed over 200 people. In addition, Bin Laden is a suspect in other terrorist attacks throughout the world.

Bin Laden is the leader of a terrorist organization known as Al-Qaeda, "The Base". He is left-handed and walks with a cane.'


FBI Director Robert Mueller, in a speech at the Commonwealth Club on April 19, 2002, said:
"In our investigation, we have not uncovered a single piece of paper - either here in the United States, or in the treasure trove of information that has turned up in Afghanistan and elsewhere - that mentioned any aspect of the September 11 plot."

The FBI says Osama had nothing to do with 911....What am I missing here?

FBI says, it has “No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11”

By Ed Haas

06/18/06 "Muckraker Report " - June 6, 2006 – This past weekend, a thought provoking e-mail circulated through Internet news groups, and was sent to the Muckraker Report by Mr. Paul V. Sheridan (Winner of the 2005 Civil Justice Foundation Award), bringing attention to the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorist web page for Usama Bin Laden.
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Here is my conspiracy: why kill him ? think of all the information about the old terrorist network he knows, my guess is that he is at secret location (Coot's house) being terrorize by Coot's singing to him constantly non-stop and then Blackcloud comes over for a duet. I think he would welcome water boarding to that point. :thumbsup:
Here is my conspiracy: why kill him ? think of all the information about the old terrorist network he knows, my guess is that he is at secret location (Coot's house) being terrorize by Coot's singing to him constantly non-stop and then Blackcloud comes over for a duet. I think he would welcome water boarding to that point. :thumbsup:

Yours Makes more sense than what is reported.
Here is the initial photo until the Fraud was reported by Bloggers.


Me sees some photoshopping, not that the DOD or Pentagon would ever lie about such a thing..
Osama has nice shiny teeth too, to match his Just 4 Men Beard coloring..
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Conspiracy already? Why fake a success after 10 years of futile search? This wasn't about a blow to end the threat, and I really don't think this will make us all safe. There is still a viperous network afoot capable of dispicable acts. When we eventually defeat them, God Willing, some other group will take their place. Such is the burden of the "arsenal of democracy". Teddy Roosevelt said, "the world will never love us, but they will respect us". This is about respect, keeping faith with our fallen countrymen, delivering on our promise, across all political lines, beyond rhetoric, we as Americans, got some back last night. We showed resolve and national determination, the world will take notice, but it's a skirmish in a long campaign.
Conspiracy already? Why fake a success after 10 years of futile search?

This wasn't about a blow to end the threat, and I really don't think this will make us all safe. There is still a viperous network afoot capable of dispicable acts. When we eventually defeat them, God Willing, some other group will take their place.
Such is the burden of the "arsenal of democracy". Teddy Roosevelt said, "the world will never love us, but they will respect us". This is about respect, keeping faith with our fallen countrymen, delivering on our promise, across all political lines, beyond rhetoric, we as Americans, got some back last night. We showed resolve and national determination, the world will take notice, but it's a skirmish in a long campaign.


“Mr. Obama has been low in the ratings.
He and his Cabinet, and Wall Street, have failed to rectify the great recession in the United States,” Seager said.
“This death may serve as a circus.'

How many Middle Eastern Countries do you wish to invade and Occupy?
We are BROKE at home..
Afganistan in its entire history, has never been defeated and never will be, it is where empires go, to Die.
Meanwhile America maintains Open Borders that are being invaded daily with thousands of Illegals.

Your ideas will not and does not earn us respect.
What earns us respect is minding our own business and following the Constitution and Founding Fathers.
In the Bill of Rights, subjects were guaranteed that there would be no standing army in peacetime.
This was done because of the expense of maintaining an army and the threat to liberty that a standing military poses.

We shouldnt even Have a Standing Army for Petes sake.
READ your Constitution.
§ 17. Standing army; necessity for legislative consent; subordination of military.
Section 17. No standing army shall be kept without the consent of the General Assembly, and the military shall in all cases and at all times be in strict subordination to the civil power.

"America "goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy.
She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own,"
-John Quincy Adams in his oration of July 4, 1821.

"Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling Alliances with None."
-Thomas Jefferson
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I would point out that international entanglements in 1800 were not an excercise we were capable of. We were a unique fledgling democracy, not threatening to anyone, but able to be manipulated by foreign powers, to our detriment. We are now the supreme military world power, and a target for any and all disenfrachised factions and agendas. We needed to be isolationist in 1800, we were still isolationist, with a frontier horse soldier army clear to WWI. We cannot afford to be isolationist now, because technology has made the world to small, and our distance, and oceans won't save us. I do not agree with a lot of the campaigns which divert our attention and capital from domestic issues, for example,the second Iraqi war seems questionable to me, the Somali incursion, as well, the Bosnian/Hercegovina, et al, as well. I won't even start on Vietnam. There is no doubt that these adventures have vague expansive goals, are political actions not suited to a military solution, and make as many enemies as friends around the world, and accomplish very nebulous concrete results, to date. Unfortunately, complete disengagement is not an option, they will and have brought the fight to us. To our credit, we are not colonialist, we are not empire builders, hopefully we can expand our sphere of influence to create an era of global peace, and fairness. It's probably all we can hope for. This should allow for the ability and national focus to fix America sooner rather than later.
Conspiracy already?

This is about respect, keeping faith with our fallen countrymen, delivering on our promise, across all political lines, beyond rhetoric, we as Americans, got some back last night.

Do the photos look authentic to you?
The first corpse was 2 year old photo, the 2nd of OBL..Im sure the US Military used Crest Whitening Strips and Just 4 Men Beard coloring, before they buried him out to sea..

Speaking of respect, perhaps if we didnt Overthrow Democracies, such as what is on this short list, we might be safer.
Maybe having the CIA helps you feel safer..

Late 1940s

Italy — The CIA corrupts democratic elections in Italy.
The CIA buys votes, broadcasts propaganda, threatens and beats up opposition leaders, and infiltrates and disrupts their organizations. .

— The CIA begins recruiting American news organizations and journalists to become spies and disseminators of propaganda. The effort is headed by Frank Wisner, Allan Dulles, Richard Helms and Philip Graham. Graham is publisher of The Washington Post, which becomes a major CIA player. Eventually, the CIA’s media assets will include ABC, NBC, CBS, Time, Newsweek, Associated Press, United Press International, Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Scripps-Howard, Copley News Service and more. By the CIA’s own admission, at least 25 organizations and 400 journalists will become CIA assets.


Iran – CIA overthrows the democratically elected Mohammed Mossadegh in a military coup, after he threatened to nationalize British oil. The CIA replaces him with a dictator, the Shah of Iran, whose secret police, SAVAK, is as brutal as the Gestapo.


Guatemala — CIA overthrows the democratically elected Jacob Arbenz in a military coup. Arbenz has threatened to nationalize the Rockefeller-owned United Fruit Company, in which CIA Director Allen Dulles also owns stock. Arbenz is replaced with a series of right-wing dictators whose bloodthirsty policies will kill over 100,000 Guatemalans in the next 40 years.


North Vietnam — CIA officer Edward Lansdale spends four years trying to overthrow the communist government of North Vietnam, using all the usual dirty tricks. The CIA also attempts to legitimize a tyrannical puppet regime in South Vietnam, headed by Ngo Dinh Diem. These efforts fail to win the hearts and minds of the South Vietnamese because the Diem government is opposed to true democracy, land reform and poverty reduction measures. The CIA’s continuing failure results in escalating American intervention, culminating in the Vietnam War.

Hungary — Radio Free Europe incites Hungary to revolt by broadcasting Khruschev’s Secret Speech, in which he denounced Stalin. It also hints that American aid will help the Hungarians fight.
This aid fails to materialize as Hungarians launch a doomed armed revolt, which only invites a major Soviet invasion. The conflict kills 7,000 Soviets and 30,000 Hungarians.


Laos — The CIA carries out approximately one coup per year trying to nullify Laos’ democratic elections.
The problem is the Pathet Lao, a leftist group with enough popular support to be a member of any coalition government. In the late 50s, the CIA even creates an "Armee Clandestine" of Asian mercenaries to attack the Pathet Lao. After the CIA’s army suffers numerous defeats, the U.S. starts bombing, dropping more bombs on Laos than all the U.S. bombs dropped in World War II. A quarter of all Laotians will eventually become refugees, many living in caves.


