Three cheers for Jmac

Jmac, nothing but cool!:)
What else can I say? GLAD to have you doing your thing. :10sign:
Way to go, Jmac!

Thanksfor taking the time too make a difference. Great Job!
Working on the board of a PF chapter I know just how much work it really is to just support one group---starting two,way to go and thanks :thumbsup:
Great job Jmac!!!! Curious, which one are you??:10sign::10sign:
Awesome job Amego! :10sign:
Love it. Nice job Jmac. Good luck my friend.;)
I'm Humbled Guys Thank you all.

Bleu I'm the scott the Vp of Valley of the sun chapter.

It's going slowly, lots of work, just trying to gain members. One thing for shure is it's going to take years to make this work, but I figure it's got to start some place.

Quail hound Thank you for posting the press release. You where the one that put the bug in my ear to try this. You posted on UPH about Sam Lawry and I said thats a great Idea, Why not here. :)
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I've been in constant contact with Sam Lawry and Dan Connelly (Ca new PF/ QF rep) and its looking like we're going to be putting a chapter together soon. I must thank Sam for all the help and quick response to questions.
I've been in constant contact with Sam Lawry and Dan Connelly (Ca new PF/ QF rep) and its looking like we're going to be putting a chapter together soon. I must thank Sam for all the help and quick response to questions.

Good for you, Wish you the best. Sam and all the people with QF/PF are a joy to work with. They are like all of us on Uph, Very passionate about are Birds, dogs, and habitat.:thumbsup::cheers: