Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but owning a gun doesn't make people criminals. Criminals have something else going on in their head that most of us don't.
Gun ownership is a Constitutional issue, and I know we all know that. But do we really? Earlier in the fall I helped my daughter with a school project. I asked people I came in contact with throughout my day what the purpose of the Constitution is. 93%..."to tell us what we can do and what we can't do" or a variation on that theme. Most people haven't even READ the Constitution , let alone the Bill of Rights!
Lots of people bash the NRA as some mean, wicked, blood-thirsty organization. I wonder how many people know the reason the National Rifle Association was founded...it was to provide safety and marksmanship training for people who made the decision to exercise their 2nd amendment rights.
I get really tired of guns being blamed for crime. Guns are inanimate objects which cannot do ANYTHING on their own. A gun doesn't know how many bullets it has in it, whether or not a clip is attached, whether it has a plastic stock that looks evil or a beautiful wood stock; it has no idea where it is being pointed or what the intent of its use is. Guns are used to take life by criminals; guns are used to save life in self defense of criminals; guns are used in war; guns are used for pleasurable recreational activities. The end use of a gun is not dependent upon the gun; the end use is determined by and dependent upon the intent of the person that picks it up.
The 2nd amendment, as well as all the other amendments, was written by our founders to limit the power of government, not limit the rights of the people. The 2nd was written so that the people would always have the ability to protect themselves from a tyrannical government. It has nothing to do with hunting. The intentions are clear to anyone who takes the time to read the Constitution and/or the Federalist Papers. And for those of you who might respond with "oh c'mon you paranoid nut, those were old times. That can't happen today", Hitler came after that, as did many other tyrants and dictators.
To those who have said we can't just stick our head in the sand and sit by and do nothing, that is exactly what we are doing now! Our society has become one which relies more and more on 'government' to save, protect, serve, pay for us. We are a soft society, and have become a bunch of sissies. The government (police, etc...included) CANNOT protect us from day to day crime activities, but we expect them to. Something bad happens and we all get on our iPhones and dial 911, FB our friends, Twitter this and that, but were scared to death of the very things that we can protect ourselves with...firearms. Maybe we can just throw our phones at the scumbags, or maybe there is an "app" for iPhone personal security.
We don't have a gun problem in this country, we have a CRIME PROBLEM, much of it related to drugs. And now we even have a couple states that just legalized marijuana. Do whatever, marry whatever, everything and anything goes in this society, and don't offend anyone who's deranged by picking them out and either getting them help and/or putting them away where they cannot hurt themselves or anyone else. Nope...just take away rights..."We have to do SOMETHING! Even if it just saves one life!" Get real. Will the NEXT gun law be the one the CRIMINALS start obeying, or will it be the one after that? Which one of the rights and liberties we give up will be the one that finally convinces the scumbags to play by the rules?