Haiti — The U.S. military helps "Papa Doc" Duvalier become dictator of Haiti. He creates his own private police force, the "Tonton Macoutes," who terrorize the population with machetes. They will kill over 100,000 during the Duvalier family reign. The U.S. does not protest their dismal human rights record.

The Bay of Pigs — The CIA sends 1,500 Cuban exiles to invade Castro’s Cuba. But "Operation Mongoose" fails, due to poor planning, security and backing. The planners had imagined that the invasion will spark a popular uprising against Castro -– which never happens. A promised American air strike also never occurs. This is the CIA’s first public setback, causing President Kennedy to fire CIA Director Allen Dulles.

Dominican Republic — The CIA assassinates Rafael Trujillo, a murderous dictator Washington has supported since 1930. Trujillo’s business interests have grown so large (about 60 percent of the economy) that they have begun competing with American business interests.

Ecuador — The CIA-backed military forces the democratically elected President Jose Velasco to resign. Vice President Carlos Arosemana replaces him; the CIA fills the now vacant vice presidency with its own man.

Congo (Zaire) — The CIA assassinates the democratically elected Patrice Lumumba. However, public support for Lumumba’s politics runs so high that the CIA cannot clearly install his opponents in power. Four years of political turmoil follow.


Dominican Republic — The CIA overthrows the democratically elected Juan Bosch in a military coup. The CIA installs a repressive, right-wing junta.

Ecuador — A CIA-backed military coup overthrows President Arosemana, whose independent (not socialist) policies have become unacceptable to Washington. A military junta assumes command, cancels the 1964 elections, and begins abusing human rights.


Brazil — A CIA-backed military coup overthrows the democratically elected government of Joao Goulart. The junta that replaces it will, in the next two decades, become one of the most bloodthirsty in history. General Castelo Branco will create Latin America’s first death squads, or bands of secret police who hunt down "communists" for torture, interrogation and murder. Often these "communists" are no more than Branco’s political opponents. Later it is revealed that the CIA trains the death squads.


Indonesia — The CIA overthrows the democratically elected Sukarno with a military coup. The CIA has been trying to eliminate Sukarno since 1957, using everything from attempted assassination to sexual intrigue, for nothing more than his declaring neutrality in the Cold War. His successor, General Suharto, will massacre between 500,000 to 1 million civilians accused of being "communist." The CIA supplies the names of countless suspects.

Dominican Republic — A popular rebellion breaks out, promising to reinstall Juan Bosch as the country’s elected leader. The revolution is crushed when U.S. Marines land to uphold the military regime by force. The CIA directs everything behind the scenes.

Greece — With the CIA’s backing, the king removes George Papandreous as prime minister. Papandreous has failed to vigorously support U.S. interests in Greece.

Congo (Zaire) — A CIA-backed military coup installs Mobutu Sese Seko as dictator. The hated and repressive Mobutu exploits his desperately poor country for billions.


The Ramparts Affair — The radical magazine Ramparts begins a series of unprecedented anti-CIA articles. Among their scoops: the CIA has paid the University of Michigan $25 million dollars to hire "professors" to train South Vietnamese students in covert police methods. MIT and other universities have received similar payments. Ramparts also reveals that the National Students’ Association is a CIA front. Students are sometimes recruited through blackmail and bribery, including draft deferments.


Greece — A CIA-backed military coup overthrows the government two days before the elections. The favorite to win was George Papandreous, the liberal candidate. During the next six years, the "reign of the colonels" — backed by the CIA — will usher in the widespread use of torture and murder against political opponents. When a Greek ambassador objects to President Johnson about U.S. plans for Cypress, Johnson tells him: "Fuck your parliament and your constitution."

Operation PHEONIX — The CIA helps South Vietnamese agents identify and then murder alleged Viet Cong leaders operating in South Vietnamese villages. According to a 1971 congressional report, this operation killed about 20,000 "Viet Cong."


Operation CHAOS — The CIA has been illegally spying on American citizens since 1959, but with Operation CHAOS, President Johnson dramatically boosts the effort.
CIA agents go undercover as student radicals to spy on and disrupt campus organizations protesting the Vietnam War. They are searching for Russian instigators, which they never find. CHAOS will eventually spy on 7,000 individuals and 1,000 organizations.

