For me it'd just be some old bottles, and some old turn of the century or late 1800's farmsteads and the junk laying around them. I dont pick much up, usually leave it as is.
I like old license plates and have found quite a few from the late 40's early 50's...all KS plates. I'll pick those up.
Old bottles are another one. There was a WIHA that was in the program for 2 or 3 years but was taken off this year (It was a good one, and go figure it was leased by private people this year
). It had an old farmstead in the middle of a very thick grove of trees, all that was left was the foundations of the house, barn, etc...and a cellar. There was a ton of old bottles strewn around. I really wanted to go down in the cellar to look around but I didnt have a light and figured it'd be a good place for rattlesnakes to hole up in a den.
Grabbed a couple bottles, have them in the kitchen...need to read about how to clean them up.
Not too far away was an old cemetary from the late 1800's early 1900's, about 30 stones I think, looked like a disease went through the community in the 20's as one year there was a lot of elderly and children that died. Would like to know the story.
Friends grandpa has a bunch of old Indian flint tools, some of them are a few hundred years old I believe. I was told about them this year, but havent got a chance to see what he has yet. I guess its several boxes/buckets full of settler era artifacts all the way back to Indian artifacts that would have been around before any white man set foot on the US. The chalk bluffs have lots of fossils. Id like to spend more time exploring them.