Bolivia — A CIA-organized military operation captures legendary guerilla Che Guevara. The CIA wants to keep him alive for interrogation, but the Bolivian government executes him to prevent worldwide calls for clemency.


Uruguay — The notorious CIA torturer Dan Mitrione arrives in Uruguay, a country torn with political strife. Whereas right-wing forces previously used torture only as a last resort, Mitrione convinces them to use it as a routine, widespread practice. "The precise pain, in the precise place, in the precise amount, for the desired effect," is his motto. He eventually becomes so feared that revolutionaries will kidnap and murder him a year later.


Cambodia — The CIA overthrows Prince Sahounek, who is highly popular among Cambodians for keeping them out of the Vietnam War.
He is replaced by CIA puppet Lon Nol, who immediately throws Cambodian troops into battle.
This unpopular move strengthens once minor opposition parties like the Khmer Rouge, which achieves power in 1975 and massacres millions of its own people.


Bolivia — After half a decade of CIA-inspired political turmoil, a CIA-backed military coup overthrows the leftist President Juan Torres. In the next two years, dictator Hugo Banzer will have over 2,000 political opponents arrested without trial, then tortured, raped and executed.

Haiti — "Papa Doc" Duvalier dies, leaving his 19-year old son "Baby Doc" Duvalier the dictator of Haiti. His son continues his bloody reign with full knowledge of the CIA.


The Case-Zablocki Act — Congress passes an act requiring congressional review of executive agreements. In theory, this should make CIA operations more accountable. In fact, it is only marginally effective.

Cambodia — Congress votes to cut off CIA funds for its secret war in Cambodia.

Wagergate Break-in — President Nixon sends in a team of burglars to wiretap Democratic offices at Watergate. The team members have extensive CIA histories, including James McCord, E. Howard Hunt and five of the Cuban burglars. They work for the Committee to Reelect the President (CREEP), which does dirty work like disrupting Democratic campaigns and laundering Nixon’s illegal campaign contributions. CREEP’s activities are funded and organized by another CIA front, the Mullen Company.


Chile — The CIA overthrows and assassinates Salvador Allende, Latin America’s first democratically elected socialist leader. The problems begin when Allende nationalizes American-owned firms in Chile. ITT offers the CIA $1 million for a coup (reportedly refused). The CIA replaces Allende with General Augusto Pinochet, who will torture and murder thousands of his own countrymen in a crackdown on labor leaders and the political left.

CIA begins internal investigations — William Colby, the Deputy Director for Operations, orders all CIA personnel to report any and all illegal activities they know about. This information is later reported to Congress.

Watergate Scandal — The CIA’s main collaborating newspaper in America, The Washington Post, reports Nixon’s crimes long before any other newspaper takes up the subject. The two reporters, Woodward and Bernstein, make almost no mention of the CIA’s many fingerprints all over the scandal. It is later revealed that Woodward was a Naval intelligence briefer to the White House, and knows many important intelligence figures, including General Alexander Haig. His main source, "Deep Throat," is probably one of those.

CIA Director Helms Fired — President Nixon fires CIA Director Richard Helms for failing to help cover up the Watergate scandal. Helms and Nixon have always disliked each other. The new CIA director is William Colby, who is relatively more open to CIA reform.


CHAOS exposed — Pulitzer prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh publishes a story about Operation CHAOS, the domestic surveillance and infiltration of anti-war and civil rights groups in the U.S. The story sparks national outrage.

Angleton fired — Congress holds hearings on the illegal domestic spying efforts of James Jesus Angleton, the CIA’s chief of counterintelligence. His efforts included mail-opening campaigns and secret surveillance of war protesters. The hearings result in his dismissal from the CIA.

House clears CIA in Watergate — The House of Representatives clears the CIA of any complicity in Nixon’s Watergate break-in.

The Hughes Ryan Act — Congress passes an amendment requiring the president to report nonintelligence CIA operations to the relevant congressional committees in a timely fashion.


Australia — The CIA helps topple the democratically elected, left-leaning government of Prime Minister Edward Whitlam. The CIA does this by giving an ultimatum to its Governor-General, John Kerr. Kerr, a longtime CIA collaborator, exercises his constitutional right to dissolve the Whitlam government. The Governor-General is a largely ceremonial position appointed by the Queen; the Prime Minister is democratically elected. The use of this archaic and never-used law stuns the nation.

Angola — Eager to demonstrate American military resolve after its defeat in Vietnam, Henry Kissinger launches a CIA-backed war in Angola. Contrary to Kissinger’s assertions, Angola is a country of little strategic importance and not seriously threatened by communism.
The CIA backs the brutal leader of UNITAS, Jonas Savimbi. This polarizes Angolan politics and drives his opponents into the arms of Cuba and the Soviet Union for survival. Congress will cut off funds in 1976, but the CIA is able to run the war off the books until 1984, when funding is legalized again. This entirely pointless war kills over 300,000 Angolans.

"The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence" — Victor Marchetti and John Marks publish this whistle-blowing history of CIA crimes and abuses. Marchetti has spent 14 years in the CIA, eventually becoming an executive assistant to the Deputy Director of Intelligence. Marks has spent five years as an intelligence official in the State Department.

"Inside the Company" — Philip Agee publishes a diary of his life inside the CIA. Agee has worked in covert operations in Latin America during the 60s, and details the crimes in which he took part.

Congress investigates CIA wrong-doing — Public outrage compels Congress to hold hearings on CIA crimes. Senator Frank Church heads the Senate investigation ("The Church Committee"), and Representative Otis Pike heads the House investigation. (Despite a 98 percent incumbency reelection rate, both Church and Pike are defeated in the next elections.) The investigations lead to a number of reforms intended to increase the CIA’s accountability to Congress, including the creation of a standing Senate committee on intelligence. However, the reforms prove ineffective, as the Iran/Contra scandal will show. It turns out the CIA can control, deal with or sidestep Congress with ease.

The Rockefeller Commission — In an attempt to reduce the damage done by the Church Committee, President Ford creates the "Rockefeller Commission" to whitewash CIA history and propose toothless reforms. The commission’s namesake, Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, is himself a major CIA figure. Five of the commission’s eight members are also members of the Council on Foreign Relations, a CIA-dominated organization.


Iran — The CIA fails to predict the fall of the Shah of Iran, a longtime CIA puppet, and the rise of Muslim fundamentalists who are furious at the CIA’s backing of SAVAK, the Shah’s bloodthirsty secret police. US Freezes Iranian assets, and In revenge, the Muslims take 52 Americans hostage in the U.S. embassy in Tehran.

Afghanistan — The Soviets invade Afghanistan.
The CIA immediately begins supplying arms to any faction willing to fight the occupying Soviets.
Such indiscriminate arming means that when the Soviets leave Afghanistan, civil war will erupt. Also, fanatical Muslim extremists now possess state-of-the-art weaponry. One of these is Sheik Abdel Rahman, who will become involved in the World Trade Center bombing in New York.

El Salvador — An idealistic group of young military officers, repulsed by the massacre of the poor, overthrows the right-wing government. However, the U.S. compels the inexperienced officers to include many of the old guard in key positions in their new government.
Soon, things are back to "normal" — the military government is repressing and killing poor civilian protesters. Many of the young military and civilian reformers, finding themselves powerless, resign in disgust.

Nicaragua — Anastasios Samoza II, the CIA-backed dictator, falls.
The Marxist Sandinistas take over government, and they are initially popular because of their commitment to land and anti-poverty reform.
Samoza had a murderous and hated personal army called the National Guard. Remnants of the Guard will become the Contras, who fight a CIA-backed guerilla war against the Sandinista government throughout the 1980s.


El Salvador — The Archbishop of San Salvador, Oscar Romero, pleads with President Carter "Christian to Christian" to stop aiding the military government slaughtering his people. Carter refuses. Shortly afterwards, right-wing leader Roberto D’Aubuisson has Romero shot through the heart while saying Mass. The country soon dissolves into civil war, with the peasants in the hills fighting against the military government. The CIA and U.S. Armed Forces supply the government with overwhelming military and intelligence superiority. CIA-trained death squads roam the countryside, committing atrocities like that of El Mazote in 1982, where they massacre between 700 and 1000 men, women and children. By 1992, some 63,000 Salvadorans will be killed.


Iran/Contra Begins — The CIA begins selling arms to Iran at high prices, using the profits to arm the Contras fighting the Sandinista government in Nicaragua. President Reagan vows that the Sandinistas will be "pressured" until "they say ‘uncle.’" The CIA’s Freedom Fighter’s Manual disbursed to the Contras includes instruction on economic sabotage, propaganda, extortion, bribery, blackmail, interrogation, torture, murder and political assassination.


Honduras — The CIA gives Honduran military officers the Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual – 1983, which teaches how to torture people. Honduras’ notorious "Battalion 316" then uses these techniques, with the CIA’s full knowledge, on thousands of leftist dissidents. At least 184 are murdered.


The Boland Amendment — The last of a series of Boland Amendments is passed. These amendments have reduced CIA aid to the Contras; the last one cuts it off completely. However, CIA Director William Casey is already prepared to "hand off" the operation to Colonel Oliver North, who illegally continues supplying the Contras through the CIA’s informal, secret, and self-financing network. This includes "humanitarian aid" donated by Adolph Coors and William Simon, and military aid funded by Iranian arms sales.


Eugene Hasenfus — Nicaragua shoots down a C-123 transport plane carrying military supplies to the Contras. The lone survivor, Eugene Hasenfus, turns out to be a CIA employee, as are the two dead pilots. The airplane belongs to Southern Air Transport, a CIA front. The incident makes a mockery of President Reagan’s claims that the CIA is not illegally arming the Contras.

Iran/Contra Scandal — Although the details have long been known, the Iran/Contra scandal finally captures the media’s attention in 1986. Congress holds hearings, and several key figures (like Oliver North) lie under oath to protect the intelligence community. CIA Director William Casey dies of brain cancer before Congress can question him. All reforms enacted by Congress after the scandal are purely cosmetic.

Haiti — Rising popular revolt in Haiti means that "Baby Doc" Duvalier will remain "President for Life" only if he has a short one. The U.S., which hates instability in a puppet country, flies the despotic Duvalier to the South of France for a comfortable retirement. The CIA then rigs the upcoming elections in favor of another right-wing military strongman. However, violence keeps the country in political turmoil for another four years. The CIA tries to strengthen the military by creating the National Intelligence Service (SIN), which suppresses popular revolt through torture and assassination.


Panama — The U.S. invades Panama to overthrow a dictator of its own making, General Manuel Noriega. Noriega has been on the CIA’s payroll since 1966, and has been transporting drugs with the CIA’s knowledge since 1972. By the late 80s, Noriega’s growing independence and intransigence have angered Washington… so out he goes.

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I would point out that international entanglements in 1800 were not an excercise we were capable of. We were a unique fledgling democracy, not threatening to anyone, but able to be manipulated by foreign powers, to our detriment. We are now the supreme military world power, and a target for any and all disenfrachised factions and agendas. We needed to be isolationist in 1800, we were still isolationist, with a frontier horse soldier army clear to WWI. We cannot afford to be isolationist now, because technology has made the world to small, and our distance, and oceans won't save us. I do not agree with a lot of the campaigns which divert our attention and capital from domestic issues, for example,the second Iraqi war seems questionable to me, the Somali incursion, as well, the Bosnian/Hercegovina, et al, as well.

I won't even start on Vietnam. There is no doubt that these adventures have vague expansive goals, are political actions not suited to a military solution, and make as many enemies as friends around the world, and accomplish very nebulous concrete results, to date.

Unfortunately, complete disengagement is not an option, they will and have brought the fight to us. To our credit, we are not colonialist, we are not empire builders, hopefully we can expand our sphere of influence to create an era of global peace, and fairness. It's probably all we can hope for. This should allow for the ability and national focus to fix America sooner rather than later.

The Founding Fathers and Constitution are MORE Relevant NOW than ever before, yet you think its 'dated' or outdated, in terms of principle, and call us isolationist?

Better to be isolationist, then to be led into wars or occupations and adventures that dont concern us..

Iraq and Afganistan have no Navy or Carriers to speak of.

No way of Delivering any ICBMs to harm America or Americans..

Looks like we are there for Oil, Natural Gas, Opium and to protect Israels oil industry, flowing to Haifa.




H1, H2, H3, are PERMANENT US Bases


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